
The Monolith

Quick find code: 49-50-495-60050276



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Yes, and without the plot twist. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

15-Dec-2009 02:20:17



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Heh, while honestly I liked the other story series much better I'm always the fan of your work sir. As for not posting I saw no reason to take up space on threads when I had nothing I needed to say. I hope for much to read during the holiday season, and wish all a happy holidays. Oh and I must say I really liked your excerpts, very nice and quite clever. Now I'll put off studying for a bit to think up a good bio. And perhaps I can get my missed runescape history filled in by reading this and your other work. I would ask about some things but this is not the place for it.
~Est sularis oth mithas~
~Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality~
~Who I am is not important, my message is~

16-Dec-2009 01:33:52



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Name: Skad Helreighn
Age: 73
Gender: Male
Race: Human, for the most part, explained in history
Appearance: Looks late teens-early twenties. Tall, lean build, raven-black hair, fiery orange eyes, lightly tanned, visible blood veins are orange rather than blue/purple. Wields a hand and a half sword in both hands(your choice on the material of which they are made) and armor fashioned from demonhide(tougher than normal leather but not so tough as dragonhide, and without the magical resistance). When he calls on his power his veins buldge and glow very faintly, also giving off heat.
Religion: None
Alignment: Chaotic neutral
EDIT: Explanation of his power: Aside from the appearance thing it is much like a barbarian's rage or beserker's fury. He taps into his primal self, which allows him to be stronger and faster but he loses coherent thought, the further he taps the stronger he gets but the more primal he becomes in terms of thought. So he risks becoming an animal, or demon as the case may be because after going to a certain point he can no longer consciously halt the power. Anything else you can decide.

16-Dec-2009 02:37:00 - Last edited on 18-Dec-2009 17:49:41 by Orcris



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
History: The son of a witch, born in Ardougne. From an early age his mother sought to teach him the black arts, but he was hardly interested. He wanted to use a blade like a real warrior. He fought with his mother about this issue constantly, and after one particularly horrible argument she told him that she would leave him to his wishes if he passed a test of combat using his warrior skills. She brought forth a lesser demon for him to fight and it very nearly devoured him. After this she forced him back into his studies, though he had come of age she still treated him as a child. For those reasons he hated her, and in secret he learned how to make a pact with a demon. His pact happened with an infernal demon, who granted him power and eternal youth. The demon also granted him weapons; the weapons were forged in such a way that when he took a life he would be healed as needed, the remaining lifeforce would be given to the demon. His soul was also forfeit to the demon upon his death, because of this he learned a few protection spells from his mother's books. He used his new-found power to kill his mother, and to kill her lesser demon, but not before stripping much of his hide before killing him thus reducing him to ashes. Gabriel learned how to use the power, it was much like a berserker or barbarian's rage, he had to tap into his more primal side and the power would rush through him, otherwise he was no stronger than anyone else. Now he goes about the world trying to make himself famous or infamous, and his latest way of doing that was becoming a champion of the duel arena.
~Est sularis oth mithas~
~Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality~
~Who I am is not important, my message is~

16-Dec-2009 02:37:39



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“You must be joking, no one, no matter how strong can single handedly take out a whole regiment of paladins!* exclaimed a blonde boy, brushing his hair out of his eyes with one hand as he held his sword in the other.
“And yet, Iban did such things before he was killed!” protested a girl with red hair bearing a bow.
“Not a chance, Jen! Besides, Iban is a myth meant to scare little kids away from the Underground Pass,* replied the boy.
“Iban is real,” snapped the girl, “And you should know that perfectly well, Alex; you heard what those soldiers said.”
“They were exaggerating to justify their failed attempt at getting through the Underground Pass,* sighed the boy. In a lower voice he added, “Tsk, wish I could go an adventure; soldiers get to have all the fun.”
“Five more days, Alex,” sighed Jen, “You’ll be able to join the army in five more days, then you can have as many adventures as you want.”
“Not for a while,” replied Alex, “The first two years of being in the army are training. So it’s five more days plus two more years before I can have an adventure.”
“I swear,” groaned Jen, “Boys are so impatient and… Hey, what’s going on at your house? Do you have company?”
“We weren’t expecting any,” replied Alex, looking at the small cottage which served as his house. Although it was unusual, several horses had been tethered to nearby trees, and men in full armor could be seen wandering around the cottage. “Odd,” he added, “Wait here.”
“As if,” retorted Jen, “I want to know what’s going too.”
As the two approached the cottage, several of the men looked up, and, deciding the kids approaching were not worth their time, went back to whatever they were doing. Passing by the soldiers, Alex had nearly reached the door when it opened and a tan man with black hair and a matching beard stepped out. Right behind the man was Alex’s mother, who had a confused expression on her face.
“Oh, Alex,” she said upon seeing her son, “This is-“
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

