
The Monolith

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The room shook, and worried looks were exchanged by all those present.
“What have we done?” asked one of those gathered, a lady in her youth.
“I warned all of you,” sighed another, this one an old man. “The Monolith is never to be used for destruction, never. By doing such a thing, you have disrupted the natural order.”
“What would you have us do?!” questioned a younger man, “Hide behind our walls while the Etyon rained down their nuclear weapons on our land and reduced both it and the peri to ashes.”
“So it was far better for us to do their work for them?” retorted the old man, “Or did you forget, our land is ash right now, and our followers are dead; all because the Monolith was used to cause destruction. Have you all forgotten? Has the lesson of Aither’s sword been lost on all of you?!”
“It most certainly has not!* shouted the young man, “Maybe you’ve not noticed, but the *tyon are dead too! If it were up to me, we would not be taking this foolish course of action. We would instead use the Monolith to rebuild the land, and with its power we could resurrect the peri that died as well.”
“How will you resurrect them?” All those seated in the room turned to the person who had spoken; unlike the others gathered in the room, he did not sit at the table, but stood in the shadows at the corner of the room. Likewise, he alone wore a cloak, which was blacker than the darkest night, bore a violet hem, and a single gold symbol sown into its hood. “Even if I, or her majesty herself, possessed the Monolith,” he continued, “Neither of us could resurrect those lost by what you did.”
“Who invited an archdevil here?” demanded the young man, “And why?”
“Devils are the rulers of the land of the dead,” replied another of those gathered, “They noticed the sudden influx of souls when we used the Monolith and immediately sent emissaries. We invited them to send someone to observe our council and to give us input and aid.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

21-Jul-2010 10:13:58



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Why can*t the gods help us instead?” questioned the young man.
“By the gods, I assume you mean those self-proclaimed gods? The children of light?” asked the archdevil, “Shall I presume you will next refer to me as a demon and claim that I will somehow cunningly bring about the destruction of all those in this room?”
“You may not be a demon, but you’re the next worst thing,” snapped the young man.
“That would be a fiend by my reckoning,” mused the archdevil, “Or perhaps a hell-spawn.”
“Please ignore our associate,” said the old man, “He is of the House of Light.”
“Ah,” commented the archdevil, “I assume that he and a couple others from that House were the ones who came up with the plan to use the Monolith to destroy the Etyon?”
“What makes you so sure of that?!” questioned the young man.
“Show no mercy to that which is evil, and wipe it from the face of this world, then and only then shall good reign… this is the message your so-called gods spread is it not?” asked the archdevil, “It is logical that those of the House of Light, following this line of thought would advocate the total destruction of Etyon, whom they would see as evil. Even if it meant using the Monolith to do so.”
“Are you saying that the Etyon weren’t evil?” questioned the young man.
“I’m saying that it is myopic and foolish to classify an entire mortal race as good or evil,” replied the archdevil, “And it is evil in itself to believe that an individual or group is beyond redemption.”
“Excuse me,” said the lady who had first spoken, “But as interesting as it would be to watch a philosophical discourse between the two of you, this is not the time. We must decide what to do about the situation at hand.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

21-Jul-2010 10:16:31



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“But you have already decided what to do haven’t you?” asked the archdevil, “That is why you requested me specifically, isn’t it, head councilwoman? Aren‘t you planning to have the council use all of its power in union with the Monolith in order to use the power of Storge to stabilize this continent?”
“I should have known an archdevil would have seen through our plan,” said the lady, “I assume you also know what we want of you?”
“You wish for me to prepare a seal that will focus your powers, and maintain a barrier to keep the Monolith from being reclaimed. And if I read the situation correctly, you will be sealing yourselves inside with the Monolith?” asked the archdevil.
“We will likely die the moment we unleash all our power. The place we seal the Monolith will also be our tomb,” replied the lady.
“And where will that tomb be?” asked the archdevil.
“It will be in the city, at-”

Alex blinked in the dim light and found himself staring at Chris.
“Oh good,” sighed the Guthixian, “You had me worried. You’ve been unconscious for hours.”
“Where are Hekate and Linksona?” asked Alex, sitting up.
“Don’t know,” replied Chris, “You passed out while we were running from those fiery bats and while I managed to get you into this tunnel, I couldn’t get Hekate's or Linksona’s attention. I wouldn’t worry about it though, they’re both skilled warriors, and should be fine.”
“I know that,” said Alex, “I’m not worried about them.”
“Really?” asked Chris, “You seem troubled. If it’s not about Hekate and Linksona, what is it about?”
“I just… had a really weird dream while I was unconscious,” replied Alex, “And I guess it’s bothering me… Chris, what is an archdevil?”
“An… archdevil?” asked Chris. “Well, I was brought up as a Saradominist, and we were told that archdevils were a powerful type of demon. In fact, nowadays, the words devil and demon are pretty much interchangeable, however…”
“Yes?” said Alex.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

