
The Monolith

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Mykola smiled at Sophia's response, "Close enough to the truth I suppose, but it belittles his capabilities somewhat."
"Aion is more comfortable in that role," Sophia pointed out.
"And if Naudos knew the truth what do you think would happen?" questioned Mykola.
"It doesn't matter," Sophia replied.
"I see," said Mykola, grinning more broadly, "Well, I'm off to bed now, will you be joining me tonight?"
Sophia laughed softly, "Don't say it like that," she said, "Someone might overhear and get the wrong idea!"
"Humans," muttered Mykola, rolling his eyes, "Everything is about mating to them, isn't it?"
"Seems that way sometimes," replied Sophia, "But then again, that's how your people lost that war, isn't it?"
"And I am satisfied by knowing roaches are more adept at breeding than humans and will overcome them one day," replied Mykola, "Not that there's much of a difference between a world ruled by roaches and one ruled by humans."
"You are too cruel to them," sighed Sophia.
"Yeah, I guess I was a little harsh to the roaches just now," agreed Mykola.
"I meant you were too harsh with the humans," snapped Sophia
"They killed my mother," Mykola retorted, "And tried to kill my sister and me. Aion hates them too."
"Brona does," corrected Sophia, "Aion and he are not the same."
"Touche," commented Mykola, "Anyway, see you tonight." With that, Mykola walked off.
"I never said yes," sighed Sophia, "Honestly, he acts more like a human than one of his own kind sometimes."
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

20-Jan-2010 02:07:46



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There, that should test whether people are still reading or not. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

20-Jan-2010 02:09:30



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm always reading, waiting for the add usually, so be satisfied to know that I have continued reading your work no matter what and I plan on doing so as long as it is available to be read.
I think Skad will make an interesting instructor, I always like when such things happen in stories. Mentors and students, and the student actively learning from the mentor.
It seems your systems of how things work have gotten even more complicated, gates...realms... this is foreign to me but I have been out of rs for a long time so perhaps it is within the game or another piece of folklore or mythology or something that I am yet to be aware of. If it is of your own design I applaud you.
Now I'm aware of how runescape(or Gielinor(is that even how you spell it, I just don't remember any more)) is by nature, lots and lots of adventurers, heroes, wizards, fighters, etc. Much like the worlds in which DnD campaigns take place. However, it seems that the characters getting involved in much of your stories are powerful beyond measure, I understand that the artifact they are going after calls for such people, but where are the average heroes who get by on luck, tactics, use of environment, or good use of perception? It seems these types of heroes are falling out of style in most things, to be replaced by Goku with a different name and adapted for the setting. That's just my thought on things, take it as you will, but I must say that is why I liked Orcris so much. He began as a villager, perhaps a bit of hereditary warrior in him, and advanced to something amazing. Now he got there very fast, but there was many things you seemed to be hinting at and leading up to how he was so strong. Base magicks might be the case now that you mentioned those in the black pentagram, I don't know. Just throwing that out there for consideration.
~Est sularis oth mithas~
~Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality~
~Who I am is not important, my message is~

20-Jan-2010 19:02:44



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Prefix Three, what I meant when I said that the last add would see if anyone was still reading, I was actually expecting it to bring up more of a discussion. I did after all introduce two new characters, (well, one isn't really new, but this is the first time her first name is mentioned.) a new concept (gates were mentioned before, but not realms) and a new group.
Now, to what Orcris said: There are indeed powerful beings in this story (more so in Black Pentagram, which I've thought of something to do with, I'll say more in the following post.) however, consider the powerful people: The Coven is manipulating people from behind the scenes, Skad is following his own desires, Naudos and Aion are working for Sophia and Mykola. Our protagonists (Alex and Jen) are strong for their age, but would have trouble holding their own against a group of soldiers. Essentially, they are but mortals being pulled at and manipulated from all sides. Is that not the status of a traditional hero? Naught but a basically normal person up against powers they can barely hope to comprehend, much less face? The only way they can survive this adventure is by becoming the very type of hero you just lauded.
And what of Chris? He is somewhat paranoid, and a decent warrior, but he too is naught but a mortal. Granted, he does have Dentro helping him but Skad is already hunting Dentro, and given Sophia and Mykola's conversation it is presumable that at least Aion and possibly Naudos will be also going after that Earth Mage. If he passes on, Chris will also only be able to survive if he becomes the type of hero you spoke of.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

