
The Monolith

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I see there are insane people aplenty on the forums. My last update was over three and a half years ago, and while admittedly I left on a cliffhanger, any sane person would've (correctly) assumed that I had dropped the story. In fact, for about 2 of those 3.5 years, I didn't even set foot on the RS website.

I recently started going back and reading this, and realize that, for the most part, the story no longer fits in either my canon nor the RS canon. However, I can't very well ignore the tenacity of fans who would manage to keep a non-updated story alive for nearly four years.

So... give me a couple of weeks to go back and read this, and see if I can't remember what I was doing with it. After that, I'll make a good faith effort to finish writing it [this would mean the next add will, in all likelihood be on the week of the 31st... come to think of it, just realized I had a vacation/holiday then. We'll see if I use that to write or to blithely ignore writing.] However, this is not a promise, nor can I guarantee it will end the way I originally intended (I can probably guarantee that it WON'T. )

Also, DO NOT take this as indication that I will be finishing the other story some of you have kept alive when by all rights it should've been dead and buried. I won't say it's impossible that I'll go back and finish WoD, but given the scope and ambition of that particular story, it's highly unlikely.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go mutter to myself about insane readers and how I probably shouldn't have posted this at all.

EDIT: Okay, I've re-read the post and have a rough idea of where I was going with this. The lore in this story (both as related to my mythos and RS') is outdated, though a number of things have managed to withstand time surprisingly well. I'll write up the outline and with a bit of luck you might have an add Friday/Saturday next week (August 29-30)
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

16-Aug-2014 06:22:06 - Last edited on 23-Aug-2014 05:55:40 by Dantalian



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Alex was still staring in shock when his mom walked toward Mephos.

“I presume,” she said, “That even you aren't planning to force Alex to take the Monolith.”

“Of course not,* replied the devil, smirking. “Having said that... he may want to take it nonetheless, regardless of what you say on the matter.”

“Oh?” asked Mrs. Pautenaude, “And why's that?”

“Because,” commented Mephos, “Even you will have trouble with our latest intruder.”

Mrs. Pautenaude frowned. “Latest-”

She was cut off as one of the walls burst open, admitting a man in partially melted armor. Where the armor had melted, his skin, the color of slightly burnt meat and laced with veins of glowing orange, was revealed. His eyes, like two smoldering coals, quickly scanned the room until they alighted on the Monolith. “It's mine!” he shouted in a raspy voice, before charging directly at it.

Mrs. Pautenaude frowned and stood in the way, a single letter appearing between her and the berserk warrior. Sensing the magic, the warrior brought his massive, glowing sword down on the rune and to Mrs. Pautenaude's shock, managed to actually shatter it, forcing her back.

Seeing the sword and the stance, Alex's eyes widened in recognition. “Skad!” he exclaimed.

*What is this fiend doing here?” hissed Mrs. Pautenaude. “Is this your doing, Mephos?”

The devil smiled and walked to a far end of the room, where he leaned on the wall. “I have nothing to do with this, at least not directly. However, as you noted he is a fiend, and a powerful one at that. I wonder if you can hold him off. Of course, if Alex had the Monolith he could easily ward this fiend's blows.”

“Alex,” said Mrs. Pautenaude, blocking another series of slashes with a mix of sigla in various shapes and patterns. “Do not even think about taking the Monolith. The danger it poses could threaten the world.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

05-Sep-2014 04:31:33



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Easier said than done thought Alex. For now, his mother seemed able to hold off Skad- or what used to be Skad. However, Alex noted that her magic was doing only that; holding him off. She didn't seem to be getting an attack in.

“Rule magic is very powerful,” said Mephos, noting the look on Alex's face. “In theory, one can make absolute rules almost guaranteeing victory. However... it takes a lot of time to cast, hence it is better used before one actually is in combat.”

Alex said nothing. He had resolved to do what his mom had asked. However, if things started to go wrong... he shook his head trying to clear his thoughts. Things would not go wrong, his mom would win and there would be no need to take the stone. Or so he hoped...
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

05-Sep-2014 04:31:46



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While Skad and Mrs. Pautenaude fought, Jen had gotten herself completely lost. She was still in the ruins of the city, but was now surrounded by giant... well, they looked like metallic beasts. Truth be told, her first thought had been that they were statues. But as she got closer, she noticed that they seemed to lying around in odd ways and had holes blasted into parts of them.

*What are these?” she asked.

“Weapons,” replied Usha.

Jen paused and frowned. “Like... ornamental siege weapons or something?” she asked.

“More like ships that can move across land, or monsters made of metal,” Usha replied, “Anyway, be careful, some of them might still be active.”

*What do you mean?” asked Jen, “They don't look alive.”

“They wouldn't look alive unless they were attacking,” said Usha. “But anyway, the **yon made some of these so that they'd lie in wait if damaged then attack if provoked. So like I said, be careful.”

Jen kept her eyes on the metallic objects as she and Usha walked around them.

“Something's troubling you,” Jen said calmly, *What is it?”

Usha smiled to herself. “I'm impressed you noticed.” she replied, “there's something about all this that seems off. This place is brimming with magic- not that that's a surprise. But the kind of magic is off.”

“What do you mean the kind of magic?” asked Jen.

“The Prantiqeth were said to have mastered all forms of high and low magic. But... the one that's permeating this place makes no sense,” said Usha.

