
The Monolith

Quick find code: 49-50-495-60050276



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Looking up at the black moon, Aion began to sing, “Close your eyes and take a step, into the land of nightmares! Show me now, which is stronger; your desires or your fears? Come on now let's play a game; can you come and find me? Until then, I'll sit and wait, watching as you try.
Long ago in years now past, I saw you beyond the sky. I then tried to call out your name, but my voice had long since died. You have forgotten that day, but I still remember; those times we were so sad, yet no one cried nor shed a tear. I don't want to live that way, I don't want that repeated. And you don't, now do you? So give reasons to smile!”
“When did you make up that one?” asked Ikelos.
“Not too long ago, it was still while I slept,” replied Aion, “By the way, take a look, one of them is putting up a surprisingly good fight.”
“That's the Guthixian, isn't it?” asked Ikelos, “Where did he get that sort of power?”
Aion shrugged. “Don't know. There's something familiar about him though... Wait! I just figured it out. He's...”
Chris ducked behind another metal structure. Shortly thereafter, he could hear the metal on the other side of the object sizzle and boil as one of the strands of fire struck it. He paused for a moment, catching his breath, but couldn't rest long before a shadow fell over him and one of “them” jumped at him from the top of the metal object.
He leaped out of the way as it crashed where he had just been standing, its many metallic arms catching it gracefully, and its luminescent red eyes looking around wildly for its prey. While it was still looking, Chris lunged at its eyes, shattering them with his sword. Fragments of glass fell through the ground, and the predator let out a dying shriek.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2010 06:53:06



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chris had learned quickly that the dying shriek alerted other monstrosities as to where their prey was hiding, and looked around quickly for some sort of shelter. He found it in the form of a large metallic building. Without so much as a glance back, he dashed toward this, and quickly found what he believed to be a door.
Upon approaching, he began to wonder how he would get in, the door seemed to have no handle nor latch. However, to his surprise (and immense relief) the door slid open of its own accord, allowing him inside.
Now safe from the metallic creatures that had been pursuing him, Chris began to look around, and saw all sorts of shining objects flashing on the floors and walls. Forgetting the danger he had been in, and feeling his curiosity piqued, Chris made his way down one of the building's numerous halls.

Alex walked quickly, trying to ignore the odd shapes he saw making their way through the mists. Chris and Usha had vanished without a trace, and now a deep sense of foreboding had come over him. From the corner of his eye he would see strange things; the hem of a cloak, a small flash of fur, a fluttering of wings. But each time he looked, the object he had seen (or at least, thought he had seen) would vanish.
To make matters worse, he had the distinct feeling of being followed, though every time he turned he found that there was nothing behind him... at least, nothing he could see.
Pressing onward, he suddenly became aware that he had entered a city. Or at least, the ruins of one. Tall buildings stood on either side of him, all of which were apparently built of marble, but had fallen into disrepair over the years. Just as he thought to stop and stare at these buildings, he noticed Usha standing a ways in front of him.
“Usha!” he called out.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2010 06:53:48



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The girl nodded, but pressed a finger to her lips and beckoned for Alex to follow her, before running off. Gritting his teeth, and trying to run as quietly as possible, Alex complied with her request. She led him through numerous streets, over and under rubble. A few times through the ruins of buildings, and finally entered a large, ornate building, the likes of which Alex had never seen.
Five towers protruded from a circular main building. The main part was built of jade, and had four towers evenly spaced among what would have been the circle's circumference, and the fifth, taller than the others, coming from the circle's center. Each of the towers was made in a different design and with different material.
One was built from marble, and in such a way that each floor rested on columns rising from the floor below it. As such, most of the tower's interior was visible, showing all sorts of gold, silver, precious gems, armor, and weapons.
Opposite of that one was a tower built of ebony, into the surface of which were carved skulls, serpents, and other unsavory things. This tower possessed no visible windows, thereby giving no idea as to what lay within it's interior.
A third tower was built of opal, and to Alex's surprise, seemed to have its shape ever shifting. Before his very eyes, stairs and windows appeared and disappeared. Floors rose and sunk, and at one point the tower even bent so far that Alex was sure it would tip over, just to right itself again.
A forth tower was built of some sort of grey crystal in a rectangular form, windows were placed at regular intervals, and the carvings upon the tower were symmetrical. Even from where he stood, Alex could tell that the tower had been meticulously planned and perfectly executed.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2010 06:54:14