20-Jan-2010 23:39:06



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Now, onto the Black Pentagram. I have determined that I can probably keep up a second story with my current workload. However, the Black Pentagram cannot continue as is, and ironically, your post gave me an idea for a new story, much closer to the traditional hero story (incidentally this story need not be set in Gielinor, so if you have another site you want me to post it on, I can do that. You still have other ways to communicate with me than these forums I assume?)
So, basically, I will leave my course of action up to you Orcris here are what I can do (in no particular order):
1) Cause something drastic to happen in story, altering the Black Pentagram, but allowing me to continue the story from where it is.
2) Get rid of the Black Pentagram and re-write it (again.)
3) Put the Black Pentagram on Hiatus and write another story (either the one I've been thinking about, or perhaps a backstory of one of the Black Pentagram characters?)
I leave it to you, Orcris.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

20-Jan-2010 23:43:16

Jun Member 2017


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In my opinion a new story would be cool. Seeing characters evolve in both their emotions and way of thinking is one of my favorite parts of stories. That is what so many authors in this story have wrong. We don't care if the characters have a bronze dagger or a godsword. Please make a new story, but keep it in Gielinor, as we are so familiar with it.

21-Jan-2010 00:43:52



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Up to me hmm... Of course I am always left with all the decision making responsibilities when I'm perhaps the most indecisive person I know. I'm rather unsure what to choose, honestly my vote before was to not rewrite the sacred destiny saga but continue you on with it, as I would rather see something finished first before it was revised but now that probably isn't an option(not sure if I still have the files containing the stories, my other computer committed suicide. And I'm not sure if you do or not either). That is the course of action I would most prefer, however it was not one of your option.
Continuing the black pentagram would mainly be because my favorite character of all time was Orcris, which is why I now go by that name digitally. That and the plot seems quite intricate and I wish to know more. vote is no.
A new story would be the best option if you really have no idea where to go on the black pentagram from the point it is at. If you still have the address to the hidden ninja village we can communicate there but as if the case of writing a new story does occur I will make a new one.
Must go, time for class

21-Jan-2010 15:20:25



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Very well, the Black Pentagram will continue. I'll update on Thursdays (can't be sure that there'll be an update today, but we'll see.)
EDIT: I've made another decision, there will either be an add today or tomorrow.
EDIT2: It's up.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

21-Jan-2010 21:03:37 - Last edited on 22-Jan-2010 09:14:31 by Dantalian



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Dentro looked over his ship. Currently, his crew had moored it off a small jungle covered island. The ship had been repaired some time ago, but that was irrelevant to Dentro; his fight with those pirates earlier had shown him that he would need vastly superior force to win a naval battle against them. This left him with a dilemma; he could either gather a greater force then before and attempt to wage war against the pirates once more, or he could wait until they reached land and try to hunt them down. However, if he did the latter, a new set of complications arose. The land they were going was huge, and it would be difficult to find them on that land.
Keeping all this in mind, Dentro made his way to one of the ship's cabins and knocked on the door lightly.
"Come in," a voice called out of the cabin.
Dentro did so, and found Chris sitting behind a small table, sipping a cup of tea.
"Mind if I join you?" asked Dentro.
"Go ahead," said Chris, motioning to a chair across from him.
Dentro sighed and sat down.
"Tea?" asked Chris.
"Please," said Dentro, after a pause adding, "No sugar or milk though."
Chris laughed as he poured Dentro a cup. "Milk? On a ship? That's not very likely."
"I suppose not," agreed Dentro, taking a sip of the cup Chris had given him. A moment later, his eyes lit up, "Where did you get this?" he asked, "The taste is exquisite; clearly a result of a blend of several leaves from different locales... and my taste might deceive me, but do I detect a hint of grape as well?"
"I'm impressed," said Chris, "I did not think you were such a connoisseur of tea.
As for where I got it; there is a tea merchant who travels through Kandarin, this blend is exclusive to him. I don't know exactly what he puts in it, but I have heard rumors that he buys tea leaves from the Feldip Hills and Trollheim, so it's possible that he incorporates those."
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

27-Jan-2010 08:26:19

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