
An unlikely adventure.

Quick find code: 49-50-630-65174189

Apr Member 2010


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[nearly] Everyone knows about the Evil trees. Some find them abominations to the world that must be slaughtered. Others just want to get experience in woodcutting and firemaking from this. But what are these wooden abominations? Are they corrupt spirit trees? Are they creations of the gods used for purposes of war? Are they mere embodiment's of evil itself?

[nearly] Everyone knows about Shooting stars. Some find them as homes of alien creatures that accidentally came to our world. Others find them as good mining experience with the end reward being ore and runes, which help with magic. But where do these things come from? Do they hail from another world? Are they merely from space itself? Are they used as transportation for the so called Star Sprites?

Maybe a ragtag group of adventurers will answer our question?

Meet the Ragtag Clan(wait, really? they're called the "Ragtag Clan?" huh, wow.):

-Juhanathan: Often called "John" by the others in the clan, since it's his IRL name. He's the more adventurous one in the group. He's also the most mysteroius. Is it his curiosity that drives him to doing such quests? Or does he know what lies ahead, and his confidence is what drives him?

-MellieMurder: Often called "Mel" by the others in the clan, since, again, it's her IRL name. She's the bloodthirsty (and most feared) one and strives to get the heads of whatever dares challenge to fight her.

-PubahWhatthe: Often called "Jess" in the group, since, yet again, it's her IRL name. She's the leader of the group. Why? She's the most skillful and least questionable, that's why. YE! MVP!

-Imsoprobro: Often called "Noob" in the group, since... that's what he is. What? Every RS story needs a noob in it! Well, any scripted story anyways.

-Clan Avatar: Often called "Ava" in the group, since it's the Clan Avatar. Weird how it's a member of the head five of the clan, since it's a follower NPC. However, it IS one of the two most useful (the other being Jess.)
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

06-Oct-2013 19:35:37

Apr Member 2010


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Our Story begins with the group finding a shooting star in Yanille.

Book One: The Start.
Chapter One: Meet the Five.

Jess: C'mon, noob! We need some help with mining this shooting star here!
Noob: But I caaaan't!
Jess: Ugh, why not?
Noob: Because it's too high levelled! I need level 10 mining to help out! I'm level 1!
Jess: Then why are you here?
Noob: Because you guys are the only people I'll hang with.
Jess: Really? Huh. Well, try training mining so you can help us with this next time.
Mel: Or we could just kill him.
Jess: (knows he's lying) Then why don't you get on your main and help us out?
Noob: Uhh... (thinks of an excuse)... I only train combat on my main...
Jess: heh, yeah, sure- Mel? What're you doing?
Mel walks up to Noob and stabs him in the chest with a bronze dagger, killing him.
Mel: Too easy.
Jess: Mel, really?
Mel: What, he'll respawn!
Jess: ...Ah whatever. Wait, where's John?
Mel: Over at the bank. Why?
Jess: John, get over here!
John: In a sec, I'm looking for my gilded dragon pickaxe.
Jess: Why didn't you add it to your toolbelt like I asked?
John: I haven't completed Birthright of the Dwarves yet. I'm saving it to get an Imcando Pickaxe.
Jess: Well, once you're done, co-
The shooting star gets mined through all the way and the Star Sprite rewards Jess and Mel.
Jess: Well, ya missed it.
Noob comes back.
Noob: Is it cool if I borrow the Clan Avatar for a bit to dive into the ocean?
Jess: In no way would I-
Noob: Too late! :D
Ava: Once in the water, always in the water.

Da end.

Author's note: Yes, it's a part comedy part adventure script story. It's so that the story not only has some lore behind it AND gets a few laughs. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go put my chinchompa in the oven. *puts chinchompa in the oven* Wait, I forgot! I need sa- *oven explodes with the chinchompa intact* ...ffffFFFFFFFUU-

NOW da end!
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

06-Oct-2013 20:07:07 - Last edited on 11-Oct-2013 20:17:29 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I am also accepting Character Bio's!

