
An unlikely adventure.

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Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 4: Desolation

John: Alright, next floor then.
Mel puts the frostbite dagger and hailstorm dagger into its designated key shape and unlocks the door. After unlocking, the gang comes across a ladder and goes to the next floor.
Noob: Guys, I'm glitching, the room should be icy, not mossy.
Jess: It's an abandoned floor you noob.
Noob: Ah.
John: This isn't Daemonheim.
Mel: What makes you say that?
John: Well, for one, immediately after frozen F1, we come across abandoned F12. Plus, Noob isn't able to reach the abandoned floors. He can't even reach floor 2.
Noob: That's true!
Ava: We should REALLY get a move on. I'm tired of floating here.
John: Right, so let's go.
The group come to a guardian door room that is empty.
Mel: This room is empty. Let's continue.
John: Wait! Why would there be a guardian door in an empty room?
Mel: There are guardian doors in empty rooms in Daemonheim. Not too rare.
John: But this isn't Daemon-
Mel: Wait, why can't I open the guardian door?
Jess spots something behind the group.
Jess: Because of those!
A bunch of zombies come up from behind the group.
Noob: Welp, we're dead.
Mel: Nah, just you. Zombies are easy.
Mel knifes all the zombies.
Mel: See?
???: *cowering in a corner and whimpering*
Jess: Uhh... hello sir, who are you?
???: N-Name's... F-F-Furmir...
Jess: Why are you whimpering?
Furmir: Well, I was g-guarding Daemonheim's floors one day... then my m-master sold some of his f-f-floors to this g-
Furmir pauses and murmers something to himself.
Furmir: the walls... they constantly shift... he... the lights...
Jess: What?
Furmir: we're doomed... Gielinor... death...
Jess kicks Furmir in the arm.
Furmir: Ow! What was that for!?
Jess: You were murmuring something to yourself! Something about shifting walls, light, doom... I honestly don't know.
Furmir: The whispers? *Furmir stares blankly* Kill me...
Jess: What?
Mel slits Furmir's throat.
Mel: What? He asked for it.
John: Huh, poor NPC... to be sold so easily... we should go.

Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

08-Oct-2013 23:31:41

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 5: Tea Time!

John: Alright, next floor is a Furnished floor.
Jess: How are you so certain?
John: Because whoever bought these floors bought one floor of each floor set... somehow...
Jess: And ho do you know THAT?
John: These documents I found after those zombies attacked us and Mel killed that Furmir guy say so. *shows the documents to Jess*
Jess: Oh.

The gang arrives in Furnished floor 18.
Mel: Good, a Furnished floor! I wanna kill some brutes!
Noob goes to a pile of Cave Moray & Edicap Potatoes and takes a heim crab conveniently placed next to it.
???: I say weary travelers! Would you like to join us for a cup of tea?
Ava: Sorry, I don't drink.
???: Tea is non-alcoholic.
Ava: I mean literally. I have no need for liquid drinks.
???: Crumpets then?
Ava: No need for nourishment either.
Mel: How do we know this isn't a trap...?
???: Well I'm not holding any weapons, am I?
Mel: Yeah, but I was hoping to kill something.
Jess: Who are you anyways?
???: My name is Duke Ellington Eisenhower McNilley the Fifth! You may call me Duke.
Jess: Huh, long name.
A man walks through a door.
???: I say, Duke! who are these weary travelers?
Duke: I don't know, Sir William VonGarret Junior! Whup, forgot! Sir. What are your names, sirs and ma'ams and golem?
Jess: I'm Jess, the one in the promethium is John, the dual-wielding psychopath is Mel, the noob is... we just call him Noob, and the golem is Ava.
Sir: Well, fair lady Jess, are you interested in some tea?
Jess: Hmm... Ah, why not?
Duke: And you, lass, sir, newbie, and golem?
John: Yup.
Mel: A break from maiming things... sure.
Noob rushes in through the door behind Duke and Sir.
Sir: Enthusiastic lad!
Ava: I'll come, but like I said, I can't eat or drink, literally.
Duke: Ah well.
Everyone comes in the room behind Duke and Sir for tea.


**'am: And then what?
Mel: And then I cut off the giant's arms and beat it to death with them!
John: This was nice, but we should go.
Duke: Bye!

