
The Monolith

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“Oh ancient gem, crown jewel of the kind!
Thou who many hath tried to find!
Its power most great, shineth like the sun,
And with it in hand, every attempt is won.
This coveted gem, which now hast been laid to sleep,
Rests aeveternally, within the sages' keep.”
-- Mephos Nidhogg, “The Monolith’s Eulogy” (excerpt)
In ages long forgotten, there was but one world, Bifrost, which housed but three sentient races. First were the Fey; a race both cunning and mischievous, whose lives were bound to the natural world. The second were the Wyrm, an ancient reptilian race, majestic to all who beheld them, strong in power, and versed in the ways of wisdom. The final race were the Kadmon, a race of mammals who, though lacking the power of the Wyrm and the cunning of the Fey were swift, clever and intelligent. This race learned to create tools and enchantments, with which they were able to match both the Fey and the Wyrm.
For a time, these races lived in peace, using the bounty of Bifrost to enjoy long, prosperous lives. However, this was not to continue, for their happiness earned the attention of the first evil; the sinister spirit known as the Beguiler.
The Beguiler came forth to Bifrost, and one by one, it tainted the races, speaking lies to them and turning them against one another, and against their gods. Thus deceived, the races erupted in a tumultuous war and tried to slay even the gods. However, the weapons the Beguiler gave them were not powerful enough to harm the gods, nor in fact were they even meant to attempt such a thing, but were rather built with the sole intention of destroying the three races themselves.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2009 04:35:00 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2010 00:48:58 by Dantalian



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If the Absolute, the God-Emperor, had not intervened, the three races would have indeed been slain. But, the Absolute did intervene, preventing the destruction the races had merited. Nonetheless, using the Beguiler’s weapons destroyed Yggdrasil, the tree of life, which gave Bifrost its abundance. Realizing that Bifrost would not survive for long without Yggdrasil, the three races threw aside their enmity, and, together used what little of Yggdrasil’s power they could gather to create three treasures meant to guide and protect the races. These three treasures were the sword, Aehtgewaeld; the mirror, Gerad; and the gemstone, Gladmodness.
With these treasures in hand, the races begged the gods for mercy, and the gods, seeing how the races had bound together, consented. Ananke, goddess of order, created the world of Folkvangr, were the law is ever-reaching. Khaos, the goddess of chaos, created the world of Ginnungagap, were seasons and times pass unpredictably and randomly. Erebos, god of darkness, created the world of Niflheim, where mists and shadows ever dwell. Finally, Aither, god of light, created the land of Muspellheim, where the sun never grows dim and life is in abundance.
However, there were some in those races who had not declared loyalty to any to the four primordial gods, and they begged for a place neutral to these gods. Hearing their plea, the Absolute spoke, and Midgard was created between the four other worlds, to act as a balance between the four and a middle ground to all races, and the followers of all the gods.
The races then dispersed, and weakened as they were by the Beguiler’s weapons, gave way to their less powerful descendants, which still inhabit the worlds today: the Fey’s descendants were all of fairykind, the Wyrm’s descendants were all of dragonkind, and the Kadmon’s descendants were are all of mankind.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2009 04:35:29 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2010 00:51:41 by Dantalian



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Over time, these descendants of the first three races scattered to many different worlds, and as they did so Aehtgewaeld and Gerad were lost, but the gemstone, Gladmodness, would serve time and time again as a catalyst throughout history. As it did so, its original name and history were lost, and the gemstone became known only as the “One Stone” the Monolith. However, one day the Monolith simply disappeared from history, and all knowledge of it was lost. Despite this, the legend it bore carried on. Many searched for it and its legendary power, but it was never found. Soon, only a few still believed, but among those few were some with great power and skill, and with determination they pressed on, ever believing they could find the Monolith and unlock its true power… "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2009 04:35:54 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2010 00:53:11 by Dantalian