Name: (must be up to 12 characters long, since it's a RuneScape username)
Clan member (good)/Mel's Obstacle (bad)/neutral (neutral)?:

example 1:
Name: Bob Jones
Nickname: Bob
Clan member (good)/Mel's Obstacle (bad)/neutral (neutral)?: Mel's Obstacle
NPC?: No.
Traits: Often pretends that he is a lizard to ward off any peanut butter crackers
Other: level 190, wears a Helm of Mutation (Mutated Jadinko Slayer Mask) with lots of green stuff, and often fears bananas.

example 2:
Name: Gu'Fregeth
Nickname: Fred
Clan member (good)/Mel's Obstacle (bad)/neutral (neutral)?: Mel's Obstacle
NPC?: Yes
Traits: Is a greater demon whom is largely persuasive.
Other: Level 200, purple, wears a loincloth, has three tusks (two on the left and right, one where the tongue should be) and two large fangs in between the tusks, has hooves, has had his wings chopped off by a demon slayer whom died by his massive claws, and has massive claws.

The Bio will be put in ASAP!
Random person: Ooh, look! A sap! I'll plant this in my tree patch!
Me: Wait, nononono-
The Bio will be put in ____!
Random person: Aww, it wilted!
Me: Ugh...

Just for the record, I'll upload a chapter once every day, except when I forget to.

Extra Characters pages:
-page7 post3

Plot/Lore pages:
-Page 2 post 10
-Page 7 post 9
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

06-Oct-2013 20:22:20 - Last edited on 23-Dec-2013 18:39:00 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter Two: The Adventure Begins.

Noob: Ugh, why are we waiting here?
Jess: I've told you a million times that we're waiting for the Spirit Tree to tell us where the Evil Tree Sapling will be. Lucky for you, it has the possibility of being completely normal, which is unlucky for the rest of us.
Mel: Well this is taking too long! Let's hop worlds.
Jess: Mel, it's only 5 minutes 'till the Evil tree. Besides, there's the Grand exchange behind us. You can buy weapons while we-
Mel rushes to the northeast Grand Exchange pillar thing (What's it called?) and buys a ton of weapons and armor.
Jess: wait...
John: Alright, rope rope rope...
Jess: Rope? Whaddaya need rope for? We're gonna fight an evil tree. We don't need ro-wait, you have an axe, right?
John: The rope's none of your business. And yes, I do. Inferno Adze, as a matter of fact.
Jess: Good. And, as I've been telling you, ATTACH A DRAGON HATCHET AND PICKAXE TO YOUR TOOLBELT!
John: Already have. The Inferno Adze helps, though.

4 minutes later...

Jess: The tree spawned! GO!
Everyone teleports with the Spirit Tree except for Noob, who can't use the teleport until he finishes the Tree Gnome Village Quest.
Noob: aww... :(

Over at the Evil Tree near the Ranging Guild...

Jess: Maple. Typical for this place.
Mel: If only we knew where is vital organs were...
Jess: Tell me about it.

A while later...

Jess: Good, it's almost dead! Maple Logs will co-John, what're you doing?
John tosses his ropes over the branches of the Evil Tree and ties the ropes to the branches and the ground.
Jess: ...Weird...
The Evil Tree dies, but because John tied the rope on the tree, it doesn't curl over like it normally does. It stands up, but it's still dead.
Jess: Yes! Ye-wait, what the? Why can't I claim my reward!?
[The hole in the tree is too high for you to reach.]
Jess: What!? How is it too hi- JOHN!
John starts climbing the tree.
Jess: What're you doing!? Get down here and answer me!

To Be Continued.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

06-Oct-2013 21:28:21 - Last edited on 07-Oct-2013 03:36:45 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter Two: The Adventure Begins (Part 2)

John climbs into the hole at the top of the dead Evil tree.
Jess: JOHN!
Jess climbs the tree after John.
Noob arrives shortly after.
Noob: Is it sti- Aww crap, I missed it! Where are Jess and John?
Mel: They're in the tree.
Noob: IN?
Mel: Yup. C'mon, let's go get them.
Noob: One sec. Here Ava! Here Boy...Girl...Rock!
Ava appears.
Ava: Ruff ruff! *dog happy breathing*
Noob: Skill boost, Ava! Skill boost!
Ava: Woof! *gives a skill boost to Noob*
Mel: Why do you need a skill boost?
Noob: My agility level is too low to climb the tree. It needs level 2.
Mel: Ah.
Noob and Mel climb in the tree, while Ava floats into it.