“And what kind of magic is that?” Jen questioned, curious.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

16-Sep-2014 21:43:07



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“A mix of dream magic and faith magic,” replied Usha, *It's very strange to be honest. Faith is a type of Light magic, Dream is a type of dark magic. The former allows one to call upon angels or other things he or she truly believes in, the latter makes illusions. Practitioners of light magic often say that faith is “seeing the truth even when it is hidden” and accuse dream magic of doing the opposite. So I can't think of why the two would be used in high quantity together...”

Usha looked like she might have been about to say more, but was cut off by a low mechanical sound coming from someplace nearby. Jen turned, and to her horror found herself facing what looked to be a massive ship metal entirely of metal floating slightly above the ground as it moved forward. Behind her, she could hear Usha get into a battle stance, ready for the inevitable fight.

However, unbelievably, the giant, metal ship ground to a halt a short distance away from Usha and Jen, and a portion of it opened. From that opening, a ramp slid down to the ground, and a middle-aged woman in a plain grey dress, her hair tied up in a bun, stepped out.

“Hello,” she said, to the shocked adventurers before her. “My name is Calin, head of the cult of order. We happened to notice you two and decided to offer you a ride.”

“By “offer”,” ventured Usha, “Do you mean we have a choice?”

Calin smiled coldly. “We have much to discuss, please join me onboard for tea,” she said, ignoring Usha's question.

“Are we going?” whispered Je*n.

“I don't think we have an option,” Usha replied. “You see those.?” she pointed at numerous dots and protrusions coming off the metal ship.

“Yes...* ventured Jen.

“Those are weapons far more powerful than cannons,” said Usha. “And a good number of them are currently aimed on us.” Louder, she said to Calin, “We would be honored to join you onboard.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

16-Sep-2014 21:43:26



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Everyone else probably thought she was lost,, and the thought amused her. She wasn't lost at all, oh no! They, however, were lost, and she was the only one who was exactly where she should be.

Those were Ece's thoughts as she marched toward one of the old buildings. This particular building was large, with columns out front. In the past, it had been a beautiful forest green, and even now, bits of the colored stone which had made it such peeked out from overgrowth and black stains caused by the war. Ece saw this, but didn't stop to admire or pity the building, instead, she walked right in through the open doorway, stepping over the gold door which had once barred entry, but now lay on the floor, covered in rubble.

Once inside, the building was revealed to be a library. With row upon row of books lining ivory shelves. Surprisingly, despite the building's decay and the centuries of being exposed to the elements, the books were in pristine condition. This too, Ece ignored, walking straight to the end of the library and turning to march in between two of the long bookshelves, stopping only when she had reached her destination; a single chair surrounded by books.

The chair itself was of little concern to Ece. Seeing it, she had quickly thought it would look better with blue and red spirals painted over it. But the real focus of her attention was what was on the chair; a young man, with long silver hair, dressed in purple and with a wizard's hat of the same color.

“You!” she said accusingly.

“Me,” said the young man, looking up from the book he was reading. “You wouldn't have come here if you weren't expecting me, so don't act surprised. And considering you're walking in MY territory, you have no right to get angry.”

“You broke the rules!” protested Ece.

The young man chuckled. “The witch of chaos is mad at me for supposedly breaking rules, as she herself seems to do the same? This is a surprise. However, I most certainly did not break the rules.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

28-Sep-2014 00:47:18



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“The rule of non-interference!” said Ece, stomping her foot.

“Does not preclude us from interfering with, or in, our own creations,” replied the young man.

*What's that got to do with any...” Ece trailed off and her eyes widened. “No...*

*Yes,” said the man with a smirk, “It seems you just realized.”

Ece frowned. “Ece underestimated the “witch of marchen” but why would he do this?”

“You know how my magic works,” came the reply, “A lie, when held as truth by enough people becomes indistinguishable from the truth itself. History changes when the gullible masses accept the propaganda of the victors as an accurate recount of events. A mortal king with many flaws may become a demi-god when his legend, conveniently leaving out his mortality, spreads and is retold, gathering embellishments over time. Blind faith turns the rambled dreams of a the false prophet into the stuff of gods.”

“Ece knows your magic,” said Ece, “But why go through all this trouble? Ece understands that even the gods might be fooled, but you are not the type to do this for your entertainment, Amethyst.”

“So, we are to stand on formality?” asked the young man, “Well, then let's disperse with this “Ece” nonsense, Ruby.*

Ece gave him a death glare but said nothing.

“As for why,” continued Amethyst. “The Monolith, of course.”

Ece's eyes widened in understanding. “You wouldn't...”

“Ah, but I would, and you know it,” said Amethyst, “Right now, Skad Hellreighn, or what is left of him, does battle with Alex's mother, both of them aiming for the other's death. As you know, faith for which blood is shed is much stronger than faith which is simply believed. As such, soon my goal here will be complete, and when it is...*

*What if Ece stops you?” questioned the girl.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

28-Sep-2014 00:47:51



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I will consider it entertaining to watch your attempts,” replied Amethyst, “But if you go too far, I will get involved.”

Ece stared at him, pondering what she should do.

“In the meantime, would you care to watch?” asked Amethyst. “I have tea and cookies.”

“Ece will accept your paltry offering of sweets and tea, but this does not mean she will not stop you,” said Ece.

“Very well,” said Amethyst, conjuring a plate of fresh cookies and a pot of tea. “But until then, let us be at peace with each other.

Now, I believe Skad and Alex's mother were fighting, shall we see how that little incident is going?”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

28-Sep-2014 00:48:06

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