
An unlikely adventure.

Quick find code: 49-50-630-65174189

Apr Member 2010


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WOW it's been a while! didn't write for a week AND was away for a whole other! More to come for this story, just hang in there! :(

EXPLAINATION: We're pretty close to the end, I'm just looking for a TON... ok some... filler. Once the filler's out of the way, we can get back on track with the ending. It will include:

-Meat shields
- Makeout sessions Mid-clan fights
-The Eclipse
-And finally... revealed secrets.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

21-Aug-2014 04:57:02 - Last edited on 30-Aug-2014 03:01:51 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 3: An'*rone Forever pt 1: Short Meeting, Long Mourning

On the Isle of the Dead, Jukans, Rebel Watchers, and others alike come gather around a statue of... pretty much the most gangster Watcher ever. The entire Ragtag clan, in its two hundred-plus membership, walk in, with the more militant members march in and make way for Jess, John, Mel, Noob, and Ava as they were with An'trone when he died. The five walk up to the statue and face the crowd. People are called up to speak, one at a time, one on behalf of his Watcher parents because they died and call An'*rone a shame to their family due to "his heathenish rejection of the great lord Gurrath which whom they were proud to be bred by and serve", yet still in attempt to keep respect to his memory. Jess, John, Mel, and Ava each speak about meeting him, leaving Noob to tell the story of his death.

Noob: *ahem* ...I was the last person to meet An'trone, being as I was ki-
Noob: ...Okay, and yet, I was the only one who witnessed his death. I didn't know him long, but I do indeed have a story. It is on his death, but bear with me, as I remember his last words. It was but 3 weeks ago, a day after we met him...

3 weeks ago, on the NorthWest peninsula of an island simply known as "The Crater" due to its humongous crater in the middle. No-one knows why it's there, just deal with it.

An'trone: This place is called "The Crater". No-one knows why it's here-
An'trone: Jeez, chill.
John: So we need to go to the other end of this island. Should we go around or through the crater?
An'trone: Peeps normally go 'round. Too scared to go in tha middle. All those dark clouds above it, umm... that's it.
John: Ah, it doesn't sound THAT scary.
An'trone: Okaaaay, *pushes past some bushes to see the crater* Here it is, fellas. Spooky, huh?
John: Spooky? This... is... AWESOME!!@@@!!@!@!!!!
An'*rone: ...what is wrong witchu?

To Be Continued
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

30-Aug-2014 07:06:28 - Last edited on 14-Sep-2014 18:10:18 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 3: An'*rone Forever pt 2: Halls of the One

Thew gang are walking towards the middle of the crater. As they pass through thick layers of fog, they encounter the center: a pit, surrounded by stalagmites and a giant hole in the middle.

An'trone: Guys I dunno bout dis...
Jess: C'mon, it's not all bad.
John: Yeah, there's probably something in there that'll uncover some story!
Mel: Maybe things to kill...
Noob: Mel you're obsessed with killing.
Mel: Well now that I'm all paranoid about cussing, I've been blowing off steam by killing.
Noob: You know this is a vi-
Mel: *stabs Noob* YEAH I KNOW IT'S A VI...ERY STUPID IDEA... HAHA...
Noob: Owww... *constitution level drops to 9* How is it possible to lose experience...?
An'trone: Let's turn back...
Mel: We're halfway across. We can't turn back, and if you do, I'll stab one of your eyes.
An'trone: But it's my ONLY eye!
Mel: Exactly.
An'trone: Okay... *follows the others into the hole*

At the bottom of the hole...
There is another hole, as well as a corridor to a room.
John: Huh, neat. I'll go check down that corridor, you guys do whatever. *goes in the corridor*
Ava: I'll follow John. *follows John*
**'trone: Okay, we're here, can we go now?
Noob: Hush child.
John: Guys, you'll never believe what I just found! Tell 'em Ava!
Ava: Apparently we're in-
An'trone's eye starts blinking red.
An'trone: Oh no...
Jess: Right, you still have your tracking device... eye... thing.
Ava: And conveniently right before I spill some big news!
John: We should go. Jess, do you have teleports?
Jess: What teleports? There aren't any teleports here!
John: Crap you're right... Meh, let's just run back.
Mel: Yeah, sure, because those guys DEFINITELY won't follow us! Wait... Ava, if you rocket us away-
Ava: On it. *grabs everyone and rockets away*

On the way to the ship...

