"Hmph, so you call yourself humans now and forget your kruxnak heritage. I am unsurprised; your ancestors bred and changed so quickly there may be hundreds of kruxnak-borne races walking the world, and they never were skilled at remembering further than several centuries past. But you cannot hide the stench of Nihil's power on your person from me..." the ancient growled, evidently displeased by whatever he 'scented.' He grew silent for several moments, then snorted, anger fading away from his tone as he eyed the trespassers severely. "I know nothing of watchers and Ventus' progeny are easily decieved... but three sons of Lux? No, I do not believe a servant of Nihil would ally with sons of Lux. But you have chosen a foolish time to seek my empire, entering on the night of the Darkstar. The fabric to the Abyss is already weakened; rifts shall tear open within the hour as the Darkstar reminds the world of the time before the Rend. Time is short; we do not have the luxury of discussion. Without my aid, you shall perish and you shall be warped into the abominations you flee. With my soulstone, I may provide you with enough protection to flee to Lux's citadel if you have the necessary skill. Otherwise, I shall tear the essences from your bodies into my soulstone, for they cannot reach within and they have no interest in your flesh. I would preferrably return you to your bodies when the barriers strengthen, but such is not... certain, for it is not my domain to twist the bonds of souls with but a blink. Yet even if I failed, eternity within my home would be far preferrable to the hell you would endure as the abominations of the Abyss. It would not be paradise, but you would be spared one of the greatest hells of the world."
18-Jul-2014 07:15:17