
The Monolith

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I think I might indeed know how he could be defeated already, or at least the basic concept to start one's strategy against him. I noted that he fought single opponents and his battles were very short. Thus it seems that perhaps multiple opponents(I'm thinking someone very capable of keeping themselves alive and could hold his attention and then some powerful offensive spellcasters(in an mmo you would say a tank and a few dps lol)) I say this because he seems to lack in things magical so I do not believe he could defend well against it though he might be technologically equipped to do so. Also he is without his favored weapons so ranged attacks would probably work best against this melee user. As for having a group, well considering his fights were very short he might not really have a lot of stamina(I know of a really good high school football team that didn't win state because the starters were only used to playing until half-time).
I'm curious as to if Mephos and Setkul ever fought. I'm also wondering if the reason Setkul wants to bring back Mephos is to rebuild his vast empire because it seems it was his empire not their empire exactly. I'm also wondering at the Void King's amount of power, he doesn't seem nearly as powerful as he was in version 1.0 of this series though appearances can be deceiving.
~Honor is a fool's prize. Glory is of no use to the dead.~ Darth Revan
~Est Sularis Oth Mithas~ Sturm Brightblade
~Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality~ Richter Abend
~What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger~ Friedrich Nietzsche
~Who I am is not important, my message is~ Darth Revan
~Amor omnia vincit~ Virgil

07-Sep-2010 16:38:41



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
You have the basics down on how to defeat Setkul, Orcris. There are a few minor details that would make it easier, but with sufficient numbers you could bring him down. If you were ruthless, you could just send wave after wave of inexperienced soldiers; you'd lose a lot of them, but eventually he would be defeated. Although, it's less due to stamina than it is due to the fact that Setkul's fighting style is based on the philosophy "The best defense is a good offense" He tries to take down opponents quickly, not defend himself. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

08-Sep-2010 05:01:35



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The land stretched out, vast and beautiful, filled with a plethora of plants that had never been seen in any other world. Though it was night, this land was illuminated by the light of four moons; one blue, one red, one silver, and one gold. A fifth moon was also present but was a purple so dark that it was practically invisible against the night sky. These moons provided the little light needed to the inhabitants of the land as they set about their business in the chill of the night, for in Niflheim, there are but a very few about during the day.
Suddenly, without warning, three of the moons began to move through the night sky, momentarily catching the attention of the people of Niflheim, who soon returned to their business. All knew what the movement of the moons symbolized, even as the blue, silver, and red moons moved through the sky.

Within the capital of Niflheim's largest country, stood a building which was circular in shape. One entering the building would find themselves in a large circular room with a single flight of stairs leading to the top floor of this building. This top floor likewise had a single room, though it was built in the shape of a pentagram, one of the ancient symbols of magic. At the top of the wall on each tip of the pentagram was a small circular window, looking out into the night sky. And at its center was a table around which were seated five thrones, each of which had its back to one of these windows. There were but two doors leading into the top floor, one was at one of the tips of the pentagram, right under the largest of the circular windows; this one led to the palace of the Dark Mother. The other was directly opposite of it, and was connected to the stairs that led to the ground floor.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

08-Sep-2010 05:13:43



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As the three moons came to rest in the sky, each one was aligned perfectly, so that three of the windows showed a different moon and nothing else. When this alignment was reached, shadows gathered in the blue moon's light, and eyes, a darker blue than the moonlight appeared within those shadows. These shadows rose up from the floor and took the form of a woman garbed in a blue-trimmed black cloak which bore the likeness of blue eyes upon it. A pair of bat-like wings protruded from the folds in the woman's cloak, as did a black tail, the point of which was similar in shape to an arrowhead. This woman moved purposely to the throne in front of her and cast aside her cloak, revealing her waist-length black hair, which faded to deep blue at its tips, and her eyes which were a blue the color of the ocean's depths. She wore an ornate gown, consisting of black, violet, and blue cloth with pearls woven into it, and upon her neck was a circular medallion into which was carved a square and a diamond, the latter within the former so that the tips of it touched the center of the square's sides. With remarkable grace, this lady sat upon the throne which was directly within the light of the blue moon, and turned her eyes to the light of the red moon. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

08-Sep-2010 05:14:15



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As she watched, the red moon seemed to undergo an eclipse, cutting off the red light from the room. As soon as the moon had entirely vanished, crimson lightning shot through the window that the red moon had been shining through. And from the lightning appeared a striking young lady clad in black armor which bore a red trim, and upon her head was a black helmet in the shape of a horned skull, and like the other lady she bore bat-like wings and a pointed tail. As she appeared, the red moon began to shine again, and in its light, this lady walked toward the throne in front of her, removing her helmet as she did so, letting her long, black-tipped crimson hair fall over her shoulders. Once she was seated upon the throne, her bright red eyes turned to one of the empty windows.
“So I guess he's won't be coming,” she sighed wistfully.
“Kutheostra,” said the other lady seated at the table, “How could he be? His moon is still dark.”
“Dark, but not gone, Nepthys,” replied the red-head, turning to face her companion.
The robed lady looked aside, and said nothing. She didn't need to, Kutheostra knew full well that she thought it had been inadvisable to have a male recognized as one of the five masters, and felt vindicated by the darkening of the violet moon.
“It seems the Dark Mother will not be attending either,” continued Kutheostra, looking at the other empty window, which means we are only waiting on Seima.”
As if in answer to this statement, a small flame appeared in the light of the silver moon. A mix of black and silver, it contracted for a moment, then exploded in a mix of silver light and darkness, leaving in its place a girl who did not seem older than her mid-teens. Silver-white hair nearly reached her ankles, and her eyes shined like gold. Unlike the two who had gathered before her, her clothes were not primarily dark, but rather were silver with black trim. Moving with speed and grace, she sat upon the throne that the silver moon shone upon.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

