
An unlikely adventure.

Quick find code: 49-50-630-65174189

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 6: Survival: Water

Jess sets up Ava yet again. They're near a Gurrathian lake.
Noob: Now I'm gonna teach you guys how to get water here. Well its simple. Find a puddle and get its water. Really, is that it? Okai!
Noob runs to a puddle.
Jess: Wait, Noob, no-
The puddle turns out to be a toothless waterworm, which lures its prey by acting like a water source, which swallows Noob.
Jess: Crap! Tss... He'll respawn.
Noob respawns next to a shelter John has set up.
Noob: Hey, I had a partyhat!
Mel: PARTYHAT!?!? *Mel runs to the worm and kills it, with blood spurting in different directions.
Mel: Yes! Got i- no, wait, that's a brain. *sees a partyhat* There it is! *picks it up*

Noob tries again.
Noob: Okay, before you even THINK about trying to get water from a 12 foot wide puddle, take a rock and toss it in it. *tosses a rock in a puddle*
The puddle turns into a waterworm and eats the rock, then goes back to its hiding place.
Noob: There. *throws a rock in another puddle, which doesn't react* There! Water! *scoops some water in a pot* Now we need to purify it. Let's boil it. *noob tries to boil it, but the water ends up exploding* *covered in soot* *cough* Wow! Apparently there's, I dunno, gunpowder in this water! So, instead of boiling it, we should get a filter. *filters the water* There. *drinks it, and a worm comes out of his mouth* ...Okay, how do these creatures DRINK THIS STUFF!?!? Ugh, I don't even know what to do now. How did the worm even get through the filter!? Heck, how did the worm survive the boiling!? I didn't even SEE a worm in there!
Jess: Actually, I think when the big waterworm ate you, SHE laid her eggs inside you so that when you would respawn, her kids won't get digested so easily.
Noob: ...Freaky world...

Chapter End!
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

06-Nov-2013 03:01:45

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
[#GSXSZYM0T] said :
Nice story and keep it up :)

of Saradomin (Click the links):
Jagex Moderator Profiles
Rune Kin - Social - No req's
Simbaha1/My November 2013
Transformers: 4 info/spoilers
Thanks, and as always, I AM LOOKING FOR MORE BIOS!

P.S.: Bio applications are on the 1st page and 3rd post.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

07-Nov-2013 05:21:52 - Last edited on 08-Nov-2013 00:35:59 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7: On The Market part 1

The clan is encamped under an enormous tree's roots as shelter.
Noob: We're cutting some bad stuff out, right? *ahem*myparts.
Jess: Sorry, but there's no room in the budget.
Ava: Jess, there is legitimately no budget required to make what we made.
Jess: I'm talking about Anagogic Orts.
Ava: Ah. Sorry.
Mel: How are we gonna get this to the public?
John: Easy. We go back to our homeworld and sell copies there!
Jess: You do remember that we can most likely not ever get back here, right?
John: You do remember that this isn't RuneScape and that the Gurrathians have probably taken some of the Daemonheim spells, right? *cough*gatestone.
Jess: Oh yeah. Anyone got cosmic runes?
Mel: Nope.
Noob: Uh-uh.
John: No-sir-ree.
Ava: ...
Jess: Ava...?
Ava: ...OKAY FINE! I have cosmic runes, but they're in a disgusting place...
Jess: Where?
Ava: My colon.
Jess: Eurgh! Why would you hide them there?
Ava: Sorry, I just son't have any pockets, so I swallowed the runes to keep in my stomach for later, and now they're in my colon!
Jess: Ugh, now what will we do?
Mel: Use Noob to grab the runes?
Jess: Bingo.
Noob: What?
Jess, Mel, and John grab a hold of Noob and shove him up Ava's... colon.
Noob: Ugh! What did Ava eat!?
Ava: Anagogic Orts.
Noob: Oh yeah. *grabs the cosmic runes* found 'em.
Jess, Mel, and John pull Noob out of Ava's... colon.
Jess: Great! 1500 cosmic runes!
John: Ten times as much needed to make a group gatestone!
Jess: We can MAKE those!?
John: Sure.
Jess: Sweet.
Jess makes 15 group gatestones and hands 3 each to Noob, Ava, Mel, John, and herself.
Ava: Back in the colon you go. *swallows the gatestones*
Jess: John and Mel, come with me. Ava, protect Noob.
Noob: Aww. :(
Jess, John, and Mel teleport back to RuneScape.

At the Grand Exchange...
Random noob: Phr33 s700f p10x?
Mel shoots the noob in the head with a crossbow.
Another andom noob: H4x! Th15 15n7 a pvp 4r34!
Mel shoots the other noob.
Mel: F2P world?
Normal guy: Yup.

