
The Monolith

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I never did that quest, I stopped playing completely about the time the God Wars dungeon came about but I cannot recall if that is when I stopped questing or if I stopped before even that time. Regardless, I didn't do that quest or I would have remembered the fellow.
Lol those two have much more in common than you think then. Raistlin cannot control his passions either. His first passion is magic, and it is his drug. He states so himself, and that he loses himself to it. His second happens to be a cleric woman whom he used to gain most of his power, only in the end to sacrifice himself to save her(well after his brother and a companion time traveled to the future where Raistlin had conquered the gods and told him what it would be like, which wasn't good). Funny how there are no original ideas left huh. hahaha
~Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead~ Darth Revan
~Equality is a chain, like obedience. Like fear or uncertainty or self doubt.~ Darth Bane
~There's no certainty - only opportunity.~ V
~Everyone dies. It is is how one lives that matters.~ Artemis Entreri
~You're not making art. You're making corpses.~ Durzo Blint

18-Dec-2010 04:45:21



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Hm, Orcris... I haven't read "Test of the Twins" yet, mention anything else from it, and I will be forced to kill you in some excruciating way :P "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

18-Dec-2010 05:29:28



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The add for today might be a little delayed. It will be up, but perhaps not until tomorrow. Sorry about this, suddenly got hit with a number of errands.
EDIT: Wow, more delays... I've gotten caught up in the Wildy debate. (Jagex, why must you make such a bizarre poll?!)
P.S. Appropriately, the "pro-wildy" side is acting properly Bandosian :P
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

21-Dec-2010 21:02:09 - Last edited on 22-Dec-2010 06:17:17 by Dantalian

Aug Member 2006


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bookmarked, right here. "There is no Good or Evil, no Light or Dark, Order or Chaos. Just knowledge and your own ability to know when to stop. And if you knew when to stop, you'd never achieve the impossible."

24-Dec-2010 21:17:51 - Last edited on 29-Dec-2010 15:55:42 by Alchimous



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Hekate glared at the ocean in front of her as if, by force of will alone she could tear through it and gain entrance to the city. A ways behind her, Linksoma was sitting on the snow covered ground, doing his best to be patient.
“Argh!” shouted Hekate, stomping her foot, “How can you stand this?! The Monolith is right in front of us! Right within reach! And we can't get to it!”
“And what good does it do for us to lose our tempers about it?” Linksoma asked calmly.
Hekate muttered something under her breath. He was right of course, but that didn't make waiting here any easier. Keeping her mouth shut, she began pacing back and forth in front of the ocean, when suddenly something caught her eye.
“Linksoma,” she said, “Who is that?”
Linksoma looked up and noticed a women, her features obscured by a light grey cloak, standing on the shore. The cloak was unusual in that strange symbols covered it from head to toe, but other than that was nondescript.
The person either didn't notice Linksoma and Hekate, or didn't care about their presence. Without so much as a glance in their direction, she formed archaic letters in the air before her, until indecipherable words in the form of an arch had appeared in front of her. A pale grey light filled the area in the arch, and shattered, forming a doorway into a land lit by violet light. Without hesitation, the lady stepped through this doorway, and no sooner had she done so, than it vanished as quickly as it had appeared.
“Who was that?” asked Linksoma, as he stared at the place the lady had been standing.
“Linksoma!” called Hekate, “I think we have a bigger problem!”
Linksoma turned around to ask Hekate what she meant, and found the answer for himself; a large metallic building, covered in what seemed to be flameless torches was floating before Hekate. As he stared in disbelief, a voice called out from the fortress, and Linksoma was shocked by what it said...
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

30-Dec-2010 09:08:58



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Mephos sat upon a throne of ebony, his hands grasping his staff tightly, and his eyes closed in concentration. The spell he had cast did not require much power, but it did require control. One moment of his mind slipping and the spell would shatter like a crystal goblet dropped onto a stone floor. But he doubted that slip would come, after his long sleep, magic was finally flowing through him once again; how he had longed for this feeling of complete ecstasy as he slept that dreamless sleep... Thus, although his brow was furrowed in concentration, there was a smile upon his face.

