
An unlikely adventure.

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Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 8: An Influx

The newest behind the scenes article...

Narrator (sorry I forget your name, dun hurt meh!): This week, we get behind the scenes to see what's happened with today's newest update, the addition of the new world!
Mod Osborne (obviously): The new world is the home to these cycloptic creatures, known as Gurrathians. The world is an entirely new addition to RuneScape. It's got many new features, including npc's, monsters, resources, and different areas and landmarks.
Mod Jane: This world has no world map, you and your friends will have to map it yourselves. It's a vast world, with many interesting things, so it's going to take a while.
Mod Silent: Now, what else is happening is that we're livestreaming the mapping of this new world, it'll be called "The Great Mapping," and it'll be pretty epic in my opinion, as it's more than just mapping a world.
Narrator: Now, we'll delve into the new Sailing skill!

In a Gurrathian field...

Jess: *holding an iPad 2* Huh, they're finally releasing it!
Mel: How do you have an iPad 2 in RS?
Jess: Oh, that's in real life.
Mel: Ah. This writer guy doesn't detail things very well...
Hey, I try!
John: *mapping the area* okay, so that's the entire field. So much more left.
Jess: Okay, John, set up camp, Mel, get food, Noob, get water, and Ava, get firewood. I'll dig for any hidden treasure. *starts digging*
John: This is kind of weird. We should've seen other players by now! *sniff sniff* Do I smell something burning?
Mel: Probably the barracks.
Jess: You mean we're near it!?
Mel: We're right next to it... three inches away...
Jess and the others see the barracks burning.
Jess: Holy crap, the barracks are burning!
A player crashes through the barracks barricade next to the camp.
John: Wow, apparently a player revolution started which is destroying the barracks.
Jess: Well that escalated quickly.

Chapter End.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

16-Nov-2013 01:28:46 - Last edited on 10-Dec-2013 20:00:19 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 9: Village Challenge

Off in a Gurrathian field...
John: I swear I saw one!
Noob: Oh please, nobody's going to believe that you've passed by a Gurrathian village!
Jess: Like the time you saw somebody tele-grab another player's armor?
Noob: SHADDUP! *weeps*
Ava: Actually, we did recently pass one.
Jess: And I'm telling him that nobody will believe u-
News Post: Juhanathan has discovered a Gurrathian village! This is now added as a landmark on player maps!
Jess: Huh. Convenient.
Mel: Carlit0s will discover the next.
Jess: Okay, you're on Facebook WAY too much!
Mel: Actually, I saw that on Twitter.
Ahem, sorry.
Ava: How did you have all caps with no spaces between letters?
Noob: MAGIC.
John: Let's have a look-see at the village!
All: WOO.

At the village centre...
Mod Silent: *livestreaming* ...and here they come! The guys that discovered this village! And this world! Hey come over here!
Jess: What's all this?
Mod Silent: We're livestreaing the mapping of this world!
Jess: Oh yeah.
Mod Lee: Hey, I'm right here!
Noob: Replace "A JMOD" with "JMODS".
John: Wow, Silentcore and Regicidal? Forgot that you work for Jagex now.
Noob: This multiplies the excitement by a million. Therefore, give me a minute. *AFKs so he can freak out out of excitement elsewhere*
Mel: Hmm... never fought a Jmod before... How's about 1v1? Or 1v2? >:3
Regicidal: Sounds like a challenge. How about you?
Silentc0re: You sure about this?
Mel: Definitely.
Regicidal: So a normal PvP match?
Mel: I'm offended now.
Regicidal: Wha-how!?
Mel: You offer an easy match. Hit me with your best shot. No going easy whatsoever.
Silentc0re: You're ABSOLUTELY sure?
Mel: I've got the right gear, right tactics, right bloodthirst. Pretty sure I'm gonna win. Why? Will I be banned for losing?
Silentc0re: Nah, you won't. It's friendly. But if you're so sure, we'll accept!
Mel: I am going to enjoy this...

Chapter end.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

21-Nov-2013 03:33:06

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Notes on the chapters: Me no haz any affiliation with these moderators. I'm featuring them in these stories, and their impact on the story has NO impact on reality whatsoever.

Note on Mel's last line in the previous chapter: If you're able to guess the line Mel references, then you will get a character! No need for a bio whatsoever, your character will be put STRAIGHT into the gave as an important character (AKA alongside John, Jess, Mel, Noob, and Ava).
Hint: It's an in-game reference.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

21-Nov-2013 03:38:41

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 10: The Master PKer part 1

In the plain Clan Wars arena...

