
The Monolith

Quick find code: 49-50-495-60050276



Posts: 1,169 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Very interesting. Sorry I haven't commented here in a while, been busy for a bit. So it seems some interesting players are entering the field, but honestly I'd rather know more about the current ones. I wonder what is going to be happening soon,as inaction like this typically ends up walking into a big piece of action(though this might not be the case)
EDIT: Gotta love noob critics who don't actually read or likely don't even know how.
~Est sularis oth mithas~
~Courage is the magic that turns dreams into reality~
~Who I am is not important, my message is~

03-Mar-2010 05:15:29 - Last edited on 03-Mar-2010 05:16:13 by Orcris



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Good to hear you liked the last add Orcris... Prefix seemed a bit frustrated when I didn't include what the mahjarret told Usha. (If anyone really wants to know, it was something along the lines of "Oh yeah, the thing your trying to get is an artifact which could turn a human into a god.&quot ;)
Anyway, sorry about the lack of add last night. It was NOT because of the story contest Jagex is having (although, I am going to enter that, even though I don't think I'll win... having a shot, however small at lifetime membership is too good not to try for.)
No, rather, my computer crashed last night (again), and I had to re-install my OS (again.)
Anyway, I might make an add for this on Thursday, but I'll be making an add for BP first, so we might just not have a MOnolith add this week. Sorry.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

10-Mar-2010 20:30:49



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“Well, here we are,” commented Chris, looking out at the vast expanse of desert.
“Not the best place in the world,” admitted Dentro, “If we’re lucky, this desert will be the end of those adventurers and we won’t have to dirty our hands.”
“Judging by your tone, I’m guessing you don’t think that’s going to happen?” asked Chris.
“Their type does not die so easily,” commented Dentro, “As such, we will not be returning until their deaths are at the very least confirmed.”
“Right,” sighed Chris.
“Sirs,” interrupted a Void Knight, “The supplies are ready, we can depart whenever it pleases you.”
“Good,” commented Dentro, “Then let us be off.”

“So this is a desert,” gasped Alex, “It’s hot…”
“No kidding,” said Hekate, “In fact… this armor makes it worse… maybe I should just take it off… oh, Alex, your face has gotten all red; I didn't know you could get sun burnt that quickly.”
Hearing this, Skad let out a small laugh, “You enjoy doing this to unprepared guys, don’t you?” he asked.
“What are you saying Mister Skad?” asked Hekate.
“That you’re a tease,” replied Skad.
“I am not a tease!” protested Hekate, “Seriously, the nerve of some people…” Saying this, she moved over to Alex and pushed up against him, “Alex, you know that I’m not a tease, don’t you?” she asked as she rubbed against his body.
Alex sputtered something that sounded like gibberish and began to sway.
“Really, do we have time for this?” asked Skad, “It seems a little…”
Here Skad trailed off and began looking to his right. Hekate also stopped harassing Alex, and began looking at the same place. After a few moments, Hekate and Skad turned to one another, nodded, and drew their swords.
*What’s going on?” questioned Alex.
“Quiet!” ordered Skad, “And don’t move!”
“Why not?” asked Alex, but even as he said it a hill of sand rose from the flat terrain of the desert. It remained for but a moment, then exploded, revealing a large worm-like creature with a pincered mouth.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

17-Mar-2010 09:16:49



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“What in Saradomin’s name is that!?” questioned Alex.
“A desert strykewyrm,” commented Hekate, “Only…”
“This one seems stronger than those in the Al Kharid area,” finished Skad.
“Yes, and more aggressive,” added Hekate.
Before anything else could be said, the strykewyrm let out a ear-splitting screech and disappeared in a cloud of sand. For a moment Alex thought it had left, but quickly found himself being pulled away by Hekate. A moment later, the reason for this was revealed; the strykewyrm burst from the ground where Alex had been previously standing and jumped several feet into the air.
For a few moments the strykewyrm twisted and flailed in the air, giving the appearance of being more liquid than solid. Then it abruptly stopped, its eyeless head turned in the direction of Skad. Its mouth opened and a large blast of wind issued forth.
Skad noticed the wind, but not in time to dodge. A moment later, he was hit by a force similar to that of a dragon dashing headlong into him, and sent sprawling on the sand. Before he could so much catch his breath, the strykewyrm had landed on top of him, pinning him to the ground, and moved its pincers toward his head, threatening to sever it with a quick snap. Trying to keep his calm despite having a giant worm weighing the size of a large ship on top of him and drooling into his face, Skad tried to free his sword arm so he could at least cause the strykewyrm some injuries before dying. However, as superhumanly strong as he was, the most Skad had ever lifted with one arm was three hundred pounds, which, while impressive was nothing compared to a worm weighing over a ton.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

17-Mar-2010 09:18:55



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Seeing the dire straits of their companion, Hekate ran to the strykewyrm and shouted at the top of her lungs; “Everlasting Lord of the Unknown Power, Zaros, god above the fools who claim Gielinor; take my enemy’* dexterity, its magical power, its strength and its protection, and in turn grant them unto me! And also, grant that my soul may absorb the heart and power of this heretic!”
As she shouted this, it looked to Alex as if the sky itself opened up, revealing swirling black and violet clouds, emblazoned in the center of which was a symbol consisting of a circle with a ‘x’ through its center and four lines connected to the outside of the circle; one at the top, one at the bottom, and one at either side. Once this had occurred, a similar symbol appeared at the ground under Hekate, and tendrils of shadow reached from it to the strykewyrm. Once these tendrils touched the strykewyrm, something similar to lighting flowed form the it to Hekate. In addition, a violet aura appeared around Hekate’s sword, and every time she cut into the strykewyrm with it mist scattered from every part of the worm. Some of this mist went to Hekate, and seemed to heal and revitalize her.
“Impressive,” A voice filled the air of the desert and sent shivers down Alex’s spine. Whomever, whatever, was speaking, had great power. Looking around, Alex realized something else had changed; Hekate, Skad, and the strykewyrm were motionless, but what was more, even the grains of sand that had been kicked up as Hekate ran toward the worm were now suspended in the air.
“What is this?” asked Alex.
“Do not worry,” said the voice, “I have simply slowed time to a point where it appears to have stopped.”
“Who are you?” asked Alex.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

