
The Monolith

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"We're ready right now," laughed Naudos, "All we are waiting on is your employees. Will you be seeing them off?"
"That is my intention," said Irfan.
"Then I shall speak to you later, for now I shall be reviewing our sea charts, if you will excuse me," having said his piece, Naudos returned to his ship.
"What do you think, Skad?" asked Irfan.
The warrior seemed to materialize next to Irfan, wearing a grey cloak which obscured his features, "Captain Naudos and the crew of the Tempest... truly magnificent prey," commented Skad, "They are after all, rumored to be the greatest pirates in the land."
"I'm glad you approve," said Irfan, "But remember not to kill them until the artifact is safely in our hands, we cannot have you stranded on that land..."
"As you wish," laughed Skad, "My fame will be increased if there are witnesses to the Captain's death. So I had not intended to kill him until we returned anyway."

"Well, looks like he has quite an interesting companion," chuckled Naudos, as he looked out of his cabin's porthole "What do you make of him, your ladyship?"
In the far corner of Naudos' cabin was a woman wearing dark violet robes, on which were woven a myriad of shimmering white dots. On the center of the hood attatched to these robes was a silver crescent, that, when combined with the color of the robes and the presence of the aforementioned dots, made it appear that the woman was clothed in the night sky itself.
"That man is bound by a demonic contract," said the lady, "He may be a match even for you."
"Is that so?" laughed Naudos, "I relish the chance to fight him! Which, I'm willing to bet my ship is exactly what the Coven intends for me to do."
The lady laughed slightly. "I am impressed by you, Captain, there are few who would be willing to double-cross the Eldritch Coven, yet you agreed almost instantly."
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

28-Dec-2009 21:48:59



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Naudos let out a hearty laugh. "I fear no man, not even the members of the Coven, and I do owe you, Lady Nychta, after all, it is you who gave me both this ship and my axe, without them I would never have reached the fame I have today."
"You cannot be sure of that," replied the lady, "After all, thirty years is a long time, who can say what would happen even if I had not lent you my aid?"
"Modest as ever, I see," laughed Naudos.
"Naudos," said the lady, "Would you permit me a favor?"
"But of course," replied the captain.
"The journey you will embark on is dangerous, in addition to the Coven and the natural guards of the Monolith, I have already received wind that Guthix's followers will be attempting to stop this trip... Would it be too much trouble to ask you to take one of my servants along with you, in order to aid you in this journey?"
"Of course not," replied Naudos, "So who is this servant?"
"I'll introduce you," said the lady, "Aion... if you would."
A burst of flower petals filled the room, and a young man with silver-white hair and red eyes, wearing a white tunic appeared before the lady.
"I have come as you called, Lady Nychta," said the boy, bowing.
"Wh-what is this?" asked Naudos.
"This boy is Aion, a devil, and one of my familiars," said the lady, "I imagine that he shall prove valuable on this journey."
"If I anticipate my lady's commands correctly," said Aion, "You wish for me to aid the Monolith's retrieval and protect the crew of the Tempest to the best of my abilities, am I correct?"
"Indeed," replied the lady, "Naudos, do you approve?"
"I already answered that, didn't I?" asked Naudos, "Although, I admit, I was expecting a... well..."
"Human?" suggested Aion, "But you must admit one of my kind will be more useful, yes?"
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

28-Dec-2009 21:52:17 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2010 02:00:37 by Dantalian



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Theoretically," replied Naudos, "But if you stick out like a sore thumb then the Coven might realize we caught on to their plans."
"I know what you mean," giggled Aion, "And already thought of a disguise." With a snap of his fingers, Aion's body shrunk to that of a boy nearing the age of ten, and his tunic was replaced by a worn brown shirt and matching pants, while his hair was mostly covered by a bandanna, and his face and hands became filthy. "What do you think?" asked Aion, "I look like a regular cabin boy now don't I?"
"You certainly do, boy," laughed Naudos, "And since you look the part, you better act it too."
"But of course," answered Aion, "I am, after all, a servant by nature, simply give me any task you wish to be done, and I shall see to it without fail."
"Captain!" a voice shouted from on the deck, "Our clients have arrived!"
"Looks like I should go introduce myself," said Naudos, "I assume you will have left before I return, so farewell to you, Lady Nychta."
"And to you," replied the lady.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

28-Dec-2009 21:54:23 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2010 02:02:18 by Dantalian



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There you go, the add for 12/28. So far, I'm actually keeping up with my add schedule, to be honest, I'm rather impressed. Let's see how long I can keep this up, eh? "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

28-Dec-2009 21:55:22



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Alright, I know I'm late with the add... I took what was meant to be a short nap at 4 and ended up waking up at 2am. But the add is written, and I will be posting it shortly.
Incidentally, this add will have the story's first action scene, let me know what you think about it.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jan-2010 08:41:52