Alex slowly awoke to find himself in front of a large castle. The sky above was dark, but filled with stars, yet no moon was visible. He knew he had come here for a reason, but could not remember what that reason was; all he knew was that he had to make it into the throne room of the castle in front of him. With this in mind, he began walking forward. Reaching the gates, he felt a sense of dread wash over him. Quickly drawing his sword, he touched the gates. To his surprise, they swung open without effort, moving smoothly on oiled hinges.
More apprehensive than before, Alex walked into the open gate, peering into the shadows, lest an enemy lay in ambush. However, there was no one in the room, at least not at first. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a lady surrounded by goblins; her dress torn and soaked in her own blood... It was that moment that Alex recognized the lady, and shouting at the top of his breath, ran to protect his mother.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

30-Dec-2010 09:09:28



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The goblins were so focused on their hapless prey that they never saw Alex coming. His sword sliced through them as easily as if they had been made of warm butter. When the last of the goblins was dead, Alex turned to his mother's wounded form. Never before had such a terror resonated through him as it did now, but to his relief, he found her chest expanding and contracting in shallow, but controlled breaths. Realizing that the goblins were gone, Alex's mother turned to him, gratitude in her eyes and words forming on her lips...

Alex woke up lying on the stone floor of the castle. Sitting up slowly, he rubbed his head and waited for his eyes to adjust to the dim light given by the torches in the room; torches burning with a soft green flame... He remembered walking into the castle, but had he simply passed out after that? Confused and disoriented, he made his way down the lit corridor ahead of him, and entered a magnificent room paved with gold. In the center of the room was a young woman, holding up a small gem.
“Jen!” exclaimed Alex, recognizing her immediately, “What are you doing here?”
Turning to him, Jen smiled, and replied, “I've found it Alex!”
“Found what?” Alex asked. Then remembering why he had come to the castle in the first place he asked, “The Monolith?”
“Yes, Alex!” exclaimed Jen, “The Monolith! All I need now is for you to unlock it.”
Hearing an odd tone in her voice, Alex looked at Jen in shock. Composing himself, he questioned, “What will you do with it, Jen?”
“Isn't that obvious?!” sighed Jen, “With this, you and I could become the new gods of this world! All who opposed us would be destroyed! Even the other gods would cower at our names! Now come on, unlock it, and let us ascend to godhood!”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

30-Dec-2010 09:09:56



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Alex was at a loss for words, he had never dreamed Jen had such ambition... her offer was tempting, and at the same time, he knew that so many innocents would die if he did as Jen asked... innocents who would just so happen to be in the wrong time and place... Knowing this, he replied, “No.*
*What?” demanded Jen.
“You heard me,” Alex said resolutely, “I said no. I will not help you become a goddess, too many people would be hurt... Jen, stop this.”
Her face twisting in rage, Jen lifted her bow, and notched an arrow. “If you refuse Alex, I will kill you on the spot. Not even you will stand in the way of my goals!”
“Still I refuse!” Alex retorted.
In a fit of rage, Jen released her arrow. Before Alex could flinch, the arrow reached his heart and a sharp pain pulsed through his chest.

