
An unlikely adventure.

Quick find code: 49-50-630-65174189

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 7: Finale pt 1: Winner

At the Empyrean Citadel...

Armadyl: Simply put, Sliske's gonna win this one.
Saradomin: Let me guess, this was all a joke for him to show off the Stone of Jas to us only to reveal that he wins because he killed a more powerful god than you, Armadyl.
Zamorak: Well we may as well leave, right? Wait, why are we even here if we knew what was gonna happen?
Armadyl: I have a plan to end this once and for all. And how it will end won't be pretty, but it will be well deserved for the mongrel.
Saradomin: Zamorak, please tell us you have Mahjarrat posted at about every corner?
Zamorak: Half the Mahjarrat are Zarosian, so I only have four other Mahjarrat posted, Hazeel failed to show up for some reason. I have followers other than Mahjarrat, too.
Armadyl: And Saradomin and mine have ours. We'll need all the help we can get to catch that snake.
Saradomin: Then who will take the stone?
Armadyl: Nobody touches it, the stone is to be hidden away. No one may know it ever existed.
Zamorak: And what of those who do?
Armadyl: The knowledge of the stone will diminish into mere stories. Before long it will be forgotten.
Sliske: *teleports in* Hello everyone!
Armadyl: *whispers* Now's our cha-
Sliske: And don't think I don't see what you're doing, Armadyl. I have your staff you know.
Armadyl: Great.
Sliske: Oh, look above! Such a beautiful eclipse!

On Zanaris...

Fairy Nuff: Calm down, it's just a few eye drops! *looks up* Huh, it's the eclipse!
Fairy: I wanna see it!
Fairy Nuff: Not yet.
Fairy: Awwwww... *drop falls in eye* OW!

Sliske: Anyways, the winner... of this competition iiiiis-
Ava blasts the doors open.
Armadyl: Awh-de-That door was handcrafted by a dead Aviansie carpenter! It was One of a Kind!
Sliske: Calm down, I haven't even announced the winner yet! Meh, forget you. And the winner iiiiiss... Oh, would you look at that! It's-
Gurrath: Me.

To Be Continued...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

23-Nov-2014 05:15:52 - Last edited on 23-Nov-2014 18:47:39 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7: Finale pt 2: Impatience

Sliske: W-what?
Gurrath: I attended your "ascension" unable to be heard or seen, but I could see and hear you. And as you can see by my trophies *clicks pincers and a ton of stone alien heads are in it, then he clicks again to make them disappear* I win.
Saradomin: Who are you to claim the Stone?
Gurrath: A participant in this game. I understand Sliske was going to give it to Zaros since he killed the most gods on GIELINOR, but I clearly won this one as you can see.
Zamorak: Wait, I killed Zaros, didn't I?
John: No, just decorporealized him.
Gurrath: All recapping aside, please abide by your word and give it to me.
Sliske: The gods had to be killed during the contest.
Gurrath: Shut your stiff face and give it to me already.
Sliske: Stiff face!? I will not be insulted in my own home!
Armadyl: Ahem, MY PEOPLE'S home! I'm not letting it get hijacked AGAIN!
Sliske: Shut it birdbrain, this isn't about you!
Armadyl: Huh, original. Talking from the serpent tongue itself.
Sliske: The point is-
Gurrath: I won the contest did I not!? I demand the stone!
Saradomin: Quite a hot headed alien we have here!
Gurrath: Shut it ice!
Saradomin: Ice? That doesn't even make sense!
Zamorak: You're blue, so it makes decent sense.
Saradomin: I should have called YOU hot headed, you know?
Zamorak: Yes yes, very original.
Sliske: MEDIOCRE!? *inhales deeply* Hmm, let's make this a democracy: Anyone agree with this... thing?
Everyone but Sliske and Gurrath: No.
Sliske: It's settled then! You will not be getting the stone any time soon.
Gurrath: FINE! *teleports away*
Armadyl: Who is that?
John: A god from many universal cycles ago on a world forgotten by the elders, so he's probably millions of years old.
All gods and Sliske: MILLIONS!?
Mel: Can I add some input?
John: Sure.
Mel: He's probably taking over Gielinor by now.
Jess: Figures. Luckily I have a plan.
And Noob just eats cheese.