Ava: You guys see- oh we're here. Jess, let's sail away!
Jess: *sets sail* *looks back* They have explosives...

To Be Continued...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

14-Sep-2014 20:28:30 - Last edited on 20-Sep-2014 20:46:21 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 3: An'*rone Forever pt 3: Final Words

A rocket is fired at the sailing ship, obliterating it completely. Jess, Mel, and John are unable to swim because of their heavy armor, and Ava cannot either because he short-circuited (despite being made of stone. It was more of a magical short-circuit...). Noob and An'trone on the other hand...

Noob: *swims to the surface and reaches it* *gasp* BLUGH... ugh... uh...
An'*rone: The othas're sinking! We've gotta go down there!
Noob: We can't, it's too deep! If either one of us goes we'll drown!
An'trone: ...Then let that guy be me.
Noob: WHAT!?
An'trone: I'm able to create a floating pocket of air, enough for them to get back to land and away from these guys!
Noob: They can re-
An'trone: They can't regenerate or swim! I have to go down there! Stay here, my pocket can't hold 6.
Noob: There are only 4 people drowning...
An'*rone: *cough*AVA!*cough*
Noob: Oh yeah.
An'trone: One more thing: Be sure to tell them this: *whispers something in his ear*
Noob: ...Okay. I will.
An'*rone: I'm glad. *swims downwards*

Deep in the ocean, the four are still sinking, and An'trone is swimming after them. As he reaches them, he goes deeper than them, creates a magic giant air bubble under them, kicks the bubble north-west to Helicopter's Nest, and in his last breath, mutters something drowning shortly afterwards.

At Helicopter's Nest...
The gang finally regain their consciousness, coughing and gasping for air, expelling water from their lungs. Except for Ava who is still short-circuited.
Mel: Ugh, is everyone he- ...why is Noob doggy-paddling over here?
Noob: I don't know how to swim well, don't judge me!
John: I'll start up Ava again.
Jess: ...Wait, where's An-
Noob: He created an air bubble to save you guys from drowning. He wasn't so lucky.
Jess: Wow...
Mel: What were his last words?
Noob: He said that Gurrath may seem strong, but he's no stronger than us. Also I think he muttered "***** you, Gurrath." while drowning.

Chapter End.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

20-Sep-2014 20:44:55

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 4: The Clan Wars pt 1: Colosseum

*Mel wakes up locked in a cell*
Mel: ...huh? Wha- wait... We're in prison!? HEY! *runs to the bars and starts smashing on them* GET ME OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW! I DEMAND LEGAL ACTION! THERE WAS NO STORY DEVELOPMENT THAT LED UP TO THIS!
???: Oh, on the contrary, this isn't a prison! But it sure should feel like one to you!
Mel: Who- wait, that voice... ugh, it's you Gurrath! What've you done with my friends!?
Gurrath: Could you tell your cretin brethren in that cell to wake up? Thanks hun, really need all the humans I've locked up to see what I've prepared for them!
Mel: Ugh... *looks behind her to see Jess, John, Noob, and Ava all sleeping in a pile* Guys, wake up.
Jess: *wakes up on top of John* ...huh? Wait, where are we?
Mel: Locked in one of Gurrath's jail cells.
Jess: Ugh, him again?
Mel: I know, right?
Gurrath: Heard that.
John: *wakes up under Jess* *cracks neck* Why'd he have to put me on the bottom of the pile...?
Mel: Did you know about this happening?
John: I woke up when he was grabbing us.

