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Winter | 1.2.13

There are summer nights that go on
forever. Girls that smile,
that laugh. Warm beds,

There are days
when brightness shines
on the soul, and all is scoured clear
by heat. There are days
when darkness shrinks,
when it fades.

There are times,
in summer, in spring,
when a passing glance
can heal.

There are days of clarity, days
of peace. Days drenched in warmth
and seaspray, laughter
and light. In each year
there is a summer.

But there must also be
a winter.

11-Jan-2013 03:12:08

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

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White Sands

by Cigam_mai -- January 26, 2013

I awaken.
The lullaby thrumming of rubber on asphalt
Along with the random, gentle rocking.
With the solid thump of closing door.
Have we stopped?
I emerge
From my cocoon of metal and plastic
A brilliant stillness of endless sky and sand.
Insect buzz or breath of wind
Disturb the shifting buttresses of alkali
Up to support the endless vault of sky.
In the dazzling beauty of nothingness
I remember to breathe.

(Written to describe White Sands National Monument)

26-Jan-2013 10:17:09

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

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Fight On

by Cigam_mai -- February 1, 2013

Sometimes, when we're overwhelmed
With work, or home, or class
We bravely fight, but in the end
Life still just kicks our ass.

Just remember this my friends
There's one thing you should know
Through all those times we're overwhelmed
We level up... and grow.


Written as I was bemoaning the fact that work, family, and life in general can sometimes demand so much that it exhausts us. It's all part of the journey, and while we don't always recognize it at the time... we grow from every experience. From what I've seen, and personally experienced, many of you are struggling to find time to spend in the virtual world we enjoy so much. Take heart, my friends. A writer... thousands of years ago... felt this same ebb and flow of life and was inspired to write: "To everything there is a season."

As I try to remember to inject some fun into my demanding life, I hope I'll see you in the game.

01-Feb-2013 09:55:28

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

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Wrestling With Morpheus

by Cigam_mai -- February 6, 2013

Every night, the struggle begins
Your silent black claws
Tear at my consciousness
Dragging me down to your dark, silent, and empty abyss.

I easily shrug off your first assaults
As nothing, at first,
But my weariness ever increases
Until I lose fragments of the fight, of time, and of myself.

You always win.
And in the end, I succumb to your dark embrace.
By morning’s light, though,
Our nocturnal struggle is but a wispy dream.

Soon, you know… we’ll begin again.

06-Feb-2013 09:04:29

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

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The Price

by Cigam_mai – February 28, 2013

Support for Old School sure seems vast.
Still, I wonder how long it will last.
...You may play free today
...But quite soon you will pay.
It’ll cost you to live in the past!

This limerick was inspired by the nostalgic rush to bring back the Old School RS servers. We’ll see how popular these servers remain once Jagex imposes an access fee. I’m sure it’ll come as a complete surprise to most, and that they will be duly outraged, but it’s always been Jagex’s plan:

“Remember that even though the service has opened, the poll is still very much running to determine the ultimate cost and level of support we can provide.” – Jagex, February 2013

UPDATE: Jagex has promised first 6 months free.

28-Feb-2013 09:14:19 - Last edited on 04-Mar-2013 03:08:09 by Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

Cigam Mai

Posts: 1,781 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
The Reminder

by Cigam_mai – March 7, 2013

Lost a friend, last year, last fall
And now my phone gives me a call,
Giving in its brainless way
Reminders of my friend’s birthday.

I grieve the loss of my good friend;
Our hiking days long at an end,
But in my prayers, I now can see
He’s hiking through eternity.

08-Mar-2013 09:48:33



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by vtmleon2

i love you more than i can say

my love grows stronger every day

my love stays strong when you are away

my love demands that you stay

my love is deeper than the sea

because you mean so much to me

you are the loveliest i could be

my love is firm just like a tree

my heart it flutters like a bee

when you are standing next to me

when we talk it is like light

the emotion you bring it shines bright

being with you is such a delight

no other girl is like you quite

not only that you are **** as hell

i think that this is easy to tell

my love is filled up like a well

being without you is like a hell

that i would endure if needs must

then i would endure the pain and loss

of having you make up your mind

to leave my greedy ass behind

and move along with your own life

instead of being my beautiful wife

12-Mar-2013 20:20:16

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