"An ancient among ancients..." Caelidorus remarked, frowning slightly. "That... That is not a comforting thought. Especially if this ancient were to be like one such a Nrilgroth. Though the fact that anything is still alive would suggest it isn't... even so, not something I want to think about. But could defeating Nrilgroth really unleash something even more powerful? If this other truly is terribly powerful, how could Nrilgroth's existence somehow contain him?"
Caelidorus blinked and narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze quickly scanning over the icy expanse. Eventually he looked away, frowning subtly as he glanced to Matt.
"...I cannot tell. I thought I saw something... but maybe not. Entirely possible that paranoia is getting to us..."
"To be honest, I'm not entirely certain," Forlirn replied. "Abyssal energies are named so because they originate in the Abyss. Void energies... well, I've always been under the impression that they come from a plane known as the Void. They're both energies of a darker sort, so I've not been surprised that they've had similarities. I suppose it could be possible that the Void contains excess Abyssal energies, but I doubt that is the only part of its composition."
30-Jul-2012 22:27:20