Before anyone could give her a response, though, she got one of a different nature. The hellpup, seeing that his best friend had just come in the door, barked joyfully, jumped up, and ran over to her, jumping up on her so that he had both front paws on her chest. Of course, being a dog - and a puppy at that - he tried to reach out and give her a big dog kiss on the face, which he only accomplished after she managed to lift the paws off her and get him back on all fours, after which she knelt down to scratch him on the head and he promptly took the opportunity to lick her across the face.
Actually smiling - although also wiping the dog slime off her cheek - Siera stood back up and took a few further steps in so that she wasn’t in the way of the door. As she waited for some kind of answer from everyone, the hellpup took the time to curl up protectively at her feet, yawning in what looked like an uncaring manner before putting his head directly on top of her shoes.
Of course, waiting did*’t produce an answer before something else happened. This time, it was the door being kicked open, smacking Joric on the head and knocking him out. The one that had kicked open the door was an extremely intimidating man, but not as much as he might be since Siera recognized him. It was a faint recognition, but she knew she had seen him before. Nothing recent rang a bell, so she looked back farther, and realized that it had been back when she still had her voice. It had been in Messia, and he had been fighting the Dread Lord along with them.
Did that make her feel completely safe? No, but it did give her enough to run over and kneel down next to Joric, checking to see if he was alright and trying to wake him up if he was. Robnoxious, meanwhile, her gotten up and was growling in the direction of the barbarian, although it was a soft growl, one that showed he was unsure rather than hostile.
Done in by the dubious doings of destiny.
03-Feb-2016 04:55:48