So, I just saw this thread and thought I'd try my hand at some poetry. I don't know if I read right, but I assume there are no rules for presenting your piece.
Tap, tapping my pencil,
Rap, rapping my knuckles,
Map, mapping the setting,
Because I need a plot
Read, reading a Seuss book,
Weed, weeding the garden
Feed, feeding my cat,
Looking for a plot
Eat, eating a sandwich,
Meet, meeting some peers,
Beat, beating my head on my desk,
I can't think of a plot
Bait, baiting my cat with a string,
Rate, rating other people's stories,
Late, late, it's the 28th of November,
Hate, hate NaNoWriMo so much
23-Sep-2010 20:59:09
- Last edited on
23-Sep-2010 21:09:13
YuBiusk Ink