
The Monolith

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This being agreed upon, the Wyrms gathered together all the wealth they held in their great hordes; resulting in the formation of a mountain of gems, precious metals, and masterful works of artisanry. When this mountain was assembled, they all began to chant, casting their most powerful enchantments upon the mountain. When this was done, the mountain shimmered with a magical aura that could be seen for miles.
Once this was complete, the Wind Wyrms used their breath, which blows with the force greater than any storm, to carve a large hole in the ground. The Fire Wyrms used their breaths to melt even the gems that had been gathered, and thus, the molten mass of wealth poured into the hole the Wind Wyrms had formed, seeing this, the Earth Wyrms used their gravel laden breath to both compress and give form to the molten liquid, forming it into the shape of a sword. Once in this shape, the Ice Wyrms used their frigid breath to cool the sword instantly. The Chaos Wyrms then came forth and using their breath, which embodies the very essence of Chaos itself, imbued the sword with nigh limitless energy. The Light Wyrms followed, using their laser-like breath to sharpen the blade to a point were it could cut through stone as easily as a hot knife cuts butter. The Dark Wyrms came after this, and their shadow filled breath gave the sword the ability to conform to its wielder, so that it could become whatever form its wielder was most comfortable with. Finally came the Law Wyrms, whose breath of order made it so the blade could never be damaged.
Thus was created Aehtgewaeld, the sword of power.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

05-Jan-2011 23:30:33



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While the Wyrms were thus occupied, the Kadmon gathered together and made a simple mirror of pure silver. Then they went before the mirror; first came the humans who had followed Khaos, goddess of chaos, using magic they imbued into the mirror, the entirety of their intuition; the knowledge which takes the form of gut feelings, which Khaos is so fond of. Next came forth the followers of Aither, who imbued faith, the knowledge brought about directly from the gods, into the mirror. After them came the followers of Erebos, into the mirror they imbued magical knowledge, and wisdom, the knowledge which allows one to make sound judgments. After this came the followers of Ananke, who imbued into the mirror, scientific knowledge; the knowledge about the natural world brought about by careful experimentation. Finally, came the Kadmon not associated with any of the four primordial gods, and they imbued the knowledge known as common sense into the mirror.
Thus was created Gerad, the mirror of knowledge.
Finally, the Fey came together, and using their formidable magic, created a single stone. They then took this stone to every one of the races and imbued it with the love of mortals. First they imbued it with Storge, also called affection; which is the mild, but durable love of a parent for a child and of a child for a parent. Then they imbued Philia, also called friendship; the love which binds friends together and makes one grow happy at his or her friends' happiness. Finally they imbued Eros, the often short-lived, but powerful love found between lovers, which makes even the touch of one lover spark bliss in the other.
Thus was created Gladmodness, the stone of love, which would later be known as the Monolith.
To make a long story short, the First God was pleased by these gifts, but moreso by his children working together and not lording over each other, as such he rescued the mortal races from their fate.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

05-Jan-2011 23:30:56



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“So, wait,” said Alex, “You're telling me that the Monolith's power is just the power of love?”
“Just the power of love?” asked Mephos, a crooked smile on his face, “Have you not felt love yourself, Alex? Certainly at your age, you have felt the burning fires of Eros?” Noting that Alex was now blushing furiously, Mephos' smile broadened.
“So, can the Monolith be used to make someone love you or something?” asked Alex.
Mephos sighed and shook his head. “There is no power on heaven, earth, nor hell, which can make anyone love anyone else,” said the incubus, “There are some magics, of course, which can awake desire, or infatuation, which may later beckon Eros to appear in someone, but this is not love itself.”
“Then, what can the Monolith do?” questioned Alex.
“As I said, it possesses all the power associated with the love mortals have,” said Mephos, “The power of Storge allows it to protect and make things unchangeable; one using the Monolith can thus protect himself from injury and aging. The power of Philia, gives the Monolith the ability to amplify and improve something else; lead can become gold at the will of one who wields the Monolith, a spell or sword slash can rapidly increase in power. And the power of Eros gives the Monolith the power to create. Visualize something you desire, and the Monolith will make it.
Of course, all this requires you have the will to use the Monolith, a weak will can use less of it's power than a strong one.”
“That is incredible,” gasped Alex, “One who has this will certainly become a god.”
“Perhaps,” said Mephos, “Just remember it's limitations.*
*What limitations?” asked Alex.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