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Chris made his way carefully through a mountain pass, trying his best to forget about the incident from the previous night. Unfortunately for him, this distraction caused him to inadvertently lower his guard, and soon he found himself facing a barricade which barred his path.
"By Zamorak's Axe," he hissed, and quickly looked around for cover. To his dismay, there was none, all that could be seen were the bare cliff walls on either side of him and the barricade in front of him.
"You've been really hard to find, you know that Chris?"
Chris recognized the voice instantly; it was the same voice that haunted him in his darkest nightmares. Every nerve in his body screamed at him to flee, but of course, he was trapped between his pursuer, the barricade, and the cliff walls, there was nowhere to flee. So, steeling himself best as he could, he turned to face his pursuer.
He sat upon an ashen horse, and wore armor that was black as midnight, broken only by the skull emblem at the center of his breastplate. Gold trimming on his armor seemed to dance in the sun like flames, and a blood red cape was draped around his shoulders, while its length rested upon his mount's back. In his hand was a pure white lance, which looked out of place until one realized the entire length of it was made of bone. The whole sight was as magnificent and terrifying as when Chris had first witnessed it; amid the carnage and fire that had replaced the peaceful boredom of the monastery. Here was one of the greatest of the Kinshra: a Death Rider, one of Zamorak's personal knights.
"Why are you silent?" asked the knight, "You must have known this day would come the moment you ran off. Have you not had ample time to prepare yourself for this?"
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jan-2010 08:44:36 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2010 02:05:08 by Dantalian



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Chris' thoughts raced. For a moment, he even considered trying to dash past the Death Rider with reckless abandon, to perhaps make it back the way he had come. However, all hope of that admittedly foolish option was crushed as Chris noticed the archers hidden in the various crags of the upper cliffs. Realizing that his fate was sealed, Chris did the one thing he could still think to do. He grasped his halberd and lowered himself into a defensive stance.
"Do you really intend to try and face me?" asked the Death Rider, "Have you progressed so much while on the run that you stand a chance? Or, perhaps this is just your last desperate attempt at survival? Let's find out, shall we?"
Having finished speaking, the Death Rider sent his horse into a full gallop. Chris held his ground, and lowered his halberd, bracing himself for the inevitable impact between himself and his old teacher. The impact he was expecting never came. Instead, the Death Rider maneuvered his horse around Chris, causing it to skid in the process, yet such was his skill that before his horse had come to a stop, Chris had been stabbed in three different places. Before Chris could even sort out what had just happened, the Death Rider turned his horse and broke into a full gallop, aiming his lance at the center of Chris' back. Chris had no time to shift his heavy halberd around, and could not properly dodge while clad in his armor.
That should have ended the battle. Chris should have been impaled by his old teacher's lance and instantly killed. There was no way he could dodge, and not a chance that his armor would protect him from the tip of his teacher's lance. However, right before the lance hit, something unexpected happened. A spire of stone shot from the ground effectively knocking the lance away and forcing the Death Rider to halt his horse in surprise.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jan-2010 08:48:01



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Seeing his chance, Chris swung his halberd into his teacher's horse with all his might, cutting deeply into the animal's flesh, and instantly killing it. Nonetheless, the Death Rider managed to push himself off his horse and come to a rolling stop a few meters away. Without missing a beat, he drew his sword, and began to advance on Chris. Once he was within reach, Chris lunged at the Death Rider with his halberd. Unfortunately, this is what the Death Rider wanted, and he quickly dodged and lunged inward.
A halberd, for those of you who do not know, is practically a spear with an axe head attached to it, right under the spear's point. It is ideal for striking opponents from afar and more often than not, can easily kill a horseman as he is riding. However, it is designed for attacking from a distance, and due to its size and weight, it is very hard to fight a close range battle with a halberd. Yet, Chris had blundered and lunged without being certain of a hit, thus his teacher had gotten within a foot of Chris; far too close for a halberd to be of much use.
Having gotten close to Chris, the Death Rider simply dropped his sword, unsheathing a dragon dagger glistening with poison. Immediately, he began stabbing into the holes of Chris' chain mail. The Death Rider realized he didn't need to hit a vital to kill Chris; the poison would see to that quickly enough. What was more important now was to put Chris in continual pain, so as to make a counter attack difficult.
Once again Chris found himself in a dire situation, and once again a miracle occurred. Bramble shot from the ground and wrapped around the Death Rider, causing him to flinch in pain, and immobilizing him. Seeing his chance, Chris dropped his halberd and ran toward his old teacher's abandoned sword. Grasping it both hands, Chris swung at the Death Rider with all his might.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jan-2010 08:51:12



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
With a sickening sound, the sword cut through the armor on the Death Rider's neck, severing his head from his body. Chris stared in shock and relief as his old teacher's helmeted head rolled away.
Almost immediately after the Death Rider had been slain, a large amount of bramble sprouted from the cliff side, wrapping around and smothering the archers hiding within the cliff's crevices.
Chris sighed in relief and sat down to nurse his wounds. As he did so, he said, "Thank you."
Without warning a man in a white cloak appeared and replied, "You are welcome, Chris."
The cloaked man produced a vial filled with a thick pink liquid and offered it to Chris, saying, "Here, take this, it will cure you of the poison your teacher's dagger was covered in."
Chris gratefully accepted and began applying the liquid to his wounds. "I've made my decision," he announced, "I will come with you on your insane journey... After all, I have a debt to repay for your help against my old master."
The cloaked man nodded. "Very well, then as soon as you have rested, we will head to the ship. It is my intention to leave before sunset."
"Got it," said Chris, turning his attention back to his wounds.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

01-Jan-2010 08:53:19

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