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
However, what most caught Alex's eye was the final tower, built in the center of the circular building. It stood taller than the other towers, and seemed to be made of some sort of precious gem, however, it was barely visible, for it was surrounded by an ever-shifting column of darkness and light. Alex gasped at this sight, and stared in awe. Although he was unaware of it, he had found the most famous, and prestigious of all Prantiqeth buildings. The one that stood above every other in the mortal world, save the Tower of Kentulu. He had found the temple of the Primordial gods, in which the Monolith was said to rest.
So awestruck was he by this sight, that it was several minutes before he noticed Usha standing at the temple entrance, frantically beckoning to him. Chastising himself for being so distracted, he ran headfirst to the temple, but paused in the entrance.
Something told him that if he entered the temple, something would happen... some sort of extreme change, for better or worse. He hesitated for just a minute though, and was soon following Usha once more. He followed her through the dust covered halls of jade, ignoring the life-like statues of heroes and beasts from ages long past. He ignored the frescoes of major events in Prantiqeth history. He barely looked at the diamond studded platinum doors as he passed by them to enter the central tower. He followed her up the luminescent crystal staircase without a second thought, and only stopped when he reached what seemed to be the top floor; it had no stairs leading up, and no doors save the one leading to the stairs that had led him to this floor. And the only reason he stopped, was because Usha had vanished.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2010 06:54:39



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Thus, Alex was forced to look around; and found that the room he had entered had but two items in it. A throne made of platinum, and a single staff which seemed to have been stabbed into the center of the floor. Written around the staff were two sets of symbols, one written in dark violet, the other in a brilliant gold that shone with it's own light. Perplexed by this, but more so by the staff, Alex walked over to it, and examined it closely.
The staff was made of black material, with silver trimming spiralling up its length. Five gems were embedded in the staff. At the very bottom, serving as the tip of the staff, was a light blue crystal, to Alex's surprise, frost had covered this crystal, and the immediately surrounding ground; a little above that was a red gem, the interior of which flickered as if it held flames; slightly further up was a green gem, in which were a number of strands that seemed to be roots; above that was a blue gem, inside of which seemed to be swirling water; and near the top of the staff was a pink gem, within which could be seen whirling winds. At the very top of the staff was a single orb, violet in color, which had shadows writhing inside of it. The orb was flanked on either side by small bat-like wings, made out of the same material as the body of the staff.
Curious, Alex reached out and touched the staff. No sooner had he done so, than a shock raced through his body, and he was sent slamming into the wall. Getting up, he noticed that the gold symbols on the ground seemed to be vanishing. Before he could ponder what this meant, he noticed something else; a figure was approaching the staff.
The figure wore but a single white tunic, and possessed silver-white hair and red eyes. Alex recognized him at once, and gasped. Aion was standing before him.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2010 06:55:10



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“That was pretty foolish of you,” said Aion. Alex was surprised to note how much his voice was changed. It was not naïve voice Aion had used on most of the journey, nor was it the condescending or slightly insane sounding voice Alex had expected. Rather it was soft, calm, and sounded almost... pitying?
“I must thank you,” said Aion, “By touching my staff, your ancestors' seal on the Monolith was undone. Now, all that remains is to remove my seal. As a bonus, the power of the Monolith will likely restore me to my whole self.”
“What are you talking about Aion?” asked Alex, “My ancestors' seal? Your whole self? What's going on?”
Aion gave Alex a look similar to that which a parent gives a child when he asks foolish questions; one of a patient adult about to explain the obvious.
“You will understand faster this way,” said Aion, removing the staff effortlessly. As soon as the staff was removed, the violet symbols also disappeared, and an odd, prismatic light filled the room. In this light, darkness surrounded Aion. It lingered for a moment before vanishing. But once it had vanished, it was no longer Aion who stood before Alex.
He had pale skin, but it was not the pale associated with sickness, but rather that of nobility and refinement. Seeing it, one could not help but think of polished marble, for this skin was as smooth and pale as such, and yet, gave the impression as being as cold to the touch. The skin's effect was enhanced by the body which bore it; his body was delicate, yet graceful, like a crystal sculpture, it was beautiful to behold, but nonetheless made one fear that a single clumsy move could break it. His hair was shoulder length, and as silver-white and ethereal as moonlight. But it was his eyes that were most noticeable. A deep violet in color, they stood in strong contrast to his pale skin, and seemed to draw a person's gaze and hold it in place. Try as he might, Alex could not turn away from those deep, wisdom-filled eyes.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2010 06:55:38