21-Jul-2010 10:19:01



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I was listening to some druids talk once,” continued Chris, “And they got into a discussion over the differences between devils and demons. If I remember correctly demons are a race associated with evil and devils are associated with darkness.”
“That doesn’t seem like much of a difference,” commented Alex.
“That depends on whether you think darkness and evil are allied concepts,” said Chris, “Come to think of it, I did hear about devils another time…”
“When was it?” asked Alex.
“When I was in service to Zamorak,” replied Chris, “And before you think about it; don’t ask about that time in my life.
Anyway, my master at the time, a powerful member of the Kinshra, was selected to attend a banquet with Lord Darquarius, Hazeel, and several other Zamorakian leaders, and, as his involuntary servant I was brought along to wait on him.
While I was there, a discussion broke out between a few of the mages, and one of them said he wished he could make a contract with a devil for power. When a second mage pointed out that many Zamorakian had already done so, Hazeel, said, ‘No, you‘re thinking about demons. A devil is different. Back in the olden days, Zaros managed to somehow keep members of both races in service to him, I never figured out how, seeing as demons and devils hate each other… well, demons hate everything, but especially devils.
At any rate, when Lord Zamorak ascended, almost all the demons that had been serving under Zaros switched sides, as for the devils… they just left. Practically overnight, a couple thousand devils just vanished from the face of Runescape. I guess it makes sense, they weren‘t originally from this world, so I figure Zaros called them over and made some form of agreement with them. When he died, he was no longer able to meet the terms of his deal, and so the devils just left.’"
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

21-Jul-2010 10:21:49



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“He went on to say that devils were exceptionally gifted in magic, and that some might even match a mahjarret in magical abilities.”
“So, what’s an archdevil?” asked Alex.
“Well, seeing as a archdemon is a powerful demon, I assume an archdevil is a powerful devil,” replied Chris, “Why are you asking about them anyway?”
“Well,” Alex began, “There was an archdevil in my dream and…”
“Please tell me you did*’t make a deal with it in that dream!” exclaimed Chris.
*What, why?” asked Alex, “It’s just a dream, so who cares?”
“Devils, being associated with darkness can communicate with people in their dreams!” said Chris, “And even if you did*’t know it was real, one would still probably consider any deal you made valid.”
“Well, I did*’t make any deals with him, he did*’t even talk to me,” said Alex.
“Ah, that’s good,” Chris sighed in relief.
“Wait, where did you learn that?” questioned Alex, “I thought you said you did*’t know much about devils.”
“Um, I think I may have read it somewhere,” replied Chris.
“Really?” asked Alex.
“Yeah,” said Chris.
“Alright, I’ll believe you,” said Alex, standing up, “Now, let’s get moving, I don’t want to stay in this cave longer than I have to.”
“Sure thing,” said Chris.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

21-Jul-2010 10:23:39



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hm... so I get more comments when I don't add then when I do... Are my readers aware of the term "operant conditioning" I wonder?
Nonetheless, new add about to be up.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

04-Aug-2010 07:52:59



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Dang, I’d give anything to find a river right now,* panted Alex.
“Subterranean rivers are not unheard of,” replied Chris, “But I’m pretty sure that any body of water we find around here, river or otherwise, will be scalding hot.”
“Great,” grumbled Alex, “So I guess our only choice is to wait until we get out of here,”
“Pretty much,” replied Chris.
While Alex muttered under his breath at this idea, Chris rounded a corner and stopped dead in his tracks, and Alex, absorbed as he was in complaining under his breath did*’t notice this until he ran into Chris.
“Ow!” exclaimed Alex, “Why’d you stop?” However, even before he had finished asking this question, he saw the reason; the tunnel had opened into a large, domed room, with a lake of lava in its center. Rising from the lake was a demon larger and more ferocious than any Alex had heard of, even in the most unbelievable and drunken tales.
Everything below the demon’s waist was submerged in the lava, but even so, its head nearly touched the ceiling. The head itself bore six horns, four eyes (all of which were shut) and two mouths of razor sharp teeth, each the size of a great sword. The demon’s skin seemed to be a patchwork of human skins; thousands of faces, all staring lifelessly with their empty eye sockets could be seen throughout the demon’s hide. From the demon’s back four massive black wings were visible, although not one seemed to be made of flesh, rather, each flickered and danced as if made of flames.
For a few heart stopping moments, Alex was certain that he and Chris were going to die, and braced himself. But after a while of nothing happening, he managed to get a better look at the demon, and realized that, with the exception of the flickering wings, the demon wasn’t moving.
“Is it dead?” asked Alex.
As if his voice had broken it out of some trance, the demon’s eyes half opened, and it turned to look at the young men below it.
“Humans?” it asked, although neither of its mouths moved as it spoke.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

04-Aug-2010 07:55:43

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