Jess: This is ridiculous...
John: I know, right?
Noob: *eating popcorn* Hey guys, could you move over? I wanna see this!
Rich player (with 10bil in coins and items): I bet all my money and items on the mods.
Other rich player: Same.
Poor player (with no gp in coins or items): I dunno, the bloodthirsty girl might win... I bet... this! *holds up a Primal 2h sword*
Rich player: Hah, really? Betting on the clear loser? Wow, looks like every one of us will get this kid's weapon!
Poor Player: Just you wait!
Announcer: Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Today is a most spectacular clan wars! Even moderators have shown up to spectate! This is a match between Mods Silent and Lee, and MellieMurder! Winner take all! Wait, scratch that, this is a friendly match!

In the arena...

Mods Silent and Lee are both in armor that looks like a combo between Sirenic, Tectonic, and Malevolent armor, also using the fabled level 90 2h weapons (as seen on RuneFest 2013) in combo form. Mel is using Warpriest of Zamorak armor and is dual-wielding the level 90 weapons.
Mod Silent: Hey MellieMurder!
Mel: Call me Mel. And yes?
Silent: Good luck!
Mod Lee: *to Silent* Dude!
Silent: I'm not saying she's bad! You realize she's dealing with US, two Jagex moderators, right?
Lee: Oh yeah.
Mel: Hey good luck to you too!

Announcer: 3...

Lee and Silent ready their rotten potatoes...

Announcer: 2...

Mel gets in the combat stance and does something else...

Announcer: 1...

Both teams are ready...

Announcer: Go!

Mel does the barge ability on Lee, sending him back 5 squares and knocking his rotten potato out of his inventory and onto the ground. She then picks up the rotten potato.
Lee: What!?
Lee and Silent summon two Jads.
Mel: Really? May as well goblin flash-mob me!
Mel takes out a Daemonheim Aura 4, runs, and headbutts it, shooting Thok out of it as a headbutt missile, hitting Silent.
Silent: This is weird.

Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

25-Nov-2013 00:04:43 - Last edited on 25-Nov-2013 00:05:45 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 10: The Master PKer part 2

Thok disappears after headbutting Silent. Lee then spawns another rotten potato in his inventory. Mel then proceeds to kill the Jad's while Lee and Silent are down. The mods get up and start attacking Mel with Melee.

Mel: Shield from Melee! *activates a prayer that completely blocks all attacks associated with the combat style*
Lee: *hitting 0's* Why aren't I hitting?
Silentc0re: Is she cheating?
Lee: Let's find out!
Mel: Why don't I show you something instead of let you accuse me? Hmm... what to show? Ah! *throws a Ring of Kinship on the ground*
The ring opens a portal which I jump through. I am wearing the items in my profile pic (took it in Daemonheim btw).
Silent: THAT'S why Mel is winning!
Lee: Don't be so sure. Vorago is here, and he isn't gonna kill us!
Silentc0re: Wow, you're good!
Vorago appears behind Mel. I then proceed to run to Vorago.
I then explode on Vorago, who dies. I am still intact, somehow.
I then proceed to run towards the mods, who teleport me out of the arena.
Lee: How did he...?
Silentc0re: Let's just continue-
I snipe the mods.
Announcer: Mel wins!

In the spectating area...
Poor player: Pay up, guys.
Mel smacks the rich players in their heads, takes their stuff, and gives it all to the poor player.
Poor player: Wow... thanks!
Mel: You believed in me. It wasn't fair that I let you down.
Poor (now rich) player: D'awww :')
Silent: Okay, it was obvious you cheated, so what gives?
Lee: Yeah! And give me back my potato.
Mel: Or did I? You see, what happened was, before the fight, a Gurrathian sage found me and told me about these "ancient moves", including combining two abilities, the Thok headbutt missile, and the Ring of Kinship. Oh, and here's your potato.
Lee: Thanks.
Me: Ye.

