
The Monolith

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“Escape from the ancients traps have they,
Followed now through the Etyon's way.
Before them, would have been once great farms,
Reduced now to wasteland, by Etyon's arms.
Any guard once here, now is dead.
But beware, monsters of flesh and steel instead.
Through the city's ancient streets,
A temple before them, now to greet.
Inside the prize, kept from ages past,
But between them, one test, the very last.
Proof of the right, must now be shown,
And once that is done, the Monolith is known.”
-Mephos Nidhogg, The Monolith's Eulogy (excerpt)
Alex stared up at the sky, bewildered. It had already been several hours since they had entered the mists, and still the sky seemed to be frozen in twilight. Looking back, he saw Usha was still staring at the oddest thing in this unchanging sky; a moon, black as midnight, visible only because the sky was not all the way black, as in the depths of night, but rather frozen in the deep violet of twilight.
Usha still looked pale as she stared at the moon; when she had first saw it, she had fainted on the spot, and refused to say anything about it when she awoke an hour later.
Alex sighed, it seemed no matter how long they waited, neither day nor night would arrive. Thankfully, despite the apparent proximity to night, there was enough light to see the scorched wasteland between them and the city in detail.
“It's time to head out,” announced Alex, standing up.
“Are you sure?” asked Chris, “This place gives me an uneasy feeling.”
“All of us have it,” Jen pointed out, “But you heard what Nuphar said. We can't leave unless we get the Monolith. You know that's true Chris, remember, that you couldn't leave through the mist.”
Chris nodded. Several times since entering this eerie place, he had tried to go through the mist, just to see if Nuphar had been telling the truth. Every time he had ended right back where he started.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Nov-2010 04:16:49



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“Well, there's nothing else to do about it,” Usha muttered. “Let's go ahead, and see what awaits us in this strange and terrible place.”
“Yeah,” said Alex, “So everyone ready to go then? If so let's...” Alex trailed off and a concerned look appeared on his face.
“What is it?” asked Usha.
“Where's Aion?” questioned Alex.
The others looked around and realized that the construct had vanished. Usually this wouldn't have mattered. Aion had often wandered off in the past. But Aion had been acting strangely since they had entered this odd place. At first, he had acted much like a doll, he did what he was told, but remained expressionless and did not say anything. However, that had begun to change after an hour. He still didn't say anything, but the group had noticed him behaving in a somewhat disturbing way; once Alex had noticed, out of the corner of his eye, Aion staring at the black moon with a twisted grin on his face. The moment Alex turned to get a better look though, Aion had returned to being expressionless.
Usha had heard him snickering to himself in a rather disturbing way, and Chris had found Aion staring at him, but the construct's eyes were similar to that of a snake's. And Jen had the worst experience of them all; she had turned to see Aion grinning at her; but his teeth had apparently transformed into rows of razor sharp fangs. Seeing this had prompted her to scream, but like everyone else's experience, once people were paying attention to Aion, he returned to his stoic self, and acted as if nothing had happened. However, the group had talked about this, and realizing that as each of them had noticed something unusual, they probably weren't imagining things .
“This is definitely not good,” gulped Alex.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Nov-2010 04:17:20



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“You're telling me,” gasped Usha, “I don't know if its overexertion from opening the way here, or the effect of the black moon but-” Usha stopped mid-sentence, but it was too late. She had been pointedly avoiding the subject of the black moon, but after that last slip up, it was doubtful that the others could contain their curiosity.
“What does the black moon have to do with this?” questioned Chris, “And don't try to dodge this question, we're all confused here, and we need some answers.”
“Fine,” sighed Usha, “I didn't want to let you know about this but... I suppose I have no choice.”

“Oh?” Aion asked himself as he skipped through the wasteland, far away from the group he had left behind. “Will you really tell them about the black moon, Usha? Are you sure that's a good idea?”

“Since the beginning of magic, it has been believed that magic and moons share a strong connection,” said Usha, “In fact, it has often been said that mortals channel power from the moon for using their magic... And likewise, the more moons in a world, the more magic. In Muspellheim and Folkvangr, which have no moons, magic is generally less powerful, whilst in Ginnungagap, which has a random number of moons, magic varies in power based on how many moons are in the sky, and Niflheim has powerful magic, and five moons... or I thought it had five.”
“What does this have to do with the black moon?” asked Chris, growing impatient.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Nov-2010 04:17:52