18-Dec-2009 03:24:32 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2010 01:05:22 by Dantalian



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Irfan Nejem,” said the man extending his hand, “A wizard from Al Kharid. It is a pleasure to meet you, effendi.”
“Nice to meet you to,” replied Alex, shaking the Al Kharidian’s hand, while shooting his mother a questioning look.
“Mister Nejem wanted to offer you a… job, of sorts,” Alex’s mother said.
“Please, Mrs. Pautenaude,” said the Al Kharidian, “You may call me Irfan.
You see, my colleagues and I recently discovered the location of a set of ruins belonging to an ancient civilization, and wish to retrieve the artifacts from said ruins. Unfortunately, the area is dangerous and not very well explored. So we need to enlist the aid of various mercenaries. We went to the Kandarin Army first, but they are unwilling to let many of their men leave post for an indefinite period of time, as such, they suggested you, along with a few others.
Should you choose to accept, you will be well compensated. Unfortunately, as I said, the place is dangerous, so there is a chance of you being injured… but there will also be other, experienced mercenaries, so it is not like you will be alone. Also, this job would look good on a resume should you choose to pursue the path of a mercenary or adventurer… also if you were to say, apply to Kandarin’s Army, they might decide to shorten your training time.”
Alex had stood in shock while Irfan spoke, but when the man had finished, his face broke into a smile. “And you wanted me to wait two years,” he said to Jen. Turning back to Irfan, he said, “I accept.”
“Very good,” said Irfan, “We will come tomorrow to pick you up, please be ready by noon.*
*Wait a minute!” protested Jen, “If Alex is coming, I want to go as well!”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

18-Dec-2009 03:25:41 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2010 01:09:03 by Dantalian



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Irfan appeared taken aback by this exclamation. “And who, may I ask, are you?” he questioned.
“Genevieve Roux,” replied Jen, “You’ve heard of me, I suppose?”
Irfan’s face lit up, “Yes, I have,” he said, “I’ve heard you and Alex make a formidable team, and I would be delighted to extend my offer to you as well. Only, make sure your parents are okay with it before you come. We will drop by tomorrow after picking up Alex, that should be enough time for you to prepare. Until tomorrow then…”
Having said this, Irfan motioned to his soldiers, mounted his horse and left. No sooner had he done so, then Alex turned to Jen and grinned, “A real adventure, Jen!” he exclaimed, “This is going to be the most fun I’ve had in ages!”

As Alex chattered excitedly with Jen and his mom, he was unaware that a pair of eyes were watching from up a nearby tree. There, sat a boy with pale skin and snow white hair, wearing nothing more than a white tunic. The boy’s blood red eyes remained fixed on Alex even as he entered his house. “Fun, huh? You humans are so optimistic. Adventures are filled with hardships, as you will soon know.” With this, the boy shook his head and vanished, leaving behind only a flurry of strange, violet flower petals.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

18-Dec-2009 03:26:13 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2010 01:10:54 by Dantalian



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Irfan walked with measured strides, checking a piece of paper in his hand every few seconds to make sure he was in the right place. Finally satisfying himself, he stopped in front of a non-descript inn door and paused. Taking deep breaths, he attempted to steel himself before he walked through the door. He was confident, as he had been many times before, that should negotiations go sour and degrade into fighting he would emerge victorious. Nonetheless, confidence invited disaster, and the person within the door was a warrior renowned for his strength and ferocity, so whether or not he won a fight, Irfan would certainly be injured.
With a motion of his fingers, Irfan created a burst of flame, from which emerged what appeared to be an orange-red lizard with six legs. The creature stuck out a tongue made of fire, testing the air within the inn, before tilting its head to face Irfan and saying, "Well, what have you gotten yourself into, Master? It seems one bearing a geis is just past this door."
"I am aware," said Irfan, "The man inside this door bears a contract with an infernal demon. He is a warrior few can match."
"Eh?" asked the lizard, "And you summon ME here? Master, should you be even thinking about a fight with this man, you should know that no elemental will be able to match him. To stand a chance you should take advantage of the strongest familiars the Coven has at its beck and call; the Seven Nails of Pandaemonium!"
"I am aware," said Irfan, "And should it come to a fight, I shall do so quickly, but I am loathe to summon one of those ancient demons if there is no need... and fear that should I do so, it would provoke this man to fight. I do not wish him dead, I wish him to aid us..."
"So you called me so I could speed your summons should it come to a fight," said the lizard, "Truly wise of you master. Yet, you seem reluctant... you cannot ask this man's aid if you do not meet with him, so I suggest you open that door in front of you."
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

22-Dec-2009 00:26:33 - Last edited on 08-Jun-2010 01:14:04 by Dantalian

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