Chapter end.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

09-Oct-2013 21:27:43 - Last edited on 10-Oct-2013 01:08:38 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 6: Prey

Now in Abandoned 2 Floor 30...
Noob: Hey author/narrator guy, next time don't be so stereotypical about English people.
Actually, I was stereotyping FANCY people.
John: We can't delay, or it will be our dismay.
Mel: Ahaha, good one!
John: No, I'm serious. We gotta keep moving.
The group approaches a strange guardian door. Instead of one eye, it has two.
Jess: This isn't normal.
John: Yeah. There's gotta be something keeping it closed.
Jess: Not that, it's just that I feel like I'm being watched by someone or something...
John: Strange... Look for any monsters in the room.
The group scatters and searches for monster NPC's.
Mel: Found it. It's a necrolord.
Necrolord: Ssh! be quiet! You'll give away our position!
Jess: Wait, what's a necrolord doing down here?
John: Well, lore says that necrolords live in the Occult floors. However, they do occasionaly go up to find a body.
Necrolord: That's true. Now keep it down will ya?
Noob: Why? It's not like there's anything besides you down here.
Ava: Actually, there is.
Noob: Huh?
Ava: There's a couple guards coming through the double-eyed guardian door. There's one problem, though.
Jess: What?
Ava: They're not human.
Necrolord: Quick! Hide!
Two hunch-backed dark blue cycloptic creatures with fangs and finger like crab pincers walk through the door wearing kratonite armor in their shape and hold kratonite scythes.
Guard 1: You seen any humans or golems down here?
Guard 2: No, why?
Guard 1: Apparently, the watchers say that four humans with a golem-type follower managed to get in here.
Guard 2: Really?
Guard 1: Yeah! Now, if these hu- *a primal knife goes through the guard's throat* Aack! Heurg! *gargles and dies*
Guard 2: Bakuul? Ba- *a primal knife goes through the guard's head* GAH! *dies*
Necrolord: Who threw those knives!?
Mel: What? They were gonna find us! I had to!
Necrolord: They're aware!? C'mon, le- *trips and falls on a scythe head first and dies*
Mel: O_o Uh, should we go?
John: Yup.

Chapter's End!
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

10-Oct-2013 21:33:14 - Last edited on 10-Oct-2013 21:34:12 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 7: The Resistance

The gang ends up in Occult Floor 36.
John: Alright, thanks to Mel, whatever is down here knows about us.
Mel: Hey, all I did was kill them!
John: And decapitate them, take their heads which dripped blood and are making a trail towards us, and carve "Mel" on each corpse!
Mel: It's unlikely that they'll find us!
John: The heads you have are STILL dripping blood!
Mel: Whatever, we'll kill them anyways.
The group comes to a door with vines, mineable debris, wooden debris, a wooden barrier, a heavy bar, padlock, broken frame, trap, damaged key, is runed (one of them is blank), has a dark spirit, a magical barrier, a wisp, and a ramokee exile.
Noob: It needs level 99 in every skill door skill to unlock this door. Jess...?
Jess: Ugh, do I have to do ALL the work?
Mel: Apparently so. *sees a crack in the right corner near the door* Hey look! a crack!
Noob pulls his pants up a bit.
Mel: Not that kind...
Noob: Ah.
Jess: Done.
The gang goes through the door and sees a large group of Necromancers, a Necrolord, a Skeletal Trio, Forgotten Warriors, Forgotten Rangers, Forgotten Mages, Seekers, Soulgazers, Spiritual Guardians, Eddimu's, Shadow Spiders, a Behemoth, a big Demon, a big Soulgazer, a Gravecreeper, and a Red Dragon.
Jess: We're done.
Gravecreeper: Intruder! Kill!
Necrolord: Relax, Gravecreeper, these are humans.
Gravecreeper: Ahh... me sorry...
Big Soulgazer: Humans, what are you doing down here?
Noob: I dunno.
John: To find out what's down here.
Jess: Wait, so it that it?
John: Yup.
Jess: I'm outta here.
Jess tries to leave, but Ava stops her.
Jess: Ava, could you move?
Ava: Sorry. What we're doing is really important.
Jess: We?
Ava: Yes. There is an ancient evil down here and we have to find out what's going on and stop it. The world is at stake here, Jess.
Jess: Ugh, fine.
Big Demon: Is that Gurrathian blood dripping from your pocket?
Mel: Guurathian? That's what those guards down here are called?
Big Demon: Guards? Uh-oh.

To Be Continued.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

11-Oct-2013 20:45:41

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 7: The Resistance (Part 2)

Gravecreeper: How it possible that monster things able to get through Gravecreeper and friends?
Mel: Oh, THAT'S why there was a crack in the corner of the wall near this door!
Necrolord: Crack!? Well we've gotta patch it up!
A Bang sound comes from the unopened door.
Big Soulgazer: They're trying to get through again!
Jess: Again?
Big Soulgazer: They've tried before in the past, but failed. This is probably going to be tougher...
Gurrathians manage to break the door down and charge in. Some wear primal armor and scythes, others Sagittarian armor and throwing axes, and others Celestial robes and magical brooms.
Big Demon: This is it! Prepare to fight for your lives!
A huge fight breaks out. Mel throws her knives at Gurrathians like there's no tomorrow, Jess chops them up, John blasts them with bloodfire and ice barrage, Ava sicks his Divine Gorajo familiars on them, and Noob keeps getting killed.
Noob: Aww. :(
Jess: Wait how is John using ancients down here!?
John: It aint Daemonheim!
Jess: Ah.
It takes a while, but eventually the Gurrathian forces lower in number.
Gurrathian 1: Ugh, ***** this, I'm outta here!
Gurrathian 2: Same!
Gurrathian 3: Ditto.
Ditto: Ditto!
All but Ditto: ...
Ditto's Poke'mon trainer: Whups, wrong game... *leaves with Ditto*
Gurrathian 4: I'm going too, the reinforcements can take care of themselves.
Giant Gurrathians barge through the door.
Giant Gurrathian: RAARGH!
Mel: Oh... my... giants... *Mel is extremely happy and happily kills off the giants with John, Jess, and Ava. Noob is still getting the crap beat out of him.* That's 26 more heads to add to my collection! *carves her name into each corpse* :D
John: Well, that's been taken care of. Let's head on.
Jess: Nope. I'm going.
John: Jess...
Jess: What?
John: Look at your xp counter and money bag.
Jess looks at her xp counter and money bag to see that she has gained a TON of experience and money throughout the trip.
Jess: :D Let's continue!