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“I'm getting to that,” sighed Usha. “You see, in Niflheim, the moons are said to be ruled over by the Five Masters of Darkness. The Dark Mother rules over Gyldenwaet, the gold moon, which is considered the mother of the other moons. Lady Black Sun rules over Graegwaet, the silver moon associated with purity and healing. Lady Ebon Fortress rules over Niowaet, the red moon associated with blood, war, and raw power. Lady Umbral Watcher rules over Locwaet, the blue moon said to grant clairvoyance. Finally, Lord Deathly Miasma rules over Paellwaet, the violet moon associated with dreams, but...
Well, there were rumors. I never believed them, nor did most of Niflheim. But according to those rumors, Lord Deathly Miasma, or as you may call him, Mephos, created another moon in secret; one meant to be the twin of Paellwaet. These rumors called the moon Theostrewaet, the black moon, and claimed it to be the moon of nightmares.
It could be a coincidence that a black moon is in the sky... it isn't necessarily Theostrewaet, but if it is... if Theostrewaet is supplying this spell with power. I can guarantee you one thing; we've just walked into Hell.”

“Which, you actually have,” said Aion, as he watched them through a large scrying pool. “Oh, and it is Theostrewaet, incidentally. Well, not that it matters, since you can't hear me.” Looking at the black moon, and grinning to himself, Aion spoke again, “Nice to see you came to visit, and thanks for taking my form when I slipped off. Although, some of your antics afterward seemed to have frightened them. Regardless, going to watch the show?”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Nov-2010 04:18:29



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
A young man walked out of the shadows and bowed to Aion; he was clad in robes blacker than pitch that seemed about as substantial as the shadows he had been standing in. His hair was likewise black, but seemed almost to consist of strands of obsidian, for it shined like glass or a gem. Likewise, his eyes were black, not simply the black of his robes or hair. To stare into them was like staring into the abyss, they drew you in, and could destroy those without strong will, as “Aion” well knew. Having bowed, the young man straightened up and said, “It is nice to see you, even if you are just borrowing that construct's body, Lord Mephos.”
“Give my thanks to your brother for that,” replied Aion, “He guided my soul here as I slept. And please, stop bowing to me when you see me, it makes me uncomfortable, when high gods bow to me especially you; Ikelos, god of nightmares.”
“Ah, but our father is indebted to you,” replied the young man. “And it would be quite unfortunate should word get back to the Dark Pantheon that the sons of the Hypnos Somnus, elder god of sleep had disgraced him by not showing proper respect to his creditors.
“I keep telling your father that favor was nothing, and he shouldn't take it so seriously,” sighed Aion.
“He disagrees,” Ikelos observed, “And do you really want to argue with an elder god on this?”
“No, you're right on that part,” said Aion, “By the way, thank you again for your help in creating Theostrewaet, I doubt I could have done it on my own.”
“Oh... I somewhat doubt it would have been that difficult for you,” Ikelos commented quietly.
Aion heard what he said, but decided it best to ignore it. The dark gods were infamous for keeping secrets, to a point where some joked (reverently of course, as there were few people foolish enough to want the dark gods as enemies) that it was not Erebos who ruled over them, but Seshat, the elder goddess of secrets.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Nov-2010 04:18:57



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Well, it is time,” said Aion, “These people wish to claim the Monolith, let us see if they can really handle it.” Reaching his hands toward the black moon, Aion proclaimed, “I call upon the lady of ten million shadows, the ruler of the darkest recesses of the earth. She who is the queen of spectres and shades. Hear me now, oh lady of the bitterest cold, and grant my request!”
At these words, dark mist rose from the ground, and swirled around Aion as it ascended toward the heavens. Cracks split the ground and from them emitted unearthly screams, which echoed into the distance. Shadowy forms rose from these cracks and wrapped around Aion, their hands, as cold as death itself, caressed the construct, who only laughed as they did so.

In the hall of the gods, Guthix suddenly awoke and sat up straight in his chair.
“What is it, lazy-bones?” asked Zamorak, who was busy losing a game of chess to Saradomin.
Guthix's eyes widened and he stared off into the distance. “The edicts...” he muttered.
“Is something wrong with them?” asked Saradomin, trying to figure out whether he should rush to his follower's aid.
-guthix just realized that i was about to get involved- Zamorak and Saradomin both dropped the game they were playing, each filling an unspeakable chill come over them. The voice that had spoken sounded like a thousand whispers coming out of every nook and cranny in the hall, and the words themselves seemed to be made with ice. Both of the gods noted that the lesser gods had frozen in place, and were looking around with dread filling their eyes.
-i intended to inform of this of course- The voice (or voices, as the case may be) continued. -do not fear guthix, the only place i shall act is on a land consecrated to the dark pantheon.-
“What's the dark pantheon?” asked Zamorak, attempting to sound disinterested, although fear still was obvious in his voice.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Nov-2010 04:19:22



