
¥ The Poetry Corner ¥

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Random 4 A.M. thoughts.
Power means work is never over
to get stronger means to strive for strength
to constantly redeem yourself everyday
and never look back on the failures
unless you make them stepping stones.
It takes one hour to make up your mind,
but an eternal lifetime to finish the work
that has been set forth for you to accomplish
the end credits of your life give you reason
to be better, and enact your confidence.
To finish is to give up.
To survive never means living.
To live, you must work.
To work you need effort.
To put forth the effort, you need a reason.
To gain power is to gain knowledge
and never doubt the gifts
and never regret which has been given to you.
Since it can be given, it can be taken away.
Make it your goal to enjoy what you got.
because you may never have the chance to enjoy it again
and instead wish back on the life you lived
and want to change but cannot.
You can’t change what has already happened
So change before you cannot.
Anger is a deadly beast
It tears you up inside
Creates the vile feeling in the pit of your stomach.
Conquer thyself, and swallow that pride.
Keep hatred locked inside.
This is the chorus.
The word sung can make you or break you.
Shall you sleep through the verses which
allow you to become different,
Or will you remain stationary?

26-Dec-2010 03:02:13



Posts: 612 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
This is something i like to call... bump!
The thread is bare
The thread is gone
Now all the messages are the same old song.
I thought I'd mix it up,
but my mind has gone blank.
So another boring bump.. thanks!
Aha just a teaser, mind actually is pretty blank of poetry right now.

26-Dec-2010 17:52:36



Posts: 1,879 Mithril Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Here's a poem that I heard recently. It doesn't rhyme, but I would still call it poetry:

In case you hadn't realized,
it has somehow become uncool
to sound like you know what you're talking about?
Or believe strongly about what you're like, saying?
Invisible question marks
and parenthetical
(you know?'s)
'you know what I'm saying?'s
have been attaching themselves
to the end of our sentences,
even when those sentences
aren't, like,
Declaritive sentences; so called because they used to like, you know, declare things to be true?
As opposed to other things
that are totally like,
you know,
They've been infected
by this tragically cool
and totally hip interrogative tone,
As if I'm sayin',
"don't think I'm a NERD
just 'cause I've like,
noticed this,
I have nothing
personally invested in my own opinions,
I'm just like,
inviting you to join me
on the bandwagon
of my own uncertainity...!
What has happened, to our CONVICTION?
Where are the limbs out on which we onced walked?
Have they been like,
chopped down,
with the rest of the rainforest?
You know?
Or do we have like, nothin' to say?
Has society just become so filled with these conflicting feelings of, 'nyeeah!'
that we've just gotten to the point
where we're the most aggressively inarticulate generation,
to come along since,
you know,
a LONG time ago!?

So I implore you.
I entreat you.
And I challenge you.
To speak with conviction.
To say what you believe
in a manner that bespeaks the determination
with which you believe it.
Because contrary to the wisdom of the bumper sticker,
it is not enough these days
to simply 'challenge authority!'
You got to speak with it,
(All credit goes to Taylor Mali)

05-Feb-2011 04:19:17

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