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
He walked toward Alex with such grace that Alex got the impression that, like mist, he was floating softly over the floor. Adding to this effect were the person's black and violet robes, which moved in such a manner that Alex wondered if the person before him was cloaked in shadows rather than cloth. Alex was so enthralled by the vision of the person in front of him, that he did not notice that the light in the room had dimmed, as if it were afraid it might harm the delicate being which had appeared. Nor did he notice the mists gathering at the edges of the room, nor even that the temperature had radically dropped and that frost was now forming on the throne, floors, walls, and ceilings.
“Good Evening,” said the person standing before Alex. His voice was more musical than that of the elves, and as soft as a child's lullaby. “You are the one who seeks the Monolith... however, it's power makes it so I cannot simply allow anyone to take it. As such, I will... ensure your worthiness.”
As the person spoke, the mists began to wrap around Alex, and his mind clouded. However, Alex still had enough presence of mind to ask, “Who are you?”
“Even though we have not met face to face, you have already met one of my shadows,” replied the young man, “My name is Mephos Nidhogg.”
This name was the last thing Alex heard before the mists claimed him, and at its very mention, light itself seemed to tremble.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2010 06:56:00



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
HE is finally in an add! Not as a memory, or a fragment, but the real, honest-to-goodness deal.
(Sorry if I seem excited, I've just wanted to put Mephos in an add FOREVER. In fact most of the fragments, memory scenes with him, etc. are because I've wanted him in an add, but can't do it without messing up the plot. :P )
We're getting near the end, and I might make another add this week, provided I get some comments [especially from mister requested-this-story] (btw, thank you Orcris, for commenting.)
I've been busy with end of semester stuff (including finals) and now am having to deal with things as a certain prestigious company does a thorough background check on me, pending my employment with them. But other than that, I'm on vacation! Yay! No more exams, or studying, or quizzes until I get back from my job in the Summer. (provided the background check doesn't kill it, which I don't foresee it doing)
But as such, I should be able to add again.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2010 07:02:23



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Reminds me much of Raistlin from dragonlance, especially the skin and frailty. Though Raistlin was sickly during many of the books, but perhaps Mephos was this as well before becoming very powerful and able to overcome such inconveniences. Perhaps I will get the chance during my break to reread all of your stories so that I may make some proper hypothesis about many of the things therein.
I was starting to worry that you had been disposed of by a sibling or something. You really should atleast check in more often.
~Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead~ Darth Revan
~Equality is a chain, like obedience. Like fear or uncertainty or self doubt.~ Darth Bane
~There's no certainty - only opportunity.~ V
~Everyone dies. It is is how one lives that matters.~ Artemis Entreri
~You're not making art. You're making corpses.~ Durzo Blint

17-Dec-2010 05:08:38



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Hm, Mephos and Raistlin would probably get along well...
I should mention; Mephos is not nearly as frail as people tend to think he is. But then again, he has less control of himself than Raistlin too. He may be stoic now, but once his passions are awoken, it is incredibly difficult for him to stay in control.
It would be interesting to see a fight between them, I honestly can't say who would win, but I can guarantee that there would be no observers left standing :P
While on this topic, perhaps I should ask; Orcris, did you ever do "The Legacy of Seergaze" quest? If you did, you may notice that the Zamorakian mage you fight in the quest is named "Fistandantilus." He was clearly an imposter though, I easily defeated him with a few fire waves, and I don't think he used anything stronger than fire strike.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

18-Dec-2010 00:30:50

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