
The Monolith

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“I know,” replied Aion, “And note that references to him increase as we go further in... from what Alex and Chris said, he had a fragment in the Fire Caves, and then the phoenix knew of him... And here we find the Cocy*us itself flowing through a land other than Niflheim.”
“That's what disturbs me the most,” said Usha, *The Cocytus should not be here... the five great rivers are supposed to be unable to leave Niflheim, even if one uses magic.”
“We can't prove it isn't the Cocy*us, and we can't definitely prove that we aren't in Niflheim” Aion said abruptly.
Usha nodded. “Devil's proof; since we can't prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Cocy*us is not nearby, it could possibly be nearby. Hence it is nearby.”
“Something else has been bothering me,” said Aion.
“What is it?” asked Usha.
“Setkul fought here, didn't he? Against the Prantiqeth?” questioned Aion.
“Yes, why?” replied Usha.
“And Mephos came and helped the Prantiqeth after this,” continued Aion, “But Usha... the Etyon and Prantiqeth civilizations faded into obscurity about ten thousand years ago...”
Usha gasped. “And Mephos didn't ascend to archdevil rank until about one thousand years ago...” she muttered. “There's no way he could have played a part in the fall of the Etyon society, or the end of the Prantiqeth golden age...”
“No, it is possible,” Aion pointed out, “But the historical records do not agree... if two supposed facts disagree, one, or both must be false.”
“So someone changed history...” muttered Usha, “Aion, I have a feeling there's more going on here than we are aware.”
Before Aion could reply, Alex began shouting. Turning to see what was the cause of this, Usha and Aion found that their three companions had climbed up a nearby slope and were now staring at something and having a heated conversation.
“We better see what's up,” Usha muttered, picking up her pace, with Aion close behind.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

10-Nov-2010 06:34:38



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Once the two of them had climbed up the slope, they immediately noticed the source of their companions' surprise; before them was the ocean. Yet something seemed strange about this ocean... it was a few moments before Usha figured out what it was... the two rivers that they had been following through most of their trip through the snow-laden lands connected to this ocean. But the rivers had been flowing toward the mountain range which held the Fire Caves, not toward the ocean.
“How can the ocean be here?!” Alex was shouting, “The city is supposed to be further on!”
“We must of missed the city,” Jen replied, “And made it to the other side of this continent.”
“As if! We would've noticed the city if we had gotten near it!” retorted Alex.
“Well, look,” Jen snapped back, “The ocean is here, so somehow we got to the other side of the continent.”
“Usha,” Aion muttered.
“I know,” she replied, “Devil's proof... again...” in a louder voice she said, “Jen, Alex, stop arguing.” Noting that she had earned their attention with this. She went on, “We're not at the end of this continent yet, even though we've reached the ocean.”
“What, how do you figure?” asked Chris, who until now had remained silent.
“There's powerful magic at work here,” Usha replied, “It has made the ocean come where it should not be. I'm going to attempt to dispel this magic, please stand back.”
Alex, Chris, and Jen shot Usha doubtful looks, but did as she instructed. Once they were out of the way, Usha muttered some archaic words and outstretched her hands toward the ocean. For a moment, a ball of darkness appeared and was suspended in mid-air. Then it vanished, and the ocean was unchanged.
“What?” questioned Usha, “How?”
“You really thought that would work?” a voice called out. “Though I must admit, I am surprised, it has been a while, Usha Numatenma!”
“Who said that?!” demanded Alex, “Show yourself!”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

10-Nov-2010 06:35:09



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A deep laugh resounded through the air and the voice spoke again. “Very well, I shall show myself.” With this statement, a wave large enough to swallow a city arose from the ocean, and from it emerged a serpent; it's body was nearly a kilometer in length, and was a mix of azure and silver in color. It's eyes were deep blue, reminiscent of the ocean depths. Having mostly emerged from the ocean, it swam with the swiftness and grace of a great river, until its head was over the land.
“Liwyatan!” gasped Usha, falling back.
“It can't be!” exclaimed Chris.
“You know something?” asked Alex.
“Liwyatan...?” Chris muttered, “I heard the rumors... but I never actually thought they were true.”
“Rumors of what?” asked Jen.
“The serpent king who rules over all the seas,” gasped Chris, “Known as Liwyatan in ancient texts, or by more contemporary sources... Leviathan, master of the oceans...”
“Well,” said the serpent, “It seems there are some who yet remember me; even though it has been ages since I last visited Gielinor.”
“Are you the guardian of this territory?” questioned Alex.
“Hm,” said Leviathan, “I am the one who was selected to guard this ocean. But I was not chosen by the *tyon, both I and this ocean arrived after the Monolith was sealed, at the behest of Mephos.”
“Mephos again?” asked Alex, “Just who is he exactly? And what is he after here? He certainly has been involved with this continent.”
“Who is he? What are his plans? How little you humans know,” declared Leviathan, “And yet you seek to claim the Monolith? It's power was too great for the Prantiqeth, what makes you think you can control it?”
“All this stuff about this “Monolith”,” grumbled Alex, “Well then, what exactly is it? And what makes you think we are unworthy to claim it?”
“Hm, such determination, it seems you have matured since starting on this journey,” mused Leviathan, “Tell me, what is it that you desire the Monolith for?”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

