"When Love Fails" by Rinion Z'rene
The battle was won. They kissed in the light.
The lovers had vanquished the darkness’s blight.
Up above, lightning flashed.
Upon his love’s death, he trembled at the sight.
The gods struck her down with their mystic might.
His hopes of peace turned to ash.
The gods had torn apart she and he.
They destroyed what was meant to be.
Rage destroyed the boy’s kind spirit.
For love, to him, was the key,
To finding a life so peacefully.
He let out a cry of rage, for all to hear it.
Spirits raged in their final hour,
Falling to his unholy power.
He sat alone among their bones.
Above them all, his might did tower.
He left no corpses there not scoured.
For in this world, he was truly alone.
For, when love fails, after he mourns,
He smites the gods after his heart is torn.
The heavens above crumble.
For, when love fails, hatred is born.
Like a flower choked in a valley of thorns.
It causes the very Earth to rumble.
The gods all fall, one by one.
Hatred’s moon eclipses love’s Sun.
He laughs as blood of gods cleanses his soul.
He, through his pain, is darkness’s son.
Through him, himself, the battle is won.
But the wars of heavens have taken their toll.
11-Apr-2013 15:01:54