08-Sep-2010 05:14:42



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“That took quite a while,” commented Nepthys, “Kutheostra arrived immediately after I had sat down. But you took so much time that someone else could have arrived and sat before you showed up.”
“That was the idea,” the girl replied softly, “Even if he is not here, I wish to honor the other master of darkness.”
“What's wrong with you two?!” questioned Nepthys, “He tried to seize power that wasn't his by right and was struck down for it.”
“Wow, what do you have against him?” asked Kutheostra, “I mean, I know he was a guy and all, but he had the power and skill to back up his position among us.*
*I think it is best if we do not pry into Nepthys' reasons,” commented Seima, “We have something more important to accomplish.”
“Oh yeah, why were we called here?” asked Kutheostra, “Normally these meetings occur either right before the days of the dead or during crises, but it's been peaceful as far as I can tell.”
“For the most part it seems so,” replied Seima, “However, my spies inform me that a couple groups have penetrated the land in which the Monolith is sealed.”
Kutheostra let out a low whistle at this. “The Monolith?” she repeated, “Come to think of it, wasn't the world it was in called Gielinor? Isn't that also where-”
“There were rumors that he was looking for the Monolith at the time of his disappearance,” said Nepthys. “On behalf of the so-called “dark lord.””
“So, that would mean that he's probably still there?” asked Kutheostra.
“Possibly,” answered Seima, “But that is not our immediate concern. One of the people looking for the Monolith is a girl by the name of Ece, I'm sure you've heard of her?”
“She's there?!” questioned Nepthys, “She's already found one of the three treasures, if she got another...”
“One who possesses the three treasures is the rightful ruler of the Outer Kingdom,” commented Seima, “I am aware of that, and that is why I called this meeting, to decide what to do about the situation.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

08-Sep-2010 05:15:27



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I say we go in and crush Ece,” said Kutheostra, “She might be powerful, but I doubt she could stand up to me.”
“There is a god on Gielinor named Guthix,” said Nepthys, “He would not take kindly to a dark goddess showing up on his turf.”
“What, you're calling us goddesses now?* asked Kutheostra, “Keep it up and will turn out like the Tenzoku; we'll be arrogant jerks, and worse, our society will be ruled by men.”
“You seem fine with that as long as our other member was the male ruling at the time,” sighed Nepthys.
“No,* said Kutheostra, “I liked him because he knew his place; even though he was ranked higher than you or I, he still was subservient and polite toward us. Now, if Hades Pluto somehow clawed his way up to that position, then I'd have a fit.”
“Oh that would be unacceptable,” said Nepthys, “By the way, Kutheostra, did you hear? Apparently he's married to a Tenzoku woman now.*
*No way!” exclaimed Kutheostra, “One of those delicate, weak flowers that act like they're boys? What in Niflheim is Hades thinking?”
“I know,” said Nepthys, “You should have heard what the other priestesses said when they heard about it.”
“Who conducted the wedding anyway?” asked Kutheostra.
“Excuse me,” said Seima, her soft voice getting a slight edge, “Can we please not share gossip until the meeting is over?”
“Well, we already covered that we can't go personally,” sighed Kutheostra, “So we'll all send troops into the Monolith's land, what else is their to plan?”
“I have a regiment of night elves that has been asking for a mission,” offered Nepthys.
“I can spare a couple dragon riders on my part,” added Kutheostra.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

08-Sep-2010 05:16:09



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Very well,” sighed Seima, “Just one last thing, and you can get back to your gossip. In the unlikely chance the Monolith falls into our hands... are we agreed that we will be giving it to the Dark Mother?”
“We are,” said Nepthys.
“Yep,” confirmed Kutheostra.
“Good to hear,” said Seima, standing up and bowing. “Well then, I beg your leave.”
“Go ahead, your time is your own,” replied the other two women.
In a burst of silver and black flame, Seima vanished, and as she did so, the silver moon returned to its normal place in the sky.
“Since this is an informal meeting,” commented Nepthys, “We should let our moons return to their normal paths as well.”
Kutheostra nodded, and both the red and blue moons slowly began to make their way back to their appropriate places in the sky.
“So,” said Kutheostra, “You were telling me about Hades?”
“I'm surprised you haven't heard, this was a long while ago,” replied Nepthys.
“I've been off expanding my empire,” commented Kutheostra, “It's so hard to keep up with gossip when I'm traveling from world to world; so tell me.”
“Well,” said Nepthys, “Apparently, Hades was in Muspellheim; don't ask me why, I don't know. Anyway, he came across this small pool, and to his surprise found a retinue of Tenzoku, and among them this young Tenzoku noblewoman. So he...”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

08-Sep-2010 05:17:00



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Questions? Comments?
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

08-Sep-2010 05:17:24



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Due to a project I have due tomorrow, there will be no add for Monolith this week. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

14-Sep-2010 20:12:10

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