In the tree...

Jess: John, I don't know why, but you've compromised ou- holy crap...
Jess looks around to see that she and John are in what looks like a frozen floor of Daemonheim.
Jess: How the hell did you know this was here!?
John: Research.
Jess: Ah. But that still doesn't answer why you did what you did earlier.
John: Two reasons: One for me and one for you guys. Jess, look to your left.
Jess: Okay, bu-
Jess sees a TON of noted logs, tree seeds, morchella mushroom spores, and fellstalk seeds.
Jess: Oh my good great best grandfathers... This is going to make me rich!
Jess takes some noted magic logs and magic seeds.
Jess: AAAAAH! FIFTEEN THOUSAND MAGIC LOGS AND ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED MAGIC SEEDS!?!?!? John, I don't know what you did, but I love you for it!
John: Enjoy it while you can. We're going deeper.
Jess: Huh?
Mel and Noob arrive in the dungeon.
Mel: Wow, we're in Daemonheim?
Noob: How did we end up he- OH MY GOODNESS LOGS AND SEEDS!
Noob takes some regular logs and acorns.
Jess: Noob, there are magic seeds and logs over there, they're better.
Noob: GRRRR!
Jess: Okay okay! Dang, I was just saying!
Noob: Woof!
John heads through a door.
Jess: Wait, where are we going?
John: Deeper.
Jess: Why?
John: You'll see.

Da end of dis chapter!
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

06-Oct-2013 21:48:06 - Last edited on 07-Oct-2013 03:42:19 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 3: Frostbite & Hailstorm

Jess: Wait!
John: What?
Jess: We should bank first.
All but Jess: Oh yeah, sure, whatever.
The group banks and returns.
Mel: Is there armor down here?
Noob: Of course there is! It's a Daemonheim floor!
John: Noob, don't be ridi- *sees a totem with everyone's bound Dungeoneering armor on it* oh, wow, you were right.
The gang suits up...

Noob's bound items:
-novite gloves and a novite dagger (melee)
-paraleather gloves and novite throwing knives (mainhand) (ranged)
-salve gloves and a tangle gum wand with 20 bound air runes (mage)

Noob: Aww... :(

Mel's bound items:
-a blood necklace (all)
-gorgonite platebody with dual primal longswords
-stegoleather body with dual primal throwing knives (125 each)
-runic robe top and a celestial catalytic wand and orb

Jess' Bound items:
-a shadow silk hood (all)
-primal platebody, legs, and 2h sword
-sagittarian body, chaps, and a shortbow with sagittarian arrows
-celestial robe top, bottom, and a celestial cataytic staff

John's bound items:
-a shadow silk hood (all)
-promethium platebody and legs, and maul
-tyrannoleather body and chaps, and shieldbow
-spiritbloom robe top and bottom, and empowered catalytic staff

...and ge-
John: Wow, that was WAY too long, narrator!
Well sorry, but I just wanted the reader to know what you guys will be using during this schebang!
Mel: Schebang?
John: Well, I'm going mage.
Jess: Melee.
Mel: Ranged.
Noob: Melee.
Ava: Summoning.
Ava, you're a familiar. You can't use summoning. You can't heven hold items!
Ava goes up to a summoning obelisk and breaks it, letting out some Divine Gorajo.
Ava: You guys are with us.
Divine Skinweaver: Okay, but I should get back to my post after this, brah.
After quite a few trials and tribulations, with Mel picking up Frostbite and Hailstorm daggers, the gang finally meets a door.
Divine Hoardstalker: Odd, it's shaped in two triangles and a stick. What kind of key would that be?
Mel: ...I think I have it...

da end of this chap
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

07-Oct-2013 22:14:58 - Last edited on 07-Oct-2013 22:38:59 by Jimothey

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