Let's say we bring this thread back to the active roster, shall we?
Let's hear some poetry!
Here's a humorous one about Nascar and Zebras.
Along the concrete track
cars slip quickly by,
When one makes a smack!
But oh, it was just a fly.
Inspired by the racing cars
a zoo creature joins in,
a creature from Mars?
No, a creature of sin.
The black and the white,
though striking in color
seem to fit quite right,
even though I fail to rhyme.
The zebra runs,
quick as he can,
but soon loses speed in the afternoon sun
and wishes he were a man
The animal blocks the path
and cars screech to a halt
they did the math -
The zebra added to their wounds some salt
For these cars,
though speedy and quick,
had already lost to Jars,
a racer quite slick.
07-Oct-2010 04:32:05