
The Monolith

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“What, you stupid bird, you no know Big High War god?” questioned Chiptooth.
“You… have a war god now?* asked the phoenix, “You people now worship war as well… how odd. I will never understand why you creatures worship destruction… Regardless, you have not answered why you are here…”
“We wish to protect the Monolith from those who would steal it,” said the Void Knight Captain.
“The Monolith?” questioned the phoenix, “There are those foolish enough to try to steal it? It brought calamity once, and now it is sought again? By people with a war god no less*
If you wish to help me guard it, I will allow you to do so… I am surprised that these intruders passed the first two guardians. But I am more powerful than the gazer and the death plant. And even should I fall, the one after me is even more powerful than I. Nor shall we yield, not unless those who approach have the blessings of either Guthix, Seren, or the Great Lord.”
“The Great Lord…” muttered one of the knights, “Do you hold Guthix, Seren, and Zaros to be of equal standing then?”
“You know of Zaros?” asked the phoenix.
“We have heard of him…” said the Captain, “His followers increase daily it seems… they call others to follow Zaros, the Great Lord as they call him…”
“Zaros has claimed for himself the title of ’the Great Lord’?” questioned the phoenix. “So* history repeats itself…”
“What do you mean?” asked the Captain.
“Dis boring!” interjected Chiptooth, however, the phoenix and the Void Knights ignored him.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

15-Aug-2010 09:38:51



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I… met Zaros once,” said the phoenix, “Many ages ago… while Guthix slept, I sensed a power that rivaled Guthix’s own. Having made certain my lands were guarded, I flew forth to find the source of this power… Over the sea I flew, and to the most magnificent city I had ever beheld; spires of gold and marble jutted into the sky, and walls made to survive years of bombardment and sieging surrounded it. Upon seeing my approach, thousands upon thousands of archers notched their bows and took aim at me. Yet their hands were stayed as I approached. And upon alighting in what seemed to be the courtyard of a great castle, I was approached by a single mahjarret, himself bearing power that could rival the gods…
He introduced himself as Azzanadra, the head servant of a god named Zaros, and informed me that his lord would be visiting with me shortly. A moment more, and I saw Zaros himself, covered in fine robes of violet, red, black and gold. His entire body was wrapped in shadows, even his hands which were exposed from under his cloak.
From him I neither sensed good nor evil… not the same way I sensed Guthix though, for he had good and evil in balance and proportion… Zaros seemed to have neither. He was of the Void, existing without existing, nowhere, yet everywhere. And within him, perhaps instead of good and evil I sensed… power* power, knowledge, and desire.
He then spoke to me, his voice smooth and controlled like undisturbed waters. ‘Honored guest,’ he said, ‘would you do me the favor of joining my faction?’
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

15-Aug-2010 09:41:23



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I… who had lived for millenia, and fought many battles, was terrified, even though he neither said nor did anything threatening… I was frightened in fact, for the opposite reason. I wanted to swear my undying allegiance to that being, even though I did not know what he stood for, or what he desired… His very presence invoked pangs of loyalty and admiration in my bosom, although I had never seen him nor heard of him… I later discovered all who met that god were like that. Only those who clung to their faith in other deities could resist his allure.
Barely managing to contain my terror, I made an excuse, I told him that I had simply come to pay tribute to such a great power, but that bound as I was by an oath to perform a certain duty I had to return immediately. He replied politely that of course I was free to go, but that I would be welcome should I ever choose to return to him. His tone was civil and almost kind… but I will never forget the look in his eyes… it is indescribable… he had claimed me in a way I neither could understand nor resist. And this feeling that I belonged to him did not vanish… not even after I was back in the safety of my lair… In fact, it was only when I finally felt his power fade over this land, that I finally felt free of his mark…
I would have thought the other gods would have worked swiftly to erase his name after he vanished, yet you know of him... and say his followers grow numerous once more...”
The Void Knights had sat in rapt attention as the phoenix related his tale. Once it was over, they began muttering to themselves, asking what sort of god this Zaros could be to exert such control over a being of such magic and wisdom. Meanwhile, Chiptooth entertained himself by tossing pebbles into the magma and seeing how long it took them to melt.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