Again, Alex found himself waking up on a cold stone floor. Again he stood up and tried to get his bearings, but this time, he found himself in a throne room of sorts, standing before Mephos Nidhogg. Seeing the incubus before him, Alex's memories came flooding back; he had been in the temple; and then mist had taken him to this castle... he had encountered his mother and a group of goblins... Jen and the Monolith...
Panicking, Alex looked down at his chest, and was relieved to find that there was NOT an arrow protruding from it.
“Do not fear,” said Mephos, his eyes remaining shut, “Those were only a few tests I had designed to see if you were worthy of having the Monolith entrusted to you.”
Annoyed that the incubus used images of his mother and friend to test him, Alex was going to say something sharp, but bit his tongue, instead asking, “So, how did I do?”
“The test isn't over,” replied Mephos, “One still remains... a test of strength, if you will.”
“And where is this test?” asked Alex.
“Arriving as we speak...” said Mephos, “Isn't that right, Shinon?*
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

30-Dec-2010 09:10:26



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Arcane symbols appeared on the ground, glowing dark violet. While Alex watched, the body of a boy in his late teens rose through the floor. His skin was paler than Mephos', being the color of bleached bone. His hair was as black as midnight and hung down in his face. His eyes were the color of blood, and he wore a finely tailored suit of black silk with skull shaped buttons made of ivory. Turning to Mephos, the boy bowed deeply and pronounced, “One of the four dreaded brothers; Shinon of Death, at your service, Lord Nidhogg.”
Mephos nodded in acknowledgment and said, “This person, Alex, seeks to claim the Monolith. I wish for you to test him.”
“As you wish, my master,” replied Shinon. As he turned to Alex, a scythe made of wrought silver appeared in his hand, and without saying anything he charged at the warrior.
Alex barely had time to block the scythe with his sword, and even as he did so, sparks showered both him and Shinon, while the scythe making a nick in Alex's sword. Not missing a beat, Shinon struck again, this time severing Alex's blade from the hilt in one powerful swing.
“Well, that's the end of that,” he commented with a smile, pointing the tip of the scythe at Alex's neck. Alex closed his eyes, and waited for the finishing blow that never came. Instead the scythe was knocked aside by a halberd swipe, and Shinon fell back.
As Alex opened his eyes, he heard a familiar voice say, “I've saved your life three times now. Learn to defend yourself.”
“Chris!” he exclaimed, standing up.
“Yep! Miss me?” asked the Guthixian, “You'll never believe what I had to go through to get here!”
While Chris and Alex were paying attention to each other, Shinon turned to Mephos, who nodded in response. Bowing deeply, Shinon vanished, leaving only a flurry of violet petals where he had been standing.
“Well done!” Mepho* exclaimed. "I think that is sufficient.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

30-Dec-2010 09:10:59 - Last edited on 30-Dec-2010 09:13:31 by Dantalian



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Having caught Alex and Chris' attention, Mephos opened his eyes and stood up. Immediately the castle around them faded into nothingness, and they were back in the upper floor of the temple. His eyes now open, the incubus met their gazes, and a look of recognition crossed his face, however, his it reverted to a stoic mask in a moment, causing the boys to wonder if they had really seen anything.
“Come with me, Alex,” he said, walking to the center of the floor, “I will take you to the Monolith.”
Alex was taken aback by this abruptness, and was at a lost for words. Chris however, was not.
*Where are we going?” he asked.
Mephos paused, and looked over Chris with a hint of amusement. “You are not going anywhere,” he said softly, “Alex and I are going to the Monolith.”
“You nearly killed him before,” said Chris, pointing his halberd at Mephos, “I'm not going to leave you alone with him.”
Mephos apparently did not take kindly to this announcement. His mouth silently formed words, and small sparks of green lightning danced between his fingers. While Chris and Alex watched, transfixed, Mephos lifted his hand and Alex braced for the spell that was certainly coming. However, it never actually came, for just as Mephos' seemed about to cast it, a strange darkness fell throughout the temple. Again, Mephos' eyes widened, but this time in shock. His lips continued moving, but in a different manner. He would talk for a moment, stop as if listening, and then resume talking.
Finally, the incubus sighed and nodded. Turning to the boys he said, “Alex is to come with me and you are to stay, Chris. And in the future, watch your tongue, had a certain god not taken interest in you, you would be lying on the floor of this temple never to rise.*
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

30-Dec-2010 09:14:14

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