Last night...

John: *zz...-*snk* huh?
Gurrath: *whispering* Dangit, you're awake!
John: Yeah, no kidding, I'm a light sleeper.
Gurrath: Ugh... you know what? You of all people seem to know what's been happening. May as well tell you that you're being taken to your utter demise through a Dokamus tournament.
John: Huh, cool name for a tournament.
Gurrath: Thanks! *takes them all*

Back to reality...

Jess: So you let us sleep thro- wait, how'd we even sleep with him taking us!?
John: He has surprisingly delicate yet strong hands, and is surprisingly quiet. Well for a lumbering super-gigantic god.
Mel: Why didn't you wake us up?
John: I wanted you guys to get a good night's rest.
Noob: *wakes up on top of Ava* Where are we?
Ava: *scanning* A Gurrathian Colosseum. Be prepared, we're going against the toughest 5 members of other clans.
Jess: Well then Why is Noob here?
Noob: Yeah, why AM I here?
Ava: Beats me.

To Be Continued
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

11-Oct-2014 05:08:58 - Last edited on 12-Oct-2014 23:01:11 by Jimothey

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 4: The Clan Wars pt 2: Tournament

John: So what other clans are we fighting?
Jess: Hmm... *looks at a clan roster conveniently placed in the cell* looks like we're going up against... wow, 1000 clans!
John: How is the game able to take it!?
Jess: Ah, ok. The tournament is split up amongst instanced worlds. Right now we're going up against 3 other clans.
John: Hm, 5 people per clan, 4 clans per world, 1000 clans... wow, 50 instanced worlds!
Mel: Oh my gosh!
Noob: Is this a good time to panic?
Mel: Well as long as we're not going up against... *checks the roster* ...crap...
Noob: What?
Mel: Some clans that are fighting are Maxed, some other top clans, and... Army of Fury...
John: Haven't really heard of the last one.
Mel: But it is a decent name for this situation. Plus-
Gurrath: *from a loudspeaker* Alright, slaves! START YOUR ENGINES! Wait, hold on, sorry... Be prepared to go against the toughest, meanest, most bloodthirsty of your kind! *ahem* OF YOUR KIND. Hahahaha! And of course, Melliemurder.
Mel: Thaaank yooou.
Gurrath: And now, as your cells are opened... you may begin.
The cells are opened.
Gurrath: FIGHT!
It wasn't 1 minute in until Ragtag managed to beat their current opponents, thanks to Mel.
Gurrath: Well.

20 minutes later...

*urrath: Next round! FI-
Before Gurrath could finish, Mel killed all the current opposing clans to Ragtag.
Gurrath: ...

20 more minutes later...

*urrath: Next ro-
Mel kills all the opponents again.
Gurrath: Are you serious?
Ragtag: Yup.

20 MORE minutes later...

*urrath: Okay this round and the ones after will be different in that you're one-on-one with other clans. So, ye-
Mel: Done.

5 more minutes later...

*urrath: You too...

Gurrath: Congrats final 4! Here are the clans you'll fight: Maxed vs Army of Fury and Ragtag vs... my gosh why... *ahem* "#UltraSwaglordslol" please kill me...
#UltraSwaglordslol leader (Pkillaxxx): We have da gunz.
Jess: Well then.

To Be Continued...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

13-Oct-2014 00:37:20

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 4: The Clan Wars pt 3: The Army