To be continued...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

27-Nov-2014 04:40:19 - Last edited on 27-Nov-2014 05:15:29 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 6: What Should Never Have Become pt 2: Deletion

Pips: *on the phone* Pick up pick up pick up...
A. Gower: *on the other end* Hello?
Pips: Andrew, we need your help!
A. Gower: Is it the toilet paper again?
Pips: Wha-no!
A. Gower: Is it the moisturizer?
Pips: No!
A. Gower: Is it-
Mark: *takes the phone* Project A/G-92:J.U.K.
A. Gower: *enters* I CAME HERE AS FAST AS I COULD!
Pips: That was REALLY fast!
A. Gower: I just happened to be in the neighborhood.
Pips: Still!
A. Gower: Okay get me to a computer!
Mark: Pips, yours is down, use mine! We have to close things out first, though!
Pips: But what about the surprise skill!?
Mark: FORGET THE SKILL, MAN! *sniff* Just go...
Pips: *sigh* Godspeed be with you, Inventor. *deletes Sailing file*
A. Gower: Wait, why not use my computer?
Mark: Can't, it's haunted.
A. Gower: What.
Pips: How could you use it in the first place to see the message?
Mark: I didn't know at the time, now I'm cursed with this. *shows phone with... oh my gosh it's terrible...*
Pips: Dang.
A. Gower: Okay, I deleted it! Now who was the uploader?
Pips and Mark: ...
A. Gower: You don't know, do you?
Mark: We did a BTS about it but that's all. A player found out it existed.
A. Gower: A hacker!?!?
Osborne: *enters* Oh no, it's somebody who's practically a lore library! Props to him!
A. Gower: How, and have you been eavesdropping?
Osborne: Used ropes on the evil tree, I don't know how he knew, and yes. *leaves*
A. Gower: So if no Jmod added it, then it was a hacker!
Mark: Great, how do we find out?
A. Gower: I made it so the update was only added via developer console through an impossible-to-guess code on my computer files! I tasked an NPC to remember the name of the uploader of the update as a sort of safeguard in case an ex-employee ever added the update, but it'll work on players too, I'm sure!
Pips: NPC security? Intriguing!
Mark: So someone hacked into your computer and added it! Who's the NPC?
A. Gower:

To be continued...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

27-Nov-2014 16:56:16 - Last edited on 30-Dec-2014 04:39:09 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7: Finale pt 3: "HEY UGLY!"

On the surface of Gielinor...
*urrath already set his invasion in motion, with him sitting on the northeastern Wilderness volcano as if it were a throne.

John: About that plan...
Jess: Yea-wait, dangit, I forgot... whup, never mind. Got it. What we need to do is lure him back to his world! So we'll probably need a distraction...
The gods and Sliske teleport in.
Saradomin: I assume you would need US in your plan, so here we are.
Jess: Nah, just the stone will do.
Sliske: You guys didn't kill any gods so...
Zamorak: Do you REALLY want to be tortured by my strongest follower?
Sliske: I'm pretty sure I can handle the other Mahjarrat.
Zamorak: No, not K'ril... *points to Mel*
Sliske: YOU!?!? I thought you were Bandosian!
Mel: I was, but I switched when he died. So, what'll it be?
Sliske: Fine, but I'm giving it to Armadyl only.
Jess: Good enough. Now we need some sort of gloves for you to carry that thing. Luckily I have a pair right here. *gives the gloves to Armadyl*
Armadyl: I really ought to hire you as an artisan.

Later, by the dead evil tree...

Jess: Here's a good spot. Now Armadyl!
Armadyl: *shouting* *urrath, over here!
Gurrath: *from far away* Huh?
Armadyl: You want this? *hold the stone up*
Gurrath: ...nah.
Armadyl: Wait, what!?!?
Gurrath: You heard me.
Jess: I don't understand! I thought he wanted the stone!
John: So did I, bu-
A hooded figure swipes the stone from Armadyl. Seeing as the stone is big compared to a human, he/she stumbles a bit. He/she travels all the way to the sea northeast of Gurrath, then places the stone in a giant cannon (???). Finally the hooded figure reveals itself to be... TANK!?!?!?
Tank: HEY, UGLY!
Gurrath: What did you call me...?
Gurrath: I'm TRYING doing you all a favor!