Chapter end!
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

12-Oct-2013 17:42:57 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2013 03:14:24 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 8: Nearing the End

The Gang ends up in Warped Floor 48.
Jess: So... this is it? Kinda sad.
John: Hold on a sec, let me change the title. *changes it*

Chapter 8: Nearing the End... of Book One.

Jess: That's better!
Noob: Okay, Runescape is Definitely glitchy! There's a red tinge to this floor and there are floating bricks!
Jess: Ya dummy, it's a warped floor!
Noob: Ah.
Mel: Wait, behind us was the resistance, so we should expect QUITE a lot more Gurrathians ahead of us... Which is a good thing for me, since I enjoy bloodshed.
The group goes through a door, ending up in a barracks for Gurrathians, which have brutish Gurrathians themselves in it, all of which are sleeping.
Mel: *whispers* ugh, I hate killing things in their sleep...
Jess: *whispers* why?
Mel: Because they don't squirm around much when in pain! It's too easy!
John: One of them has gotta have a key...
Jess: I thought you said this wasn't Daemonheim...
John: Oh yeah. Maybe that chest has a key?
John looks in a chest to find a key.
John: Wow, that was convenient.
The gang goes into another room filled with Gurrathian corpses, pillars, and portals.
Mel: Aww... someone beat us to the bloodshed...
John: Wait, portals and pillars? Weird...
Jess: Oh, wait! This is Blink's room!
John: Jess, this isn't Daemonheim! Blink won't be in here!
Blink: Ahahahaha! My friend, you are incorrect, for I am in both this place and Daemonheim!
John: Wow Jess, you were right. But Blink, how are you here?
Blink: Simple! My portals aren't only linked to each other, no no no, they're linked to this place too! Yes! There are portals here, as well!
Jess: How are Daemonheim's floors here?
Blink: My boss sold them to some guys! Same guys that I killed, though.
Jess: But why Daemonheim specifically?
Blink: The floors in Daemonheim constantly shift and change, which are perfect for this place!
Jess: One more question: Where do these guys come from?
A bang is heard from the boss door.
Blink: Great! More victims!

Chapter End.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

15-Oct-2013 04:08:07

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 9: The End... of Book One.

Many Gurrathian brutes break through the door, with a Rammernaut-like Gurrathian captain.
Gurrathian captain: Get the insane one!
Blink: Go! I'll hold them off!
Mel: But I wanna revel in the bloodshed too... :(
Blink: Sorry, too many to pass up!
Mel: ...Ah well. There are probably more.
The gang goes to the dungeon ladder and goes down it.

They end up in Legendary Floor 61. This floor is much like the Warped Floors, but much more shifted and has a yellow glow instead of red.
Noob: By now I guess I'm not glitching, since you guys will tell me that I'm not.
Jess: Actually, I think we ARE!
John: Nope, Noob's right. It's no glitch. Welcome to Floor 61.
Jess: So it's real? Wow...
The clan goes through a door into a room which holds a massive portal in the middle. Next to it is Bilrach's skeleton.
John: Bilrach's demise was this portal, I believe.
Jess: Weird, there's a primal 2h sword stuck in his skeleton, as well as a primal longsword, several scratches on the bones, poisoned darts, radiation, and a bundle of rock and twine in the ribcage, as well as a note. *Takes the note* Well Thok sure likes writing in blood, and has bad handwriting. Marm on the other hand... yeah.
Ava: So what now, my masters?
John: We go in.
Jess: So we're not done with this place?
John: No.
Jess: Good!
Everyone jumps into the portal and ends up in a Gurrathian camp at night.

End of Book One!

Plot so far: The Ragtag clan finds an Evil Tree and chops it down. However, before it dies, John tied ropes around it and its branches to the ground to make it stand up so he and the clan can climb in and explore. An alien race called "Gurrathians" own the place. A half year ago, after Bilrach died, Moia took up his personality and sold some of Daemonheim's floors to some guy. Why? The floors constantly shift, so they easily move with the Evil trees.

Book Two will come soon!
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

16-Oct-2013 03:01:08 - Last edited on 16-Oct-2013 03:12:35 by Jimothey

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