15-Aug-2010 09:45:42



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
As you may have guessed given my track record the last few weeks, the add will be delayed again. This time because classes are starting up. Check back again tomorrow, if the add is not up by then, it will be up on Saturday. Sorry about this...
~~~~Prudentia et iustia et clementia meo honori sun†.~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~Perfection meo destinato est.~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~Omni facio, ad maiorem Dei gloriam.~~~~~~~~~
~~~~Noir Omega, Dominorum: servus Absoluti Boni.~~~~~
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

18-Aug-2010 02:36:07



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Yeah, sorry, the add is canceled for well, last week. (I underestimated my workload T_T) The next add will be the regularly scheduled Tuesday add. And I WILL post that on time, barring random acts of God that make it impossible. (Like my computer actually frying like it's been saying it would for over a week.)
~~~~~~~~~~~~Perfection meo destinato est.~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~Prudentia et iustia et clementia meo honori sun†.~~~~
~~~~~Ad maiorem Dei gloriam, et hominum salutem.~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~Nihtgaldere, Adeptus Dominorum~~~~~~~~~~
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

23-Aug-2010 04:26:29



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“I see... understood,” said Monica, drawing odd looks from her companions.
*What is it?” asked Jen.
“A... problem has arisen,” replied Monica, “Apparently, the phoenix who guards this exit has been awoken, and a group of Void Knights has agreed to help him prevent us from leaving.”
“How do you know this?” asked Usha.
*That doesn't matter,” replied Monica, “I assure you, my information is correct.*
*So what do we do?” asked Sliske, “A phoenix will make for a difficult opponent. I doubt we will all survive.”
-He might as well just come out and add, 'but I will'- Jen mused to herself. -In fact,- she amended, -They will likely all survive except me... Perhaps that's for the best?-
“Don't worry,” said Monica, “None of us will die. For it seems that there is someone who may help us in these caves.”
“Who would that be?” asked Usha.
“You will see,” said Monica, holding out a bag, “The contents to catch her attention are in this bag. Truth be told I had wondered why I was told to bring it, and now I know...”
“What's in the bag?” asked Aion.
“A secret,” replied Monica, “I can't even say what it is until we are at the phoenix, but don't worry, its lair is right up ahead.”
“How do you know all this?” asked Sliske.
“Another secret,” replied Monica, smiling to herself.

“Here they come,” commented the phoenix. And just as he said this, a group came into the room; consisting of three women, a cloaked figure of indeterminate gender, and an apparently albino boy in his teens. As the phoenix saw the boy, his eyes widened and he gasped. “Mepho*!* exclaimed the phoenix, “Why are you here?”
Realizing the phoenix was talking to him, a puzzled look appeared on Aion's face.
“I'm not Mephos,” he said, “I am Aion, Aion le'Colombe.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

25-Aug-2010 02:31:14



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“It is true you look different than usual,” commented the phoenix, “But I have not forgotten that you can shape-shift, Mephos. Nor have I forgotten what your spirit looks like. Or did you forget that we phoenixes can see the spirits of others?”
“Look, you're really mistaken,” said Aion, “I'm not Mephos, I am however, a construct created by him.”
At this statement, looks of recognition appeared on both Monica and the phoenix's faces, but neither of them said anything.
“I see...” mused the phoenix, “So that is what happened... It makes sense I suppose, Elior was always too proud, and Mephos might have been careless... He certainly seemed distressed when...”
“When what?” asked Usha.
“Setkul was defeated,” finished Monica.
“So the rumors were true?!” asked the phoenix, “That boy was somehow defeated?! It seems impossible to me...”
“Who is Setkul?” asked Jen.
“Setkul Akyros, child of the Void,” commented Sliske.
“You know of him as well?” asked Usha, “And the phoenix it seems... why is that?”
“The phoenix knows of Setkul because it was he who nearly slew the phoenix during the Etyon invasion of this land,” replied Sliske.
“What?!” asked Usha, “I had not heard of this!”
“Who is he anyway?” asked Jen, feeling more and more left out.
“I would like to know as well,” said Aion.
“You don't know?* asked Usha.
“I don't,” replied Aion, “Yet, that name has power over me for some reason.”
At this statement, Usha's expression immediately darkened. Something Sliske took notice of.
“In answer to your question, Jen,” said the mahjarret, “Setkul was... well let me put it this way; are you aware of the dark arts?”
“I've heard of them,” replied Jen, unsure as to where this conversation was going.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

