
The Monolith

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Here, Hekate paused, and a look of pain crossed her face, “Mephos and Elior were each weaker than the Void King alone, but together, they were a force to be reckoned with... the Void King knew this. He had seen the power brought about when darkness and light worked in unison, and knew he would have a difficult time winning a battle against both of them. So rather than put up a real fight, he played on the distrust each had for the other. I was told later that Mephos knew better than to believe the Void King's lies, and did not falter... Elior, however, never trusted Mephos, and was quick to believe whatever deceptions the Void King fed him. Feigning to disbelieve the Void King, he waited until Mephos' guard was down, and then plunged his blade into Mephos' own heart.
I assume you do not know this, Linksoma, but under normal circumstances, the more powerful members of my race can retreat to the spiritual plane, even if our bodies should be dead. However, we may only remain there for a relatively short period of time; even the strongest of us cannot remain for more than a day. While there, we can use our magic to repair our damaged bodies, but we must return to them... if we remain too long without our bodies, we will truly die. The reason I tell you this is so you realize that under normal circumstances Mephos could have escaped, even with a blade plunged through his chest. In fact, he had been in similar situations before, and at those times had simply turned his body into mist and had repaired it back to a viable state within an hour. But Elior's blade was no normal blade; it was infused with the very essence of Aither, the supreme god of light, and thus, what it cut could not be repaired by Mephos' magic, which was of darkness.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

22-Sep-2010 21:45:34



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Realizing Mephos was no longer able to continue the fight, the Void King pressed down on Elior, and began to kill him. Elior realized his mistake at that time, but it was too late for him to undo it. Thankfully, Mephos had one, final, desperate trick up his sleeve; with his own hands, Mephos Nidhogg tore the damaged heart from his chest, and simultaneously he tore his very spirit, his essence, or life force, if you will. Using these, he fashioned a homunculus; a magical construct in human form. Because it was born of his own heart and spirit, the homunculus possessed power nearly on par with that of Mephos, however, it lacked the skill Mephos had possessed. To compensate for this, Mephos then tore his wisdom, knowledge, and cunning from his mind, and embodied it as another construct.
His life and knowledge fading rapidly, Mephos ordered these constructs to teleport not only him, but also Elior, out of the Void King's grasp. The Void King, having thought Mephos disposed of, did not expect this, and thus was unable to prevent it, allowing Elior and Mephos to escape.
Elior was sent to me, comatose and beaten within an inch of his life by the Void King, but still alive. Mephos vanished, and truth be told, he should have died long ago without his heart... but my sister unknowingly revealed to me that the construct made from his spirit still lives, and such a construct would vanish if it's creator had died. As for Elior, I watched over him for two years, using my magic to keep him alive while he was in his comatose state. During this time, some Zarosians came to me, and made me an offer; if I could help them return Zaros to this land, the Empty Lord would awaken Elior with his power... I honestly considered it, however, it seems that was unnecessary, for before Azzanadra was even unleashed... Two long years after his battle with the Void King, Elior finally opened his eyes...” again Hekate paused, this time apparently to hold back her own emotions.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

22-Sep-2010 21:45:56



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“He had lost almost all of his power, but it was the same Elior, the same smile, the same laugh, the same person. And he still remembered me, and the promise he had made to me. However, while he doesn't mention it, probably not to worry me, I can see that he is concerned about the state of his homeland... without his power, it is unlikely anyone will recognize him as the rightful ruler of Muspellheim, and as such, he cannot help his people...
Knowing this, Zaros' followers have offered to help us restore Elior's power if we aid them. Elior and I have consented on the surface, although we both know the Empty Lord cannot be trusted, and that it is unlikely Zaros would let us go free if Elior did seem about to regain his power.
That, Linksoma is the answer to your question about why I am here; it is not for Zaros' sake, it is for Elior's. One of the powers of the Monolith is to bring something to its ideal state; in other words, it can give Elior his power back. That is the reason I am seeking it.”
Having said all this, Hekate stood back up and continued on her way. Deep in thought, and pondering everything he had just been told, Linksoma silently stood up and began to follow her.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

22-Sep-2010 21:46:20



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Walls of words, and almost all of it backstory O_o
Oh, btw Prefix, English may have told you this already, but, just in case... you remember where you found out about "Setkul's Kitty" right? I sent you something there (actually about half a week ago), since we seem to always miss each other on game. We should be able to correspond that way instead of trying to catch each other on game.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

22-Sep-2010 21:48:39



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Elior is something of an interesting fellow. Though I have to say Mephos is a bit more so. Odd how Liam and Seth are/were friends. Seems very noble of Mephos to have helped Elior even after Elior killed him. Perhaps that is why the trust...(or feigned trust)
Its ideal state hmm. That sounds like it may be significant later as well. Well I'm quite glad to see you finally got around to adding. Perhaps one day I will manage to catch you in-game.

~Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead.~ Darth Revan
~Est Sularis Oth Mithas~ Sturm Brightblade
~Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality~ Richter Abend
~What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger~ Friedrich Nietzsche
~Who I am is not important, my message is~ Darth Revan
~Amor omnia vincit~ Virgil

23-Sep-2010 17:56:48



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sorry, I know I owe you all an add... and I'll try to have it up ASAP...
Between school, work, and life, these last three weeks have been Hell (and getting worse with each passing day.) And so far this week is following the same suit...
As such, while I'll try to have all the adds up that are due this week (2 adds for WoD, 1 for Monolith) I don't know exactly when they'll be up... I beg your patience on this, I really am at my wit's end with rl stuff.
And Prefix, it's almost done.
EDIT: It's done, sorry about the wait
Also, I've decided to cancel the add for Monolith this week, sorry about that...
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

29-Sep-2010 03:01:07 - Last edited on 29-Sep-2010 03:35:45 by Dantalian



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Confusing add about to be posted... thought you could use a warning :P "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

06-Oct-2010 04:54:45



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As the child smiled after making the final adjustments to the snow sculpture.
“So, what do you think?”
The child's companion turned to the sculpture and looked it over; it was an impressive work. Snow had been packed together in the form of a large, winged, serpentine creature, with eyes visible on most parts of it. To make it all the more breathtaking, the snow glittered in the sun, giving the illusion that this sculpture had been wrought with diamonds instead of common snow. In other words, it looked almost like a perfect replica of the child's companion.
“Hm?” asked the child, looking up at the Serpent as it looked on, “No, don't worry, they won't see it, we're a good mile away from the closest any of the groups will get to this area.”
The Serpent nodded and turned in the direction that the first of the groups was located.
“Yeah, that's the one,” commented the child, “Sliske is with them, and I'm going to mess with him for a bit so he calls Zaros' aid, that way I can play with Zaros again.
The Serpent made a soft sound, similar to a light tapping of drums, which the child recognized as laughing.
“I know,” laughed the child, “Zaros thinks he's actually fighting Me when I play with him. He really needs to lighten up a bit. If We took offense as easily as he did, this world would have been cast back into the Void about three seconds after the Fey were created.”
The Serpent produced a musical sound, not dissimilar to what one would hear from a flock of songbirds.
“No, that's not exact,” replied the child, “The exact number is two point eight one five five seven seconds.”
The Serpent resumed laughing at this statement.
“Ah, they'll be arriving at the snowbank shortly,” commented the child, “Stay here, I'm going to go ask Sliske if Zaros can come out and play.”
The Serpent seemed to find this last statement hilarious; its laughing intensified and it twisted and rolled through the air as it flew.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

06-Oct-2010 04:55:16

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