
The Monolith

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Skad unsheathed a massive sword that seemed to be made of obsidian and brought it down at the wizard. Before it could hit, a beam of wood shot from the deck and struck the blade, knocking it aside. Not missing a beat, Skad spun around, sending his sword at Dentro's torso. While Dentro, moving his hands in an arch, sending another beam at Skad's blade. There was a loud clang, and Dentro's beam shattered into a cloud of splinters, while Skad's blade cut into Dentro's chest. The old man moaned, and kicked himself back, landing a short distance from Skad, his chest oozing some form of thick green liquid. Spreading his arms, Dentro summoned a myriad of wooden spires. He then brought his arms forward, sending the spires shooting at Skad. Skad's sword sprang to life, glowing red-orange and producing a wall of flame which consumed the spires heading his way. Without pausing, Skad leapt through the wall of flames, and charged at Dentro. When he was within a few feet of the wizard, a hole opened in the deck, and Skad fell through, landing in another hole that had opened in the hull, and going under the sea with a large splash. No sooner had he fallen into the sea then the holes in the hull and deck resealed.
"Let us pull back," gasped Dentro, "I underestimated our enemies prowess."
As he said this, the wind and current picked up, pulling the last remaining Void Knight ship away from the Tempest and her crew.

"Oi there mate," said Dax, looking over Skad, "You a good a swimmer as you are a jumper?"
"I'll be fine," said Skad, "Just lead the way back to the ship."
"Right then," said Dax.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

08-Jan-2010 17:07:32 - Last edited on 09-Jun-2010 23:40:43 by Dantalian



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Hm.. not sure if anyone is still reading this. Regardless, After reviewing my workload I've decided to move the add day back to Tuesday. So, there will be an add then, not today.
(I have 18 credit hours this semester, as some of you may know... If I only had my MWF classes, I'd still be doing a 15-credit hour semester, so my workload is severely skewed to those days of the week.)
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

12-Jan-2010 02:23:04



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
ah school, that nice smell of freedom which no longer exists because of it. I was able to balance my work load, but mine worked out where I start set of days about the same time I finish the others. That's going to play havoc with my sleep schedule.
Good adds, funny enough I created Skad for a DnD campaign during the break and he did about the same thing as that. Except the pirates were the bad guys(which indeed may still be the case). Good scene, and good thing my adventuring company didn't run into those pirates.
~Est sularis oth mithas~
~Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality~
~Who I am is not important, my message is~

12-Jan-2010 14:36:43



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Aion sat in the Tempest's hold, looking around. Once he was certain that he was alone, he began tracing lines in the air with his fingers. Soon after a gentle mist surrounded him, which Aion knew would make the area it covered invisible to anyone outside it, and prevent any noise from escaping. Having satisfied himself with this concealment, he traced another set of lines on the floor, while whispering something. As he finished, a phantom-like image of a cloaked lady appeared before him.
"Hi Sophi!" he said happily as he saw the lady.
"Aion," said the lady, "I was wondering when you would contact me. How are Naudos and his crew doing?"
Before Aion could reply, a second phantom appeared; this one of a boy with cyan hair and deep blue eyes which seemed to glow.
"Hi Masser Aion!" said the second phantom.
"Oh hello Ryu," said Aion, "Are you being good while I'm away?"
"Yes Masser Aion!" replied the boy, "Masser Mykola and Missress Sophi have been playing with Ryu too! But Ryu still miss Masser Aion... when are you coming back?"
"Sophi's been playing with you too?" laughed Aion, "That's pretty funny, considering how many lectures she's given Mykola."
"Don't get it wrong," said the cloaked lady, twitching as she did so, "I still hate the idea of keeping a sentient being as a pet-"
"But most of the cats in Gielinor are sentient and that still doesn't keep humans from keeping them as pets," Aion interrupted.
"But most humans are unaware of the sentience of said cats," the lady retorted.
"So, it's alright to do something wrong if you don't know its wrong?" asked Aion, "Or are you going to begin to crusade against humans keeping cats as pets?"
"We'll discuss this another time!" she snapped. Aion rolled his eyes, "another time" clearly meant "after I've thought up a good argument" but he wasn't the type to push a pointless argument. "Well then," the lady continued, "Do you have anything to report?"
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

