
The Monolith

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“We're getting closer,” commented Sliske.
“How do you know?* asked Jen.
“The power is increasing,” replied Sliske, *It's a sure sign we're getting to the source.”
“Yeah,” said Usha, “Soon, we'll be able to allow Lord Zaros to return, and restore his glorious empire.”
“Yes,” Sliske added eagerly, “Within a few weeks time, Zaros will return and reward his faithful.”
“I'm afraid that's not going to happen any time soon,” a new voice chimed in.
The entire group was startled and quickly turned around. Behind them was a child of indeterminate gender. By looks it seemed no older than ten years of age, however, everything about it, from the long crystal-like strands of its hair, to its prismatic eyes, suggested that whatever the child was, it was not human.
“Who the hell are you?” demanded Sliske.
“An ironic choice of words,” the child replied, smiling. “As for who I am... well, it's a secret.”
Sliske clenched his jaw at this reply. He normally would have retorted, but something about the child seemed to cause his instincts to strongly object to that course of action.
Jen noted that Aion and Usha were also exchanging confused looks, and Ece... Jen paused as she noticed Ece was pale as a ghost and seemed near fainting.
“Y-Y-You!” she exclaimed, “Why are You here?”
That tipped Jen off that something was definitely amiss... Even Ece, who had managed to defeat an ancient phoenix relatively uninjured was terrified of the child in front of them.
“Please do not worry Ece,” said the child, walking toward the group. To Jen's shock, it seemed the snow in front of the child was smoothing itself out to make a path for the child to walk on. “I am only here to make sure Zaros does not return by the power of the Monolith.”
“Pah, a child like you thinks he can stop the Great Lord?” asked Sliske.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

06-Oct-2010 04:55:58



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“The Great Lord?” asked the child, “That is not a title that belongs to Zaros. He tried to usurp it, before, and to punish him, We caused him to trip, even as he held the defeated Zamorak aloft. We then made it so his power would flow to Zamorak and not the other way around.
For trying to usurp a title that was not his, Zaros was given the punishment of having his title usurped.”
“What?!” shouted Sliske, “Blasphemy! It was simply luck that caused the Great Lord's defeat! Not some sniveling brat!”
“There is no such thing as luck,” replied the child, “There is only the will of the gods, and the will of mortals, it is these two things that shape reality from amongst the endless sea of possibilities.”
“I've had enough of this,” hissed Sliske, “I will not listen to some brat preach to his elders like this. I have lived for centuries! I have seen and experienced more than you and-” Sliske stopped in mid-sentence as he realized that he had been feeling cold where the snowball had hit him when he and the child had started talking. Wait? Snowball... when did that hit him? When did the child throw it?”
“Just now,* said the child, answering his thoughts, “To demonstrate how meaningless time is in establishing rank; when you started talking about your age, I threw a snowball at the time you first turned around and saw me.”
“What?” asked all of the group save Ece, who was cowering behind Jen.
The child sighed, “It's hard to explain to beings who only experience time in one dimension. Basically, I exist both now and throughout all other points of time and space where I am, simultaneously. Only, since time has no hold over me, I can do things in what you refer to as the “past” even when time has passed into what you call the present.”
“So... basically, you can travel through time...? but that's impossible!” exclaimed Usha.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

06-Oct-2010 04:56:32



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“Well, firstly its not really traveling,” said the child, “I'm simply everywhere and nowhere, in every time, and in no time all at once. But you are right, that is impossible.”
“Then how can you do it?” asked Jen.
“Clearly, impossible must not matter to me,” said the child... or was it a different one? It looked identical, but it was standing behind Jen, while the first stood in front of her. “Confused?” asked the child, or children... “But I already told you; I'm everywhere and nowhere at once. You shouldn't be surprised that I can manifest myself in more than one place, if I'm already everywhere.”
“My head hurts,” sighed Jen.
“It helps if you don't think about it,” said the child... there was only one of Them... Him, again. “You're a creature used to living in three-dimensional space and one dimensional time. Bilocation; what I just did, would make sense to you were a creature used to fourth-dimension space, like demons and the Malakim.”
“Fourth dimensional... space?” asked Jen.
“Oh, you think that's bad?” asked the child, “The Serpents are native to fifth dimensional space and second-dimensional time. Now that would give you a huge headache. Which you already have.
But anyway, all of you should hurry onward. You'll need to move quickly so you can arrive at noon tomorrow, and open the way out of this land and into the wastelands beyond. But not you, Sliske, you're staying here.”
“You think you can stop me?!” questioned Sliske.
“So he says,” the child commented to no one in particular, “But in reality he's worried because he knows that I can traverse time and space, and he's never fought an opponent like that.”
“No I'm not worrying!” protested Sliske.
“Lying is wrong,” chastised the child.
“You little pest,” said Sliske, “I'm going to show you your place.”
“Can Zaros come out to play instead?” asked the child.
“What?!” said Sliske.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