17-Mar-2010 09:21:40



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
In answer, a cloaked figure appeared before him; it wore violet and black robes, which were covered in all kinds of jewels and ornaments made of precious metals. The cloak cast shadows over the figure’s face, but still visible were its eyes which glowed white, and on its forehead a glowing purple symbol identical to the one that had just appeared in the sky. A great power was emitted by this being, and before it, Alex felt a fear beyond any he had ever known before. The fear was so great that Alex at the same time felt the desire to flee, and the inability to do so.
“In answer to your question,” said the figure, “I am Zaros; what you see before you is an image of myself, which I am projecting into your mind from the realm in which I reside.”
“Zaros?” asked Alex.
“I see, you have not heard of me,” said Zaros, *That is probably for the best; Saradomin and Zamorak have had millenia to spread lies about me, and I find that most of Gielinor has either forgotten me, or thinks me to be one who only relishes in destruction.”
Growing confused by Zaros’ last comments, Alex asked, “What are you?”
At this, Zaros seemed to grow amused. “I thought you would have guessed it by now,” he replied, “I am a god.”
Alex’s eyes widened, “A god?”
“Yes, my religion and my empire were unmatched in the Second Age,” said Zaros, “My seat of power, Senntisten, was a city unrivaled; its spires touched the sky itself, and its walls afforded my faithful peace and security. Throughout the city prestigious schools taught the younger of my faithful science, the arts, magic, archery, and swordplay. In the marketplace craftsmen, some even from as far as the elf lands, sold their wares, and all within lived lives of prosperity and happiness. But all that is past, Senntisten lies in ruins, and many of my faithful are scattered into the four winds, the rest have been put to the sword. "
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

17-Mar-2010 09:25:07



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
"Ah, woe to those who caused that tragedy! When I return, those who were responsible for the death of my faithful, and for the destruction of my lands, to them it would be better if they had never been born! Curses shall fall on them like hailstones, their mouths shall go hungry, no roof shall shelter them, and they shall not rest until death! But for my faithful, I shall shower blessings upon blessings! Rich harvests shall fill their lands! Gold and silver in abundance shall come to them! Their descendants shall be countless, and peace and prosperity will mark all their days! This and so much more shall I do for my faithful!
But alas, now is not the time to speak of the past nor the future, rather the present.
Your name is Alex, is it not? Judging from your expression, I will venture to say that you have never talked face to face with a god before, have you?”
“No sir,” Alex admitted, unsure of how one was supposed to even address a god.
“Then I assume you wonder why one should appear to you now, correct?” asked Zaros.
“Yes sir,” Alex replied.
“You have a unique gift,” replied Zaros, “How shall I explain it…
The universe consists of two parts; one is physical, one is spiritual. What you see in your everyday life is the physical world, because of this, few mortals are aware of the spiritual world, except on rare occasions, such as when they go to church or call on the favor of their gods. Even then, they often only FEEL a change in the spiritual world, they do not see it.
This is why you surprised me. When Hekate called upon my power, I answered her prayer. She became aware of my power immediately, but felt it rather than saw it. You however, saw my power as it came in answer to her prayer. In summary, you seem able to witness changes in the spiritual realm; as I said before; a unique gift. As such I wish to ask for your aid.”
“How can a mortal aid a god?” questioned Alex.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

17-Mar-2010 09:28:19



Posts: 3,434 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
“There are many ways,” laughed Zaros, “Certainly you have heard that a god’s power increases with his followers? But for now, I simply want to make you a deal. I will grant you use of the curses I granted the best of my faithful, and sometime in the future I will ask something in exchange; you needn't grant me what I ask for, all I require is that you listen to my request and seriously consider it. Does that sound fair?”
Alex thought a moment, but as he couldn’t think of a bad side to the deal Zaros had proposed, he nodded and said, “I agree.”
“I though as much,” said Zaros. The god outstretched his arms, and Alex felt a strange power enter him. It seemed to wash over his mind, and to his surprise Alex found that he was forgetting prayers he had heard before; the prayers to Saradomin that the monks at the monastery had taught him, the prayers to Guthix he had overheard a druid reciting on the winter solstice, and the prayers he heard some Zamorakians shouting after they had drank too much ale. All these were replaced by prayers to Zaros, that seemed to radiate with a power of their own.
Alex looked up to ask the god how he had done this, but found that Zaros was no longer standing before him, and that time seemed to have returned to its normal flow. A ways off he could see that the strykewyrm had once again burrowed under the ground. It took him a few moments after seeing this to realize that Hekate was shouting at him to run. While he tried to figure out why, he noticed a mound of sand moving toward with incredible speed; it was already to late to dodge. Without even thinking, one of the new prayers he had learned formed at Alex’s lips.
"He appears in the Form of a Man with many Countenances; and he hath a Book in his right hand. His Office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any; and to declare the Secret Counsel of any one."

17-Mar-2010 09:31:13

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