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“If you were a real god you would know,” gulped Saradomin. Trembling even as he spoke he asked, “This has nothing to do with the one who aligned himself with Seshat, does it?”
-no, this is unrelated to zaros.- the voice answered. -however, you shall not hear what it is for. those are my orders, and you may take them up with lord Erebos, if you so desire.-
Guthix looked around, the nameless terror had begun to penetrate even him, Saradomin and Zamorak had been obviously affected, but were holding out fairly well, all things considered. The lesser deities though... most looked ready to break out in panic. It wasn't like he could enforce the edicts against this one in any case.
“Doth as thou pleases,” said the god of balance, his words wavering, “And then please leave us at thine first convenience.”
-as you say, guthix- replied the voice. With this, the presence that had filled the room but a moment ago vanished.
Their fear somewhat subsiding, the lesser gods returned to their previous activities, albeit with less heart than before.
“What the hell was that?” asked Zamorak. Now that the presence was gone, he felt his inexplicable terror vanish with it.
“Ah, that's right,” said Saradomin, sighing with relief, “That's the first time you've encountered an elder god, isn't it?”
“Elder god?!” exclaimed Zamorak, “Those are a myth!”
“They art most certainly not,* sighed Guthix. The god of balance frowned to himself, if he went to sleep now, he would have nightmares in place of dreams. Something he was not looking forward to; which meant he had to stay up for a while.
“So, who was that?” asked Zamorak.
“Why don't you go to the Dark Pantheon and ask them?” hissed Saradomin, clearly irritable.
“Come on,” insisted Zamorak, “Someone tell me!”

“It seems mother has answered your request,” laughed Ikelos. “I can imagine the faces of those three gods now. She seems to have actually visited them in the hall of the gods.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Nov-2010 04:19:47



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“She always enjoys this sort of thing,” replied Aion, “I'm willing to bet almost anything that she's watching this now. Well, let's have those adventurers come then, now that we're prepared. I have just the thing to get them where they need to be.”
“You do?” asked Ikelos, “But aren't you without most of your power?”
“I am,” replied Aion, “But I still have this.” Reaching into his tunic he removed an oil lamp made of obsidian.
“Oh, you brought that?!” exclaimed Ikelos. “This just keeps getting better, I'm glad I came.”
“Glad to hear it,” said Aion, conjuring a small fireball with which he “lit” the lamp, if the word lit could really be used; the moment the flame touched the lamp, shadows and mist poured from it and covered the land.
“Now, this is where the fun begins,” Aion muttered as the mists and shadows continued outward.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Nov-2010 04:20:15



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Very odd that no one at all has commented. Not very encouraging to get you to add I noticed. I was hoping you would add anyway, sorry for not taking the time to post. It really isn't because I didn't have time as it doesn't take that long unless I type up an analysis and hypothesis about the story which I don't feel like doing right is finals week after all. Good add, very much a cliffhanger which is why I was forced to post. I cannot wait any longer, if I don't get an add soon I'll unleash my angry mob upon you sir. I also must insist upon an add in weapons of destiny. I believe you are coming up on the 5 anniversary of that story(even though this is the revision I'm still counting from when you started the other one...jan 21 05 wasn't it?)
~Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead~ Darth Revan
~Equality is a chain, like obedience. Like fear or uncertainty or self doubt.~ Darth Bane
~There's no certainty - only opportunity.~ V
~Everyone dies. It is is how one lives that matters.~ Artemis Entreri
~You're not making art. You're making corpses.~ Durzo Blint

09-Dec-2010 04:32:14



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Usha shivered. A strange mist had covered the land shortly after they had set out toward the city. At first, it had only made things more eerie, but as of late, she found that she couldn't see either Alex or Chris. Come to think of it, they were being awfully quiet.. Feeling a sudden sense of dread, she called out, “Chris? Alex?” When no response came, her nervousness increased to a state of panic and she called out their names again, this time louder than before. Just as she was about to give up, she heard footsteps coming toward her.
“Honestly,” she sighed, turning in the direction the footsteps came from. “Don't scare me like-” She stopped mid-sentence as the being responsible for the footsteps came into view. It was clearly neither Chris nor Alex; it wore a high-quality suit, complete with white gloves and a monocle. However, where flesh should have been visible, there was nothing. The monocle floated above the collar of the suit where an eye should have been.
Once the figure saw Usha, an eerie cackle resounded through the mist, and in a flurry of violet flower petals, a sword appeared in the figure's hand. It waited for a moment, allowing Usha to grasp what was happening, then thrust the blade into her stomach.

“One down,* commented Aion.
“Already?” asked Ikelos.
“Yep, but the other two should be harder. They have resolve, Usha did not,* replied Aion.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Dec-2010 06:52:33

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