05-Jan-2011 23:31:44



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“Firstly, remember that Monolith has nothing more nor less than the power of the love of mortals,” said Mephos, “It therefore cannot truly heal... oh, it can make you recover from injuries, but only by amplifying your natural healing process, thus, if there were poison in your body, it could not remove it. Likewise, it cannot resurrect the dead. There is a love powerful enough to do that, but it is not a love mortals can have on their own, and thus, the Monolith does not have that power.
Secondly, because it's power is love, the Monolith must never be used to destroy. Using love to destroy is a sin so terrible that the Heavens shall immediately and thoroughly punish it. That is something the Prantiqeth forgot when they fought the Etyon, and as such, their empire crumbled.
Now, if you can keep those things in mind, you may claim the Monolith. It has been entrusted to you.”
“Aren't you going to try to take it?” asked Alex.
“I have been told to give it to you,” replied Mephos, matter-of-factly.
Seeing that the incubus wasn't going to say more, Alex reached out his hand to claim the Monolith. However, even as he reached for it, grey writing appeared around the Monolith, and his hand was pushed back.
“What's this?” asked Alex.
Mephos stared at the writing in shock, but turned quickly, noticing another set of grey letters appearing behind him. Fire shot from the center of the circle, heading directly at Mephos, and giving him no time to dodge. Mephos quickly held out his hand, and right before the flames hit, they froze. The ice fell to the ground and shattered, filling the room with small crystals.
“Impressive as always,” said a woman, cloaked in grey, as she entered the room through a circle of writing on the floor.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

05-Jan-2011 23:32:20



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“I should've known you had a way to get back in here,” said Mephos, “But to think you made a rule whereby you could always enter this room... impressive.”
“Well, that's enough small talk,” said the lady, “You will be leaving the Monolith here.”
“Oh? What makes you think I'll listen to you?” asked Mephos.
“I don't need YOU to listen to me,” answered the lady, “You are under orders to give the Monolith to Alex, correct? I'm sure if I ask him, Alex will leave the Monolith where it is.*
*What? Why are so sure?” questioned Alex.
“Because you're a good kid,” replied the lady, removing her hood “And I can't remember a time you've been disobedient. Isn't that right, Alex?”
Alex didn't reply. Words escaped him as he recognized the woman before him; it was none other than his own mother.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

05-Jan-2011 23:32:48



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yes, I know, it's a lore add. Sorry for all of you who hate those.
Oh, btw Orcris. Did you know the Prefix has taken to calling me "Red"? (No Prefix, you can't tell him where you came up with that nickname) Ironic isn't it? Since that was what Raistlin was called when he first took up mercenary work. (Although, people who know of Dragonlance and are willing to talk about such things never believe I would wear the Red robes. I've been told "definitely black" and "definitely white" but never red :P
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

05-Jan-2011 23:36:06

Aug Member 2006


Posts: 4,910 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
well, this is late, and I'm unsure (now) if this story is going to continue, but I'm marking my place. And a good lore add is easily worth reading. "There is no Good or Evil, no Light or Dark, Order or Chaos. Just knowledge and your own ability to know when to stop. And if you knew when to stop, you'd never achieve the impossible."

17-Feb-2011 03:11:54



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I'm trying to continue it, I just don't have as much time as I'd like ^^; "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

21-Feb-2011 06:49:22

Aug Member 2006


Posts: 4,910 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
fair enough, add when you have the time. "There is no Good or Evil, no Light or Dark, Order or Chaos. Just knowledge and your own ability to know when to stop. And if you knew when to stop, you'd never achieve the impossible."

26-Feb-2011 22:35:19

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