To Be Continued...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

11-Dec-2014 23:12:39

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 6: What Should Never Have Become pt 3: Hacker

The jmods enter the game, but on a server secluded to normal players and pmods. They stand in the middle of what once was Thordur's Black Hole. The unidentified NPC is situated in the middle.

Pips: What? HE'S the security NPC?
A. Gower: yup.
Mark: So, we got word that Juk was implemented into the game.
???: Yes.
A. Gower: So who implemented it into the game?
???: I require verification that you are who you state you are.
Mark: Uhm, Andrew?
A. Gower: Yeah, he needs mine. *sends another nearly impossible to know code to Gurrath*
Mark:..."pass-word"? THAT'S what you use?
A. Gower: It's not the best but it's mine!
???: Sorry?
Pips: Project A/G-92:J.U.K.
???: Aaaaah, that. I may only speak with my creator.
Mark: Why?
???: I acknowledge that you are only visitors. This place is only reserved for the very creator of the game.
A. Gower: Pm me.
???: K.
??? and A. Gower pm eachother messages, some of which included "how was your day", "holy crud my butt itches" (TMI), "vsy**kwej****" and "Oh sorry my cat was walking on my keyboard.". They both the nod and exit the pm conversat- wait... "one more thing, don't eat my burrito". There. NOW they exit the conver- nope. "K." There. Now we're done.
A. Gower: We're done here, guys.
Everyone logs off.


A. Gower: So he returns to haunt us once more...
Mark: Who!?!?
A. Gower: Not really a hacker, but a notorious GLITCHER. He managed to find a way to get my extremely complex code. I mean, I took every precaution EVERY SINGLE DIGIT in that code-
Pips: It was "pass-word" wasn't it?
A. Gower: No!
Mark: "Bob"?
A. Gower: No.
Mark and Pips think for a second, trying to find something so deep to Andrew that he couldn't help...
Mark and Pips: "Cabbage."
A. Gower: Bingo.
Mark: Seriously, you kind of have a problem, Andrew.
A. Gower: I do...
Mark: On the bright side you're healthy! So... the glitcher?
A. Gower: Durial321.

To Be Continued...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

11-Dec-2014 23:51:51

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 6: What Should Never Have Become pt 4: Legal Action

Mark: Him? I thought he was out of our skin for good after the Falador Massacre!
A. Gower: He is, he must'** added this before we banned him.
Pips: Should we sue him or something...?
Mark: Let's ask him first. But... we need to unban him.
Pips: Ok... *sigh*
After a long and arduous process, Durial321 is brought back. He logs on.

In Lumbridge...

Durial: It's been a long time, old friend. You've changed. But I haven't.
Pips: *pming to Durial321* Ok how'd you discover Juk?
Durial: *pming Pips* Juke? like a jukebox?
Pips: The code you input into the developer's console?
Durial: Which one?
Pips: "Cabbage"
Durial: That's what released jukeboxes?
Pips: Look on the front page.
Durial: *looks* THAT'S what that was!?!? Okay now that I know what I've missed I'm so sorry for killing all those people in Falador!
Pips: You didn't know what you stumbled upon?
Durial: No, I've been trying out random words and phrases on the developer's console! I didn't know one of them would actually bring something into the game!
Pips: So you didn't know about the glitch that came with it?
Pips: That's Gurrath! He came with the update!
Durial: Is HE the glitch?
Pips: *about to speak but is pulled away from the keyboard by Mark*
Durial: ...well?


Pips: Mark, what is it?
Mark: We found the location of the one who added the glitch!
Pips: Where?
Mark: Quebec.
Pips: Canada? But everyone there is so nice!
Mark: I know!
Pips: Huh, must'** been someone from the U.S. who lives there now.
A. Gower: Can we just stop attacking nationalities and healing others and sue the man?
Pips: I was just thinking of kidnapping him, but your idea sounds much more legal.
A. Gower: So, we're done!
Pips: Yes! Wait, one sec!

Back on RS...

Pips: *pming Durial* Sorry, irl stuff. And no; he's a new god.
Durial: Can I stay?
Pips: ...Change your username, then you can.

Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

24-Dec-2014 04:11:49

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 7: Finale pt 4: Dov

Gurrath: THIS IS INSA-
Gurrath is hit by the Cannonball of Jas; in the immense speed, Tank is ripped to shreds and respawns in Burthorpe, where he died. Gurrath is sent flying back through the Juk portal back into Juk. The Ragtag Five go through to see what happened.

In Juk, on The Crater...

John, Mel, Noob, Jess, and Ava travel to the body of Gurrath.
John: He's... dead... It's over... finally over...
Jess: So... is this the end?
John: I...guess so- Mel, what're you doing?
Mel: He's dead. I got dibs on his scythe!
Noob: No fair!
John: Wait, something's wrong...
Noob: What?
John: Gods are supposed to turn to stone when they die... Ava, get a reading on him.
Ava: His vitals show that his body is still 100% intact.
Jess: What's going on here...?
Gurrath: I'm an elder god, that's what's going on. *gets up*
John: No, but... that's impossible! How!?
*urrath: I've been trying to keep the universes safe from the creators after I found out what happens to them when the creators wake up after each cycle.
John: How...
*urrath: What?
Gurrath: Looks like it's story time. *sigh* My one creator, Dov created the very universe we stand in. He knew about mortals before they came to being, so he created my race to exterminate them. I myself have killed many a mortal until I found out what they could do. They had their own ways of building things. Odd ways, fallible structures, but interesting nonetheless. Then I found out about what happens when Dov wakes, or woke up. I put a stop to it, as you can see. I made this scythe to harvest anima from other gods at greatest efficiency. After killing enough of my universe's gods, I became an elder god and ripped the Anima Mundi out of my world in hopes Dov would die, buthe just went to other worlds and fed off them. I replaced my world's Anima Mundi after he passed. And now it's the way you see, under my rule. Safe.

To Be Continued...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

24-Dec-2014 04:45:46

Apr Member 2010


Posts: 4,425 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chapter 7: Finale pt 5: Traitor

Jess: I would've thought the elder god's name was "Juk".
Gurrath: *h. That's understandable.
John: Soooo, yeah, sorry about all that's been happening if you're a benevolent god.
Gurrath: You have literally no memory of the yellow acid, the poor jukans, or my pitting you all in a tournament to the death, do you?
Ragtag: Oh yeah...
Ava: Um, Gurrath, where'd you leave your scythe?
Gurrath: In my- *looks at his hands* Huh, could've sworn I had it right-*slice* Gugh! *head slides off, then body topples over and turns to stone* Ow... *looks towards body* DRAT! Wait...
A large, reptilian, bipedal beast with five jaws is behind the body, which everyone now sees, holding the Harvester's Scythe. atop its head is Yukkah, holding the reins.
Yukkah: Gotcha.
Gurrath: Yukkah!?!?
Jess: That dude has to have 120 Summoning to be able to control that thing!
John: But why?
Yukkah: You're so easy to fool, Gurrath, no-one had the guts to do it though! I lied about being a Gurrathian all along just to get your trust! And with you dead-
Gurrath: Not dead, decapitated. I can't really die.
Yukkah: ...whatever. Now I'M a god!
Noob: Wait, how can you be a god if YOU didn't kill Gurrath?
Yukkah: Huh? *looks down to see that the beast is glowing from obtaining godhood* Well. Didn't think this through.
Gurrath: Clearly. Now it's a mindless elder god.
Mel: Jess, you know what time it is?
Jess: Oo, I love this time!
John: What's this time?
Jess and Mel: STOP! Cannontime.
Jess builds a cannon- wow that was quick! And... WAS THAT BUILT OUT OF NOTHI- Oh wait, UltraMax Cape emote! It's gilded and stuff now that it's trimmed! Mel jumps in the cannon and gets shot out of it at the beast. There's fireworks everywhere, too.
Yukkah: No wait, no! AAAAAAAAHHHHHH!!!!... It didn't die... *climbs off. it was a long climb*
The beast is just standing there. Then it boringly topples over. Wow.
Yukkah: ...That's it? Guess it didn't really need to die.

To Be Continued.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

30-Dec-2014 04:53:24

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