10-Nov-2010 06:35:48



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“I have someone I want to aid with it,” replied Alex, “And what do you mean, I've matured? How would you know?”
“Yes, Alex is right,” added Usha, “Lord Liwyatan, it's almost as if you were watching us, this entire...” Usha trailed off, her face twisted in shock. “You were!” she exclaimed, “Those Krakens that attacked us, you summoned them, didn't you?”
“I did more than that,” laughed Leviathan, “In fact I've been in command of all this land's defenses, either directly, or indirectly. And on top of that, I also met with Chris, Alex, Hekate, and that Linksoma fellow face to face.”
“What, when did this happen?!” questioned Chris, “I'm pretty sure I would remember meeting you!”
“Well, maybe I should help jog your memory a bit,” laughed Leviathan, tilting his head toward the frozen beach. With a flash of light, the snake disappeared and in it's place...
“Nuphar!” exclaimed Chris and Alex together.
“Who?” asked Usha.
*The Prantiqeth in charge of this territory,” explained Alex, “He called off the Prantiqeth of the Fire Caves when he attacked us...”
“Correct,* said Nuphar, “I took this form, that of a Prantiqeth of the House of Water, in order to better lead the others as they guarded this island.”
“But for what purpose?” questioned Jen.
“Haven't you figured out?” asked Nuphar, “Could it be, you still don't realize this is all one of Lord Amethyst's games? This ocean marks the boundary of my control... and the boundary of what little reality is left in this place. If you go any further you will enter the land under Amethyst's control, a land where reality has been replaced with fantasy. If you do that, there will be no return, at least not without winning his game.”
“What in the nine hells are you talking about?!” questioned Alex.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

10-Nov-2010 06:36:25



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I will put it simply,” sighed Nuphar, “If you go any further, you will have only two options, gain the Monolith, or die trying. And the price of gaining the Monolith is great... if you were to try to do this for some immature reason like “wanting to have an adventure” then your most lucky outcome would be death. However, you seem determined now, so I will not bar your way.”
“So you'll let us pass?* asked Jen, “But how do we get across the ocean?”
“Get across the ocean?” mused Nuphar, “You don't. You must open the way from fantasy to reality in order to get closer to the city.”
“Okay... how do we do that?” asked Alex.
“YOU don't,” replied Nuphar, “There are likely only seven people who could do such a thing. And none of them is here.”
“Then, what? We need to wait for one of those people to show up?” questioned Chris.
“No,” replied Nuphar, “There are only seven people who can do it. And two chattel who could do such as thing... one of whom is right here.” With this, Nuphar placed his hands on Aion's shoulders.
*What are you doing?” questioned Usha.
“Now...* said Nuphar, ignoring her, “Come, youngest of the five brothers, masterpiece of the witch of dreams... Show us what power you possess. Open the gate from reality to fantasy.”
“Yes...” muttered Aion, as if in a trance, “The gate... it must be opened.”
“Aion? What's wrong with you?” asked Jen.
Apparently not hearing her, Aion reached out his hands toward the ocean and said, “Open now, gate between this world, and the world of dreams. Open in the name of the witch of fantasy.”
With these words, the ocean seemed to shatter; fragments of blue and azure fell to the ground and splintered into thousands of pieces, as if a glass picture had just been broken. And in place of the endless ocean was a veil of violet mist, through which it was possible to see a barren flatland, littered with metallic objects, and, a ways off, a large city rising from the wasteland like a perfect jewel.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

10-Nov-2010 06:37:03



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“There it is,” said Nuphar, “The lost city of the Prantiqeth. If you step through that mist, you will be able to reach it, but as I said, you will not be able to leave the way you came. The only way to escape that land is to possess the Monolith itself. Given that, will you enter?”
Noting their hesitation, Nuphar continued, “And Alex, I will warn you... you can reclaim the Monolith, but to do so, you will have to face the most difficult opponent of your life. Are you willing to do that?”
“Bring it on!” replied Alex, “I have a reason worth facing ten thousand opponents worse than whatever you're talking about.” Having said this, Alex marched into the mists, and was soon visible on the other side.
“By the way,” Nuphar muttered, looking at Chris.
*What is it?” asked the Guthixian.
“No,* said Nuphar, shaking his head, “Nevermind... are you going after him then?”
“Of course,” replied Chris, walking through the mist, with Jen close behind.”
“So eager,” mused Nuphar.
“This violet mist...” commented Usha, “Wasn't it once said that it was “a mist with a sweet scent, and siren call, but noxious to breath” or as humans later called it...”
“The Deathly Miasma, where dreams were reality, and whose reality claimed the minds of those who entered,” finished Nuphar, “Yes, this is the very thing that got Mepho* that title... now, what will you do?”
“I'll go in as well,” said Usha, stepping toward the mist.
“Wait,” said Nuphar, pushing Aion forward he added, “Take him too, he will be necessary to claim the Monolith. And also take a message for me.”
“What is the message?” asked Usha.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

10-Nov-2010 06:37:37



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Nuphar smiled bitterly and said, “Usha, pass this on, but remember it as well; The master of this game is capable of re-writing history. Just because you hear of a war which caused something does not mean it ever really occurred... And remember, you now are entering the heart of his game board... not even I know what lies there-in, so be ready for anything.”
“Thank you,” said Usha, leading Aion by the hand into the mist.
After Usha was inside the mist, Nuphar returned to his true form as Leviathan and said to no one in particular, “To whom shall Setkul belong? Do you waver now, Lord Amethyst? Once your dream has become a reality, was it the same as the fantasy you envisioned? Or has it granted you happiness because you now understand that you already had everything you really wanted? And how shall you react now to the one who granted this realization? Life has become complicated for you as well...”
Having said this, a flurry of deep violet flower petals enveloped Leviathan, and when they had settled, he had vanished.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

10-Nov-2010 06:37:56



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here you go, a long (and hopefully thought-provoking) add.
Agh, these projects and classes are killing me... I'll talk later..
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

10-Nov-2010 06:38:49



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Um, due to projects (and exams) leading up to thanksgiving week. I am postponing the Monolith add until Saturday. FOR NOW the Weapons of Destiny add is on schedule. However, I may postpone it depending on how my projects go.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

17-Nov-2010 04:52:27

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