Character: Engineer, Captain
Type: Organic Quarian
Story: Custom
Name: Maal'Lok vas Azmodaeyya
Gender: Male
Age: 41
Appearance: 7'3'', 320 lbs., heavily muscled. Has faint bluish skin and faint blue eyes. His eyes are heavily bloodshot, so much so, the bulging veins are visibly mapped across his eyeballs. He also has dark circles and eye bags. Unlike most Quarians, Maal'Lok is quite healthy, and often does not wear a helmet or visor.
Psychology: Maal'Lok is rather mentally unstable, especially when obsessed about his goals. He tends to be Machiavellian, callous, vengeful, and self-centred, yet easygoing and reserved. Huge men get angry slowly, but when it does happen, Maal'Lok is quite the volcano.
Equipment: Quarian Light Armor, various cybernetics, Omnitool, Omniblade, assault rifle,
Special: Maal'Lok is a genius when it comes to understanding cybernetic algorithms, AIs, programming and reprogramming, hacking, and engineering, but he is quite secretive about his goals. Capable of creating new technologies that only the Quarians could produce, given enough time, who knows what he can do? More importantly, what does he plan to do?
Other: He has an unusually deep voice and thick accent, and at times is difficult to understand.
1: Ultra-dense muscles
2: Eye for an Eye
3: None shall pass!
4: Ultra-dense bones
5: Action Boy
History: A secretive fellow, Maal'Lok often does not talk about himself or his past. When he does, it is often in the second person or spoken descriptively. He keeps various audio files and records of his narrations in his Omnitool, but they are heavily encrypted. He came to Earth with his own personnel and space shuttle, delivering metallic crates full of various exotic robotic and mechanical parts, which he claims is for trade. Having paid tariffs and passed clearance, rare Quarian merchandise has reached Earth for the first time.
31-Dec-2017 05:32:49
- Last edited on
01-Jan-2018 06:32:56
Azi Demonica