Mel: Time for Mellie's Murder... hey, all you PKers out there! This goes out to all of you ;)
Audience: Woo! We love you, Mel!
Gurrath: Get on with it! I wanna see some frayed bones!
Mel goes into slow-mo mode, backflipping and tossing primal longswords (yes, primal longswords!) at 4 of the #Ultraswaglordslol members, then throwing a level 99 melee scythe at the leader's heart.
Mel: And THAT'S how it's DONE! :D
Jess: *clapping* The mistress has done it again.
John: Encore! But not with us please.
Noob: Ma'am, it would be an honor to be your ammunition.
Mel: Thank you, thank you.
Ava: Haha, yeah, hate to break this lovely moment, but we've got one more clan to fight.
Gurrath: Yup, be prepared to fight-
Jess: Maxed.
Gurrath: No, Army of Fury.
Mel: THAT clan? How?
John: Must be an expert PKing clan.
Mel: Nonono, I know my PKing and bossing clans!
Jess: ...
Mel: There's gotta be something going on, how could an unheard of clan make it this far!?
*urrath: New round starting... now!
The leader Magsy, followed by former leader Geor ge, then Enix, and Migwag.
Magsy: Pubah.
Jess: Mags...
John: You two know eachother?
Magsy: We've been competing in the skill hiscores for as long as we can remember. But then you got the Trimmed Ultramax cape, and it was LAST MINUTE!
Jess: Oh, come on, lots of others got it! S U O M I, Jake, Alkan, Drumgun, etc.
Mel: Hey Mags, what's your rank as a PKer?
Magsy: ...I dunno, why?
Mel: Never mattered. I'M NUMBER ONE. *Mellie's Murders Army of Fury* Ther- wait... one of my longswords didn't hit someone... there were only 4 people here, but there are supposed to be 5... what's goi-*gets hit back by an unknown force*
Ragtag except Mel: MEL!
Mel: Ugh... what the... *gets hit again*
Mags tries swinging her scythe all around to hit her invisible target, but all attempts fail, and she gets hit over and over by him.
Mel: What's happening!?
???: You really haven't figured it out?
Mel: ...Wind!?!?

To Be Continued...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

27-Oct-2014 02:34:42

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 4: The Clan Wars pt 4: Windshield's Wipers

Jess: Who's Wind?
The writer of the story. Wind? Windshield? Ring a bell?
John: Actually I knew it.
All but John: John!
John: What? I wanted it to be a surprise!
Me: Silence! Enough of this petty dialogue! If none of you are gonna hit me then I'll kick things off myself! *turns visible*
Decent reference to Sliske in Missing Presumed Death.
Me: Thanks, me! :D
Noob: Wait, wha-
Mel: Stow it, Noob! *throws the last primal longsword at me, striking me in the chest*
Me: ACK! *dies*
Mel: That was easy. What were you gonna say, Noob?
Noob: I was GONNA ask what would happen to the story if we killed the writer, and you just did that.
Mel: Let's test it. Hey writer!
Mel: See? Anyways, now that we've won, we're outta here!
Jess: OH COME ON! WE JUST WO- *gets struck in the back by a primal longsword* ...Mel, did yo-
Mel: Windshield.
Yeah, that's why you can't progress.
Jess dies.
Me: 1 down, 4 to go.
John: I know your ins and outs, don't thi- *flying primal longsword chops head off* *dies*
Noob: Wel*, I'm dead. *dies*
Ava: Crap, I was following Noob! *gets called to Noob*
Mel: Why are you doing this!? You made us the protagonists!
Me: Gurrath and I had a deal, y'see? He offered me an army to take over all of RuneScape!
Mel: *stabs me in the chest with a level 99 scythe* Deal's off...
Me: *spurting blood* Hah, you can't kill me, I'm the writer!
Mel: Oh yeah? *pickpockets me for a keyboard*
Me: Wait, what're you doing!?
Mel: "Kill Windshield" and enter.
Me: NNNOOOOOO!!!!!... *not dead* huh?
Mel: I dunno, thing's busted I gue-
Gurrath: We had a deal, Windshield! You get rid of the adventurers in my realm and I give you an army to take over Gielinor!
Me: Gurrath, no! Please!
Gurrath: Too late, deal's off... *obliterates me with a blast from his scythe*
Me: AAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!!!! *dies horrifyingly*
Gurrath: Congratulations, Mel, you won. Time to take Gielinor, bye! *flies off*
Mel: ...dang.

