
The Monolith

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“In the name of Zaros, may his faithful be protected, and let those who strike at them receive harm in proportion to that which they try to cause!” Alex shouted. As he did so, Alex could see a violet aura wrap around him protectively.
The strykewyrm struck through the ground and slammed into Alex, or rather a shield around Alex. The force of the attack rebounded off the shield and struck the strykewyrm, causing wicked looking gashes to appear throughout its head.
The strykewyrm reeled back in pain, allowing Hekate to close the distance between them and stab deeply into the center of its head. With a roar the strykewyrm collapsed and remained still.
“That was exhausting,” sighed Hekate, after she had ascertained the strykewyrm was dead. “By the way,” she added, “I’ll be interested in hearing where you learned that curse, Alex.”
“I don’t think you’d believe me if I told you,” Alex replied.
“Try me,” said Hekate.
“Whatever you two are talking about can wait!” shouted Skad as he ran up to them, “There may be more of those strykewyrms around!”
“You’re probably right,” agreed Hekate, “Alright Alex, we’ll talk about this later, let’s get out of here.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

17-Mar-2010 09:33:36



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
There you go, as I mentioned (on The Black Pentagram), there might be another add tomorrow or on Thursday, since I'm on spring break. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

17-Mar-2010 09:34:37



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No comments? Really? *sigh* My brother used to not add unless he got a comment in between, sometimes I wonder if he was on to something... Anyway, I'm about to post today's add. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Mar-2010 02:17:28



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“Well that did*’t take long,” commented Jen. Before her was a what looked like an island of life in the middle of the desolate desert; a large oasis filled with lush plants and containing a large pool of water. However, something was disturbing Jen; nearby the pool was what appeared to be the ruins of a town.
*Curious?” asked Aion, walking up to Jen.
“About the town? Yeah,” replied Jen.
“Shall we go take a look then?” asked Aion.
“Might as well, the others can get enough water without us,” replied Jen. It was true that she was curious about the town, but there was something else on her mind that she wanted to know about, and to find out about it, she needed to be with Aion and away from the other pirates. Curiosity about the town seemed to be the perfect excuse to do just that.
Once they had made it to the town, Jen looked over Aion. He seemed innocent enough, but she had noticed some things about him which made his story seem inconsistent.
“So Aion,” Jen began, “You used to live on the streets, right?”
“Yep,* said Aion.
“And then you joined with Naudos’ group shortly before Alex and I sought passage from them, correct?”
“So I was wondering,” commented Jen, “When did you suddenly learn to speak in proper grammar?”
Aion stopped in his tracks, his mind clearly going back over the past things he had said.
Seeing she had caught him surprised, Jen pressed her questioning, “You’re not really from the street at all are you?”
“Yes I am,” said Aion, “I’ve just been imitating your and Alex’s grammar. It will make it easier to move up in society after I get my cut from this adventure.”
“Good defense,” said Jen, “But your grammar isn’t the only thing that makes me think you’re not from the streets.”
“Eh?” questioned Aion, “There’s more?
“Yes, for example, your gait is wrong,” Jen pointed out.
“My… gait?” questioned Aion.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Mar-2010 02:20:09



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“You did*’t notice, did you?” asked Jen, “The pirates move around like this.” So saying, she broke into a swaying, easy-going walk. “You see?” she asked, “And in Ardougne, people living on the street walk like this,” here she bent over, and began moving with quick steps, taking short, furtive glances occasionally. “However, when you walk, you tend to straighten your back and keep your arms from swaying profusely, something that not even Alex and I do. In fact, the only people in Ardougne who walk the same way you do are paladins and nobles.”
A look of surprise crossed Aion’s face, then he began to laugh, “Honestly,” he said, “Being given away from a style of walk. But you missed a group of people in Ardougne who walk the same way I do.”
“Oh, who are those?” asked Jen.
“The servants of those nobles,” replied Aion, “Even a noble relaxes a bit on a cruise, only their servants keep up my style of walk.”
“Wait, are you admitting to be a noble’s servant?” questioned Jen.
“I used to be, in a way… long story,” replied Aion, “At any rate, congratulations on finding me out… I guess that means I can drop the act and all…” With this, the grime on Aion’s body disappeared, revealing his pale skin, and his brown cabin boy clothes were replaced by an immaculately white tunic tied with a red sash.
“Who are you?” gasped Jen.
“Aion le’Colombe,” replied the boy, *The last construct created by Mephos Niddhogg.”
“Construct?” questioned Jen.
“Even Naudos thinks of me as being a real person, albeit not a human,” said Aion, “But this is not the case, I am an artificial being, a homunculi, if you will. I was created by magic.”
“Someone can do such a thing?” asked Jen.
“Mephos could,” replied Aion, “And did so very often.”
“Who is this Mephos?” asked Jen.
“Mephos Niddhogg, the Daimaou of Pisces,” replied Aion.
“Daimaou… of… Pisces?” questioned Jen.
“Heh, long story,” sighed Aion, “He was a powerful incubus; an incubic mazoku to be exact.”
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Mar-2010 02:23:15