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Firstly, this story is tentatively scheduled to be updated twice a week once by Monday night and once by Thursday night. If I cannot make this schedule, or must change it, I will try to let you know. (It is quite possible that there will be one add a week starting early January 2010.)
DO NOT argue with me about canon RS storyline. Admittedly, I will be taking liberties with RS history nonetheless for the purpose of this story. Nonetheless, as of the time I post this, I have done every quest and read every lore, and therefore will be well aware as to when I am breaking canon and when I am not. I do not need to be reminded.
CONSTRUCTIVE criticism is welcomed (except when it pertains to the canon RS history.) What is not welcome is comments like "This story stinks" without an accompanying reason. However, should some troll feel the necessity to act immature on this thread, I ask that the readers not respond to such posts. Simply act like those posts never happened.
Discussion of the story is welcomed, as are questions and requests for clarification. However, if discussions get so long winded as to put this story of reaching the 2k post limit before it's finished I may ask that discussions move elsewhere.
If you want to submit bios, you may do so, but use the form I have provided. I will be accepting a maximum of seven bios (I may change this number for extraordinary circumstances.) Be aware that I may kill a character submitted by bio, so don't act surprised if this happens.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2009 04:36:38



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A few things you may want to consider before submitting a bio: A bio has a better chance of being accepted if it fits into the story, as such it is suggested you read all of the story thus far before submitting a bio. Also, you will probably want to balance your bio, if it is too strong, I probably will not accept it, if it is too weak, it might be accepted, but die before long. Also notet that accepted bios along with the page numbers they were submitted can be found below (even if the bio has not appeared in the story thus far).
Accepted Bios:
1. Chris (Page 1)
2. Skad Helreighn (Page 2)
3. N/A
4. N/A
5. N/A
6. N/A
7. N/A
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2009 04:36:56 - Last edited on 19-Dec-2009 05:24:50 by Dantalian



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Form for Bios
Name: (Your character's name here)
Age: (Your character's age or how old they look)
Gender: (Male, Female)
Race: (Any sentient race of Runescape is eligible, as is any sentient race that has appeared in the stories. Incidentally, Asura, Devae, Guardians, and Khaotiks are allowed in any story of mine, but unless you have read other stories written by me, you probably don't know what these are.)
Appearance: (What your character looks like.)
Religion: (Saradominist, Zamorakian, etc)
Alignment: (Good, Evil, Neutral) (I will incidentally except D&D type alignments (lawful good, chaotic evil, etc.))
History: This should be a description of your characters past, intentions, etc. Whatever information you think will help me correctly display your character in the story. It may extend into a second post after the bio, but not into a third post.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2009 04:43:42

Jun Member 2017


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Tis back!

Name: Chris.
Age: 23.
Gender: Male.
Race: Human.
Appearance: Tallish, with brown hair and eyes. Light-skinned. Scar beneath nose from a foolish attempt to catch a throwing knife. He wields a Dragon Halberd and wears a chainbody and platelegs made of the same substance.
Religion: Guthixian.
Alignment: Good.
History: Was born into a Noble family and was sent to a monastery to become a Monk of Saradomin. However, he disliked the way of life and ran off. He was captured by a Black Knight, who eventually decided to train him. Instead of joining the Knights however, he ran off to explore Gielinor. He fears that one day his master will find and kill him.
Personality: Sort of lazy, but confronts things when he has to. Nervous at times to the point of paranoia, like looking behind his back multiple times or walking behind rocks to check for monsters. Is afraid of anybody who is a Black Knight and despises White Knights becuase his oldest brother became one. Hated most of his siblings (There were 9). Normally keeps to himself but when things get monotonous he is up for conversation. Doesn't like leadership becuase then he has even more to worry about. Keeps large amounts of tea leaves with him as he loves the stuff. Takes peoples opinions into account for situations, but always beleives other people is a bad source of information.