Chapter end.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

26-Nov-2013 04:34:16

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Me: Alright, time to get back on track... hmm... typey typey typey... clicky clicky clicky... thinky thinky thinky... alright... *looks at the oversized t-rex with lazers, sword arms, and rockets that was made* I think I did something wrong... cuz that is NOT what I made! *looks down to the next post* Ah! He we go!
T-rex: RAAAAAAAAAAAAAWR!!!!!!!#%!%^!
Me: OH WOULD YOU SHUT THE F___ UP!?!? *KICKS TH- ahem, sorry. *kicks the t-rex in the shin*
T-rex: *whimpers* :(
Me: I'm sorry, but that was the only way to get you quiet! Hey, I didn't say "tanks"! Wait, FU-

A tank falls on me
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

08-Dec-2013 05:18:54

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 11: The Po-po

John: Well, I have no idea where the writer came up with the idea of... that...
Mel: What, my fight?
John: No, above this post.
Noob: I thought it was well written.
Mel slaps Noob.
Noob: What was that for!?
Mel: Your opinion.
Jess: Guys...
Mel: Yes?
Jess: Read that sign...
Sign: No slapping.
Mel: So?
Jess: Behind you.
Gurrathian policeman (Po-po) #1: *into a banana* WE HAVE A CODE 49-52A/GAMMA!
Po-po #2: Let's move!
Clan: CRAP! *runs away*
The po-po is chasing after them.
Po-po #2: Call a squad car! CALL A SQUAD CAR!
Jess: There aren't cars in RuneScape!
John: This is a different place Je-
A po-po plays a curved flute-like instrument. Then, a large 2-legged running beast approaches the po-po and they get on it. The monster is called a "squad car"
John: Told ya!
Mel: Wait, it's an NPC right?
John: Yeah?
Mel freezes Noob with Ice Blitz.
Noob: CRA- *frozen*
The squad car approaches Noob and picks it up with its long tongue and holds it in its toothy jaw.
John: Why'd you do that!?
Mel: He's bait! He'll buy us more ti-
A lasso from above wraps around Mel. The lasso came from a flying beast with 3 legs, 3 eyes, a 3-jawed beak, a tail that is a lasso, and 3 wings (it flies as if it's a propeller), called a "Helicopter".
Mel: CRAP! *is taken away by the helicopter*
Ava appears.
Ava: What's going on!? I go into a restaurant to eat a few stones and this happens!
John: But the restaurants at the village don't sell stones!
Ava: I meant kidneysto- *another helicopter takes Ava away* WHAT!? WHY!?!?
Jess and John get into the forest.
Jess: Well, we're doomed without them. Minus Noob.
John: Agreed. Got a plan to get them out?
Jess: Yeah, but it involves blowing up this planet...
John: Then let's think on it.
Jess: *sees that it's dark out* It's late. We should set up camp.
Jess and John find a large tree's roots to take shelter in. A fire is set up, and they camouflage the area for the night.

Chapter end.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

08-Dec-2013 06:16:20

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 12: Breakout pt 1

At the camp during the night...
Jess: *wakes up* I GOT I- *sees that she and John have rolled together in their sleep* Uhh...
John: *wakes up, rubbing eyes* *yawns* What's that, Je- *sees that he and Jess... yeah, you read the above.* Umm... this is a little awkward...
Jess: Yeah... *sees reader* HEY! Don't start writing fan fictions!
John: So you said that you had an idea?
Jess: Yup. C'mon, let's go to the village prison!
Hey, guys?
Jess: Huh?
Tss... yeah, sorry about making that romantic-type moment...
Jess: That was you? OMG WHEN I GET MY HA-

Later at the prison...
Jess and John sneak behind a bush near the entrance. There are two guards near it.
Jess: Found you! *kicks me in the balls*
*higher pitched voice* Yup, should never have written that...
Jess: *to John* Anyways, do you know of any explody-type things to distract those guys?
John: Fishing explosive?
Jess: That, but one you can throw on land.
John: Oh. Well, I did a bit of experimenting, and found that Gurrathian leaves plus gillich acid plus some gunpowder can create a mining explosive! Of course, being as it's for mining, you can only use it on rocks.
Jess: Great! Now, since I have 99 ranged, I think I can hit that rock off in the distance.
John: I don't see it.
Jess: You need 99 ranged.
John: Ah. Oh, and I have the ingredients, just need 95 herblore for it...
Jess: Hand 'em over. *jess makes the explosive and throws it on the rock*
The rock explodes, and both guards die. Plus, a gigantic hole in the wall is created.
Jess: Didn't expect that, but it worked. Now we just take these guards' gear and go in.
Jess and John run into the prison.

In the prison...
Jess: Alright, play it cool, John.
John: Alright. *freezes*
Jess: Not that kind.
John: *unfreezes* Oh.
Jess: *loudly* AHAHAHA YEAH I KNOW RIGHT?!?!?
Guard 1: We know you're humans.
John: No we aren't.
Guard 2: Yup. You have 2 eyes and hands.
Guard 1: You're under arrest.
A crash is heard.

Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

14-Dec-2013 04:52:53

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