Yana Reznik’s Lost Performance
by Cigam_mai -- May 3, 2013
A microphone might capture notes
In digital perfection.
So also, with a camera lens,
But just in one direction.
When cameras work, and mics record,
They can catch performing, whole.
All that aside, they still can’t catch
Yana’s bright and brilliant soul.
Lost power to the battery,
Or a broken circuit board;
For whatever glitchy reason,
The device did not record.
It’s more than just the music’s sound,
And it’s more than just the sight.
There’s a very real connection
On a live performance night.
She can move a hall to silence,
Or a great, collective sigh,
Or free them from their mundane world,
As they close their eyes and fly.
Her fingers dance, caress the keys,
In acrobatic fashion,
And no device can catch, or hold
Her power, or her passion.
[Yana’s problem recording a performance inspired this poem. Besides being incredibly talented, stunningly beautiful, and full of life, energy, and joy… Yana is a creative Muse to many.]
05-May-2013 00:45:51