25-Aug-2010 02:33:16



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Well, then you should know that just like there are evil and forbidden magicks, there are also evil and forbidden types of technology,” said Sliske, “I mention this, because the being named Setkul was created by a mix of the most powerful of those forbidden magicks and the forbidden technologies... It was fitting, magic and technology which should never be used together created something that should have never been...
Setkul's origin makes a mockery of life and love, just as his existence makes a mockery of creation.”
“What do you mean?” asked Jen.
“I believe I can explain this better than he,” said Monica, “A child has certain rights... among these are to be created by a mutual act of love between two people. I assume you know what I am talking about.”
Jen's face went red, but she nodded.
“Setkul's origin was a distortion of this,” said Monica, “I cannot go into the details, but I will say that his biological father was killed by the Void King while it was in female form, and then while in male form, the Void King implanted Setkul into his mother. Setkul's body was modified in between to make it so that unlike a normal child, which draws nutrients from its mother in utero, he would instead draw her very life force, slowly causing his mother to wither away while he grew, and finally killing her when he was born.
And after his birth, he was simply trained to be the ultimate weapon for the Etyon army. No compassion, no kindness was shown him, since the Etyon believed such things would make him weak. He grew up knowing only hatred and pain...”
“Which as it turns out made their goal succeed,” added the phoenix. “Whenever the Etyon armies ran into one of us guardians of this continent, they held back and sent Setkul in to deal with us, and he did so without fail. Even I, who am meant to be immortal nearly met my true demise at his hands.*
*What happened to him in the end?” asked Jen.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

25-Aug-2010 02:36:01



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Chiptooth fidgeted restlessly. The fleshy creatures and the bird had been talking for some time now, and he was itching for a fight. He had already tried to remain patient as long as he could, and his patience was even now growing thin. When he heard one of the fleshy females ask a question, Chiptooth realized that this conversation was going to go on even longer unless he did something. With this in mind, the Bandosian picked up his spiked staff and charged at the fleshy creatures. One of them seemed to notice him coming, and threw a cushioned bag in front of him. This caught the attention of the fleshies on both sides, and Chiptooth halted, worried that the bag might be one of the 'bombs' he knew some fleshies liked to use.
After waiting a few minutes, during which the bag did not suddenly burst into flames, Chiptooth realized it probably wasn't a bomb, and cautiously approached it. With a quick, gruff movement he reached into the bag and pulled out its contents. Seeing what they were, he grunted in disgust.
“Why you throw doll at Chiptooth?” he demanded, “Chiptooth look like fleshy little thing to you?!” In a bout of indignation, Chiptooth lifted his hand in order to smash the well-crafted china doll into the ground. However, just as it was about to hit a voice shouted, “No!* and a streak shot from the doorway and to the doll.
Chiptooth stared in shock as another female fleshy grabbed the doll from his hands and began cradling it protectively.

The newcomer looked around at the confused faces of those in the room, and after giving them a furtive look, stashed the doll into her clothes, although the skill with which she did it made it look as if the doll had disappeared.
The others looked on in surprise; the girl was dressed strangely. Her clothes were a mix of white, red, purple, and orange, which seemed almost deliberately arranged to clash horribly. And upon her head was a beret that was white on one side and faded into orange on the other.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

25-Aug-2010 02:39:12

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