13-Jan-2010 01:19:04 - Last edited on 02-Aug-2010 18:59:49 by Dantalian



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"We were attacked by a fleet under control of the Void Knights," Aion stated, "However, we suffered no casualties, which incidentally cannot be said about them. Despite this, something worries me... one of their troops was an earth mage, of either the fifth or sixth gate."
"Are you certain?" asked the lady, concern obvious in her voice, "Most mages here rely on runes so heavily that even the most powerful never get past the third gate... That has been unchanged since the God Wars, has it not?"
"Nonetheless," replied Aion, "I am certain about what I saw. And yet... the person, he did not seem to be a descendant of the Kadmons... if I had to guess, I would say he was one of your's."
"Guthix theoretically could do such a thing," mused the lady, "I shall see what I can find here. Let Naudos know of this development immediately... Also, Aion, if you encounter that mage again, you are to disarm him by any means necessary. After all, as a mage of the fourth realm, this should be an easy task, correct? Also, in light of this recent event, and others, I give you permission to undo all HIS restraints if necessary."
"I see," said Aion, "You know how dangerous that is."
"I do," replied the lady, "But he is a mage of the sixth realm, so he should be able to handle anything that happens."
"Thy will be done," replied Aion, bowing. A moment later, the phantoms disappeared and the mist dissipated, leaving Aion alone in the hold.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

13-Jan-2010 01:22:30 - Last edited on 02-Aug-2010 19:02:15 by Dantalian



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"Hey Skad!" shouted Alex.
The warrior turned, annoyed, but slightly amused at being called from his thoughts. "What do you want?" he asked the boy. Alex paused, caught off guard by Skad's unearthly voice, but continued.
"I'd like you to train me," he said.
"Train you?" questioned Skad, completely caught off guard.
"Yeah," said Alex, "I've trained myself thus far, and I thought I was pretty good, but after seeing how you fought those people who attacked us... I realized that you're on an entirely different level than me."
Skad nearly laughed aloud, why should he train this boy? Certainly, Alex had some rough potential, but what would it matter, he was going to be dead by the end of this journey. However, before Skad could refuse, a voice he recognized filled his head.
-This boy; he has an unusual power, he might be useful yet. And if not, once trained, he'll at least make for a better fight.-
Skad considered the demon's suggestion for a moment before breaking into a rare grin. "Alright boy," he said, "I'll train you, starting tomorrow."
"Thank you!" said Alex.
"Get some rest," replied Skad.
"Huh?" asked Alex, "But its not dusk yet!"
"You'll be waking before the crack of dawn from this day onward," said Skad, "And going to sleep after midnight. If I were you, I'd enjoy this easy day, it will be the last you have for a long time."
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

13-Jan-2010 01:23:33 - Last edited on 02-Aug-2010 19:04:11 by Dantalian



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ah, no comments since I last added, how disappointing, makes me wonder if anyone's still reading. Oh well, The next add will be up shortly (I just need to proofread and post it.) "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

20-Jan-2010 01:51:15



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"Will Masser be back soon?"
Sophia massaged her temples as she tried to calm herself. "How did Aion and Mykola talk me into agreeing to this?" she muttered to herself.
Looking down, she noticed Ryu was staring at her with his large, glowing blue eyes.
-Because he's such a cutie- Sophia decided, -That and Aion and Mykola are hard to refuse when they get like that...-
Realizing Ryu was still waiting for her answer, Sophia sighed. "I don't know," she admitted, "But it might be a while."
"Okay!" Ryu replied, showing far more happiness than Sophia thought her answer would have elicited. "I'll go pway then."
"Have fun," said Sophia, watching the boy run off. Once he was out of earshot she muttered to herself, "I swear, I'll teach that boy about liberty and autonomy, regardless of what those two want."
"Aw, you're scheming again?"
Recognizing the voice, Sophia tensed up and turned around. Standing behind her, was a young man with turquoise hair and sky blue eyes, wearing a set of elegant blue clothes with white trim.
"Mykola," said Sophia, trying her best to feign innocence, "How long have you been there?"
"Long enough to hear your plan about putting odd ideas in Ryu's head," the youth replied.
"Is that so?" asked Sophia.
"Oh well, not that it matters," said the youth, "But I have been meaning to ask you, why did you send Aion to retrieve the Monolith?"
"It's good for that boy to get outside every once in a while," Sophia replied, "You can't deny that, can you, Mykola?"
"Perhaps," he replied, "But then again, there's a man with his group... who was it again... Skad Helreighn?"
"Your point?" asked Sophia.
"Well, he's practically a fiend," said Mykola, "If he didn't have such a strong will he would definitely be one by now. With such a man aboard the same ship Aion will have to maintain his Spirit Shroud... he won't like it."
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