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“A what?” asked Jen. She had heard something about incubi from the priests and monks of Saradomin but couldn’t remember what.
“An incubic mazoku…” replied Aion, “Alright, I’ll try to be more specific. There are two species referred to as incubi; incubic demons and incubic mazoku; the former are demons of perversity, they encourage and delight in sins of the flesh, and often appear as handsome men. An incubic mazoku is different; they are mazoku who can’t produce something called life force; so they must leech it from other creatures.”
“Okay, how do they do that?” asked Jen.
“Through a number of ways; the most effective is mating, but despite the bad rep they have for it, very few incubic mazoku actually get life force this way. Most of them get it through kissing; less effective, but you can do it with being too unchaste. Mephos was one of the incubi who only ‘fed’ by kissing, so far as I know.”
“That sounds… strange,” commented Jen, “But I think I understand. So back to Mephos.”
“Ah yes,” said Aion, “He played a part in the affairs of many worlds, including this one. Particularly, he created a seal here known as the Black Pentagram, which keeps the Pandaemonium gates shut. He also did one other thing of great importance here; he created the seal protecting the Monolith, the very item you and Alex have set out to retrieve.”
“What?!” questioned Jen, “I thought we were looking for an archeological dig.”
“That man, Irfan Nejem, is a member of a group known as the Coven,” said Aion, “They seek to rule the world, and with the Monolith they might actually do it.”
“If that’s true, we have to get to Alex and then leave this place!” exclaimed Jen.
“No,* replied Aion, “The Monolith is but a means to an end; Mephos knew that, he sealed it to prevent war in the hopes that one day it would be retrieved and used to grant a new age of prosperity. I think now is the time to retrieve it, that is why the Triad has made its move.”
“The Triad?” questioned Jen.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Mar-2010 02:25:31



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“A group of Mephos’ trusted allies,” commented Aion, “They found me and sent me here to ensure the Monolith doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.”
“Why doesn’t Mephos come himself then?” asked Jen, “He’s supposed to be powerful, right?”
“Jen…” said Aion, “Mephos created me using most of his spirit. That means that most of his power was lost at my creation.”
“Why did he do that?” asked Jen.
“Mephos Niddhogg and a companion; Elior Hyperion, tried to slay the Void King,” answered Mephos, “You may not know of him, since the gods of this world often obscure the greater cosmic battles under way; but the Void King is the first sinner; the one who brought evil into the world, and now claims to be its ruler. He was too much for even the likes of Daimaou Niddhogg and Chotenou Hyperion, but before he could slay them, Mephos used the vast majority of his power to create me, and at my creation I teleported them away from the battle. Mephos vanished after that, but I doubt he died; one of that power rarely is killed so easily. More likely he has either been captured, or is in hiding, trying to regain his power and avoid the Void King’s slaves.
At any rate, he is in no position to aid us.”
“I’m sorry,” said Jen, “I did*’t know.”
“Don’t worry about it,” said Aion, “Besides, remember I was created with most of Mephos’ power so I should be able to help. At any rate, we should head back, the crew members might be getting worried.”
“You’re right,” replied Jen, already thinking over what she had just learned.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Mar-2010 02:27:26



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Well, not the best add I've ever written, but nonetheless it should start a discussion, or at least get me some questions. After all, in one blow I revealed parts of the backstories for Mephos Niddhogg (the author of the poem that has excerpts appearing before both chapters), the triad, and Aion le'Colombe, who's been playing a smaller part in the Black Pentagram and a more important part in this story. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

24-Mar-2010 02:29:59



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here's the deal; since I've been falling behind on my adds, this week there will be three days that I add; Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Furthermore, on each of these days there will be adds in both the Monolith and the Black Pentagram. "He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

06-Apr-2010 00:03:38

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