Chapter End.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

29-Oct-2014 19:04:55

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 5: John's recap

The gang are inside the ruined museum they once visited.

Jess: Ok John, spill the beans.
John: Mmkay. Was gonna do it right as you said that actually! *ahem* So you know that crater we visited with An'trone? That was an Elder Halls... or Elder Hall, since there was only one elder born there. This basically means that this world is... or maybe was... a perfect world that a previous elder god created. But for some reason, it's not as barren as Freneskae, or completely obliterated like how they're supposed to be when the elder gods start a new universal cycle. Its as if it was forgotten. So this basically means it could be hundreds of thousands, or maybe even millions of years old!
Mel: And Gurrath?
John: Oh he's definitely a Juk, but I suspect him to be at the power level of an elder god, or around there. It's more or less.
Noob: Wel* that was decently confusing. But what are the evil trees for?
John: I think portals to try to get into Gielinor. That's probably why there was a hollow trunk. Every time a tree was killed, by either players killing them or that lightning which I suspect to be Guthix's magic at work, the entrance was closed off, which was why they could never get in. And I suspect you're wondering about the shooting stars too.
All but John: Nope.
John: Oh well. They're probably missiles or bombs sent to this world to blow it up or make it "imperfect". Gurrath himself must'** done this to other perfect worlds after Juk. Anything else?
Ava: Wait, I have one more question: why are we asking you to tell us this now?
John: The writer wanted me to tell you all this before...
Jess: Before what? SAY IT, MAN!
John: Before the Gielinorian Eclipse! We gotta go back home NOW!
Ava: Rocket mode on.
Jess: Whoa, why are we going back!?
John and Mel: Because I know what he's gonna do next! And it aint gonna be pretty! ... wow why are we- STOP THAT!
Ava: 3...2...1... bye bye Juk, we had a good stay. *rockets out with everyone*

Chapter end.
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

07-Nov-2014 04:41:19

Apr Member 2010


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Chapter 6: What Should Never Have Become pt 1: Memories

In the Jagex offices...

Mod Mark passes by Andrew Gower's old room, a closed door, and to its left a glass screen, with a desk, two file cabinets, and computer behind it.
Mark: Ah, memories.
He decides to keep walking, when suddenly he notices an out of place file in between the two cabinets.
Mark: *sigh* Gotta put that back. *enters the room and takes out the file, which appears to be dusty*
Mark: Ew. *blows the dust off* *cough* *cough*

The file has the word "open immediately" on it. Mark then opens the file.

Mark: "Turn on the computer"... *sits and turns the computer on* "copy the link"

Mod Mark copies the mysterious link onto the computer. It opens a page separate from the others on the RuneScape website. The page is titles "Project A/G-92:J.U.K. message 95" and has a message.

Mark: *reading out loud* "The project is a failure, I have discovered an irreparable glitch in the game that, even when deleted at first, still always returns, and has done so in the past tests, and can and WILL delete the game bit by bit. The Beta for this new area I've been trying to install has more than likely been deleted completely by now, but the beta is still implantable into the game, with the glitch being dormant but will wake when added. This glitch wasn't here at first, so someone must have implanted it somehow, I don't know who. If this whole thing is added, delete it IMMEDIATELY. Whatever you do, DON'T add the glitch, DON'T add Juk, and DON'T add..." Oh no... *runs out*

In Mod Pips' room...

Mark: *running in* PHIIIIIILLLL!!!
Pips: Gah! Uh, what!?
Mark: Phil, I know this is going to sound crazy, but you HAVE to listen!
Pips: What?
Mark: You HAVE to delete Juk, there's a glitch that's going to eat at the game!
Pips: I can't delete it! Only the person who created it in the first place or the person who added it can, and we don't know who!
Mark: Call up Andrew, he'll know what to do!

To Be Continued...
Roses are grey, violets are grey, I'm in Pompeii, I'm lost.

23-Nov-2014 05:15:23

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