20-Jan-2010 01:56:11



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"Because of that man, Aion was the only one of us who could handle this job," said Sophia.
"I don't follow," said Mykola.
"Think about it," said Sophia, "Spirit Shroud hides the soul by creating a wall of magic around it; by using it a powerful mage, or even a god can appear to be no more than an average human, even to someone who can detect souls."
"Sophia..." said Mykola, looking slightly dejected, "I know what Spirit Shroud does."
"Then you are aware that using Spirit Shroud effectively restricts your magical power to be no greater than a mage of the Third Gate, correct?" asked Sophia.
"Of course," sighed Mykola, "So?"
"Think about it," replied Sophia, "Our types of magic would be practically reduced to nothing. My "Magic of Finality" is a extremely powerful, but cannot be held back. In other words, any spell I use would be at least of the Fifth Realm; a bit higher than the Third Gate, don't you think? So effectively, I would be practically restricted from using any magic.
As for you, your "Magic of Perseverance" is a more passive type of magic that automatically reacts with or without your consent, on whatever level the situation calls for. In other words, it would most likely react at a higher level once you went into danger, annihilating your Spirit Shroud in the process.
And once one of our Spirit Shrouds disabled, Skad would immediately detect us as powerful magic users, and likely pick a fight, which considering his contract would be quite dangerous. Or, worse, it might alert the Coven."
"So what you're trying to say," said Mykola, "Is that only the "Magic of Fantasy" would suit this situation."
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

20-Jan-2010 02:00:25



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Correct," answered Sophia, "Aion's power, the "Magic of Fantasy" is very flexible, allowing him to produce great effects while only using power within the Third Gate. Furthermore, Myth is a subset of Fantasy, as such, he could summon fabled creatures with powers at least as great as those the Coven's group will face, and can do so without releasing his Spirit Shroud."
"Well done," said Mykola, "You thought of everything it seems. Now only one minor issue remains; the Void Knights."
"You really think they'll be a problem?" asked Sophia.
"By themselves, no," replied Mykola, "But... I found out something about that earth mage Guthix sent out."
"You found something out?" asked Sophia, "That's unusual, normally Aion's chattel or my contacts are the ones to find out things."
"Yes, but this is an interesting occasion," said Mykola, "Apparently, that mage is the lord of Acbeam Forest."
"You can't mean!" gasped Sophia.
"Indeed," said Mykola, "Melapsos was the one who told me, Guthix came to Acbeam, and called forth its lord. Ieldest Acbeam and his helpers are gone, and now the forest soil, though still potent grows weaker."
"Acbeam Forest is sacred to my people," commented Sophia, "And to Guthix as well, to think he would put it at risk..."
"Guthix is the god of balance," said Mykola, "Balance implies stability, and power invites change. The greater the power, the greater the change. To Guthix, risking Ieldest Acbeam, no... risking all of Acbeam Forest is worthwhile if he can stop the Monolith's retrieval. If you want, we can contact Aion, and ask him to stop the Tempest."
"No..." said Sophia, "Guthix is risking Acbeam forest, it is true, but, the Monolith is crucial to our plans. We will proceed. Nonetheless, we must inform Aion."
"As you wish," said Mykola, "By the way... what did you tell Naudos that Aion was? He doesn't seem to know the truth."
"A familiar," replied Sophia.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

20-Jan-2010 02:03:40

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