06-Oct-2010 04:57:07



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Here, I'll make it easier for you, let's go to the world he's in, that way he can hear you better when you call him,” said the child. “Oh, by the way, Ece, Jen, Aion, Usha, don't wait here for us, I'm going to put Sliske's sleeping body by the Barrows after I'm done playing with Zaros. Later.”
With these words, both Sliske and the child vanished. The only thing marking their passing was a pair of popping sounds created as air rushed into the vacuums were their bodies had just been.
“What in the names of all the gods just happened?!” questioned Jen.
“You could ask the one you just saw,” said Ece.
“What?” asked Jen.
“You asked what happened in the names of all the gods, and one of those was just talking to you,” said Ece.
“Name of a god...”
“Wait!” exclaimed Usha, “Are you telling me that child was...?”
Ece nodded.
“Which one?” questioned Usha.
“Agapo,” said Ece.
“By the Unknown,” gasped Usha, sinking to her knees, “Well, it all makes sense now...*
*What is it?” asked Jen, noting Usha was as pale as Ece had been.
“Do not ask!” exclaimed Usha, “Be thankful for your ignorance. If you knew what we had just witnessed, you would be unlikely to keep your sanity... I still can't stop shaking.”
“But,” Jen started.
“Never mention this to anyone!” shouted Usha, “Please, forget about what we saw... and let's do as that child said and move onward...”
“He seemed nice enough,” muttered Jen.
“Agapo is nice,” Aion whispered, “But that doesn't change the fact he could make it so that you were never born without even blinking.”
“What?!” Jen whispered back.
“*h!* said Aion, “Don't worry about it, Agapo isn't the type to do that. However, you should remember this event... you just met the oldest and most powerful being in existence... well, kinda... its hard to explain how It works... like the others said, don't ask questions.”
“Um... okay...” muttered Jen, feeling more confused than she had been in her entire life.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

06-Oct-2010 04:57:41



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“That was clearly divine intervention!” shouted Zamorak.
“Yes... yes it was,” Guthix admitted.
“Well, He broke the edicts, why didn't you do anything about it?!” demanded Zamorak.
Guthix sighed. This is what he would expect from a mortal-turned-god. “Next time It comes here, you can deal with It if you want,” said Guthix.
“Really? Awesome!” shouted Zamorak and Saradomin at the same time.
“What's with you?” Zamorak asked Saradomin, “Guthix said I could deal with that intervener, not you.”
“You're stupid,” replied Saradomin, “You remember the Staff of Armadyl?”
“Sounds familiar,” admitted Zamorak.
“The staff you stabbed into you-know-who?” said Saradomin.
“Oh, yeah, that thing,” exclaimed Zamorak, “What about it?”
“Do you know who made 'that thing'?” asked Saradomin.
“Armadillo?” asked Zamorak.
“I'm guessing you mean Armadyl,” sighed Saradomin, “Either way it's wrong, That child you're planning to beat up made it.”
“So?” asked Zamorak, “When I kill Him I'll make His bones into a new axe for me!”
“Ignoring your inane babbling, Zamorak,” said Saradomin, “Guthix, if it were possible to kill that child, what would happen?”
“You know what would happen to Gielinor if I died?” asked Guthix.
“I know what you SAY would happen to RUNESCAPE if you died,” replied Saradomin, rolling his eyes.
“Well, I am to that child as Gielinor is to the Universe,” said Guthix.
“By my beard!” exclaimed Saradomin, “And to think that's what Zar-” the deity of light cut himself off mid-sentence, “Er, never mind, eh, back to business.”
Guthix gave Saradomin a questioning look, but honestly wasn't that interested, and so didn't press the matter.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

06-Oct-2010 04:58:29



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Prefix, it's not my fault you leave you mind too open, making it easy to read :P
Oh, and you did see the third one I sent you right? Or do I need to resend it?
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

07-Oct-2010 01:04:44



Posts: 66 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Gah! The Reaper refuses to acknowledge such all powerful time-controlling characters until further interest reveals itself. It should be noted that all files pertaining to time-controlling characters will be quarintined until such an interest arrives.

In my universe (or story) such characters are unavailable due to an explanation found near the end of the undeveloped story. :P
But an OK add indeed, not as good as the one in Weapons though...

07-Oct-2010 07:08:44



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The lady pulled her cloak closer around herself. She hated the cold, and always had. In the past, when her eldest son was in a playful mood, he would have teased her about it; pointing out that she was from the coldest part of Folkvangr, and thus should be used to the cold. Of course, it was pointless to think of that now, especially with the matters at hand. Fortifying herself against the cold as best she could, the lady turned to the large metallic object in front of her. Etyon technology was inferior to that of the Norizoku, but Guthix would not allow the latter to bring their machines into his lands without a fight, whereas the Etyon had already done so, and left behind many salvageable devices.
“How is it?” asked the lady, adjusting her spectacles as she did so.
“We've gotten the fusion plant in working order,” replied the engineer, “Once it reaches sustainable temperatures, we'll be able to get this ship running again.”
“And the ship's climate management?” asked the lady.
“Operable, ma'am, we'll have the ship warm within several minutes.”
-Finally.- thought the lady, -Out of the cold.- She smiled to herself, it was fortunate that the Cult of Order had branches in most worlds, including those with advanced technology. This made it one of the few organizations on Gielinor which could actually get this old machine up and running after years of lying dormant in the snow.
“The fusion reactor has reached sustainable levels,” the engineer announced, “We'll have the whole ship up in a few minutes, Lady Calin.”
“Excellent,” replied the lady, her grey-green eyes lighting up, “I'll be heading into the control room, contact me when the ship is fully operational.”
“As you wish, ma'am,” replied the engineer, saluting her as she walked through the automatic doors.

*That was odd...* Jen muttered to herself.
“Odd doesn't begin to describe it,” replied Usha, *That sort of thing isn't supposed to happen. Doesn't it normally stay out of the world's affairs?”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

19-Oct-2010 21:22:18

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