To Be Continued
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

07-Nov-2013 05:43:54

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7: On the Market part 2

The clan is at the Grand Exchange. There are now TV's at the grand exchange stands. It was an update.

Reporter: Breaking News! A dead Evil Tree has been found near the Ranging Guild, however, unlike other Evil Trees, it did not curl up when it died. It stood straight up. Detectives say that somebody intentionally tied ropes on the tree's branches to the ground, making it unable to curl up, thus making it stand up. This event happened over a month ago. Nobody found out at the time since practically nobody goes to the Ranging Guild. However, those that were in the area of Hemenster at the time of the event said that four players and a clan avatar went down the tree's hollow trunk.
Player: Yeah, I saw these four guys go down there. Heck, I got to catch their usernames! Pubahwhatthe, Melliemurder, Juhanathan, and Imsoprobro.
Reporter: This event also has caused the entire Evil Tree occurrence stop! The entire Runescape team-scratch that, all of Jagex are baffled at this! Mod Mark and Mod Osborne are the least baffled, so let's ask them!
Mod Mark: We honestly have no idea how this got out. We would be surprised if a team of hackers managed to find out about this, since this is so secure and nobody would have figured this out.
Mod Osborne: This actually gives us all, even us J-mods an insight on what these Evil Trees are actually used for.
Mod Mark: Really?
Mod Osborne: Yeah, apparently players can climb into these trees' hollow holes, suggesting that they're a doorway of sorts.
Reporter: There you have it!

Jess: John, will this effect us at all whatsoever?
A bunch of players run towards the three, shouting "YOU RUINED EVIL TREES!" and "OMGWTFBBQ" and etc.
John: Hey look, it's the reporter!
Reporter: Now we find a mob gathered around the suspects who stood the tree up!
John grabs the microphone.
John: *to the camera* Attention viewers! I am Juhanathan, the one who stood the tree up!

To Be Continued
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

10-Nov-2013 23:08:50 - Last edited on 10-Nov-2013 23:09:39 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7: On the Market part 3

John: All lorehounds may want to hear this!
John: This tree, as Osborne said, is indeed a doorway of sorts! Not just a doorway, though! It is a living entrance to a dungeon! This dungeon is actually parts of Daemonheim taken out so as to move with the Evil Tree! there is one of each set of floors of Daemonheim in this dungeon, PLUS floor 61 itself! Yes, you heard me loud and clear! FLOOR SIXTY ONE! There are creatures called Gurrathians that have taken these dungeons. Once you reach Floor 61, you are able to enter- wait for it... the Gurrathian homeplane! However, you're gonna need to be quiet when you get in there, since you'll be in a Gurrathian barracks once you enter. Once you leave or escape depending whether or not you've been caught, you are going to need to survive on your own! Which is why me and my clan have prepared this video guideto surviving the Gurrathian homeplane.
Everyone watching: ...
John: You'll get tons of xp and money from this.
Everyone who watches buys the video guide and goes straight to the still standing Evil Tree in Hemenster.
John: Well, how about that? the Gurrathian homeplane i- Jess, what are you doing?
Jess: Selling Gurrathian stuff on the G.E. Why?
John: Just asking.
Mel: Let's go back to the homeworld and kill more stuff!
Jess: Yeah, we really sho- wait, how do you think Noob's doing?
Mel: Playing fetch with Ava.
Jess: How do you know all this stuff!?
Mel: Facebook.
Jess: Ah.

The clan goes back to the Gurrathian homeplane to find Noob playing fetch with Ava.
Ava: Go get the stick boy! Go get it!
Noob: Arf! Rrrruff! *picks up the stick with his mouth and gives it back to Ava* *happy dog breathing* Oh, hey guys. Did the video guide sell?
Jess: Yup.
Noob: How much did we get?
John: Not much, just 40 BIL! :D
Noob: We rich mothaf___as!
Jess: I get 10b, Noob gets 10b, John gets 10b, and Mel gets 10b.
Ava: What do I get? :(
Jess: You're an npc, you don't need money.
Ava: Oh yeah.

Chapter end
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

11-Nov-2013 02:49:57 - Last edited on 12-Nov-2013 23:29:49 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ares said :
Nice story! Mustve taken a while to write it.
Tanks, it does take a little while. But it's more of a "winging it" story. Got the plot down, just thinking of the events. Wait... aww cra-

Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

12-Nov-2013 23:27:58 - Last edited on 12-Nov-2013 23:33:18 by Jimothey

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