14-Dec-2009 21:31:23 - Last edited on 07-Oct-2010 00:13:56 by chrombor



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Those who seek thee, dangers must brave,
And discover the secrets of that conclave!
They who seek, must themselves first steel,
The rage of the deep is both at their head and heel!
With quick movement, on a bowl made from a tree,
Across the Azure Plain, they must fly to meet with thee.”
-- Mephos Nidhogg, “The Monolith’s Eulogy” (excerpt)

A bitter wind blew across the northern lands, kicking up a blinding cloud of snow, which reduced vision to a few feet. On nights like this, even the hardy creatures which called this desolate wasteland home refused to leave the relative warmth of their lairs, and even the hardiest adventurers (those few brave enough to cross the sea north of the wilderness) would turn back, seeking warmer, safer areas to set camp. One result of the inhospitality of the land was that it granted privacy to any who would brave it. That was why the Coven had chosen this particular place as the site of their abode. And tonight, that abode, normally housing but three or four members at any given time, had its halls lit by green flames, and the fortress itself seemed alive and whispering. Of course, this was no normal night, for now all of the Coven had assembled and gathered in their meeting hall.
Standing around a large blue flame, garbed in thick cloaks, the Coven would have given the impression to any trespasser that he was watching a gathering of wraiths, not people of flesh and blood. And, if the murmured rumors passed around Gielinor’s underground were even half true, such an impression was not far from the truth.
“So we are gathered again,” spoke the Coven Master, towering above the other members of the Coven, and bearing the sign of her office; a staff made of gold, and embedded with onyx. “The first gathering since the last new moon. I welcome you, brothers and sisters, and bear wondrous news. But alas, it is the Seer Master who discovered this news, and to her, do I defer the right to share it.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2009 23:13:23



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Twelve hooded heads turned to face a smaller member of the Coven; the Seer Master, whose robes were traced in green. After she had the attention of the rest of the Coven, this person spoke. “Brothers and Sisters,” she said, “As the Master just told you, I have great news. Through my art, I have discerned the location of the most powerful of artifacts, the Monolith.”
The room immediately erupted in excited whispers, which quieted only when the Coven Master motioned for silence. Again, all eyes in the room intently stared at the Seer Master.
“Truth be told,” she continued, “I had discerned its likely location some time ago, but until recently, I had no idea as to how I might obtain it for our cause. Thankfully, the Alchemy Master was able to provide a way… If you would, Brother.”
A member of the Coven whose robes were blood red bowed deeply and spoke, “Brothers, Sisters, I have discerned a way to reach the Monolith, and retrieve it. Through my studies of the elder ways, I realized that in order to obtain the Monolith, one must bear the blood of those cursed sages who aided in its sealing. To my great joy, I have found such a person. With the permission of the Coven, I would set that person out on a journey to retrieve the Monolith for us. I would also enlist the aid of our treasuries to pay for transport, weapons and mercenaries, to ensure the safe travel of this person to the Monolith, and the Monolith’s return to us.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2009 23:13:49 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2010 01:00:55 by Dantalian



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“So then, Brothers and Sisters,” said the Coven Master, “We have our choice set before us. Shall we endeavor to retrieve the Monolith, or shall we refrain from doing so? Let us reach our decision.”
With one voice, the Coven gave its consent. After it had done so, the Coven Master turned to the Alchemy Master and spoke once more, “We, the Coven, accept your request, Alchemy Master, and task you with the retrieval of the Monolith. The funds and support of the Coven are yours, but know this; so is the responsibility of retrieving the Monolith. Should you fail, we shall with one accord strike you down. Do you accept this?”
“I do, Coven Master,” replied the Alchemy Master.
“Then go, and do not fail. As for the rest of you, this meeting is adjourned.”
As the Coven Master spoke these words, the fortress grew silent, and the flames died out. All appeared as if the fortress itself had been uninhabited for many years.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2009 23:14:25 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2010 01:02:29 by Dantalian

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