"Ventrus? Well yes, I can do that, I'll just need a few minutes to retrieve the records," the voice replied, sounding mildly surprised by the request. It went silent for roughly a minute. "Yes, they're here, seems they were recently reviewed. Let's see... pretty recent inmate, looks like he's not even been here a month. Convicted serial killer as part of that ghastly business with dragon specialist proven to be partially responsible for the deaths of 73 dragons and 11 humans, suspected to have killed more. Oddly he only recieved a life sentence, not a death sentence. He's a blue dragon with three legs classified as a partially subterrainian mid-sized fire-breather estimated to be around 150 years of age; had a prothestic but it was broken beyond repair during his arrest. No known living friends or family although the records indicate he had a mate and child, both on the list of dragons he killed****, the warden noted he shows atypical behavior for a serial killing dragon, acting much like an idea prisoner. Shows no aggression or even interest in other inmates... carries out all commands exactly as told... speaks only when asked a question by prison personnel... essentially he just silently lays in his cell until told to do otherwise. Eating being one such command; he refuses to even eat unless told to do so. Very unusual... also appears he was recently moved to seclusion indefinitely for his own protection. He was attacked and nearly killed on several occasions by other inmates looking to exact justice for the hatchlings he murdered. Medical records suggest he's probably still recovering from grevious injuries. May I help you with anything else****. Galano*?"
03-Jun-2015 03:40:48