“INITIATING OFFENSIVE MANOEUVRE.” it warned, heavy footfall thundering towards Annie’s cover, and the stream of bullets showering towards Ryder. Whenever the YMIR took a step, it only had one foot on the floor in that instance...
The remaining LOKIs managed to shoot down one Geth Hopper, but three Geth Hoppers remained, jumping around and keeping two of the remaining LOKIs busy, but one LOKI fired at Ryder alongwith the YMIR, and another LOKI turned around and fired at Annie’s cover while approaching her alongside the YMIR...
Facility - Noah
Proclaiming that he would rescue all captives, Noah attacked the first Geth that appeared. After a punch and kick, the Geth was disabled. Fists raised, Naoh was ready to press the fight, even use himself as a bodyshield for the captives.
Leaping forth, the Quarian, Brazzi, grabbed one of the Geth’s guns, pushing it aside just as it fired, and drove his omni-blade clean through the Geth’s head. Noah charged as well; there was no time to open the prisoners’ doors now elss be shot, but he managed to stagger the third Geth back. The third Geth fired, pulses narrowly missing Noah, and then the Geth had its head blown off by a point-blank shotgun round.
Decloaking, another Quarian appeared nearby, a busty female wearing her envirosuit and armed with a shotgun. She looked at Brazzi.
“You always seem to get yourself into trouble, hmm?” she teased. Brazzi immediately grabbed a Geth Pulse Rifle.
“Yeah, but this human here saved me.” Brazzi said, and as the gunfight between the Geth and ADVs raged, Tatri gave Noah a look, and nodded.
“Thank you, human. So, you want to rescue more prisoners? Alright, let’s do it, before the fire reaches us!” she stated, and then she and Brazzi opened their omni-tools and began overriding the doors, opening them. Some were empty.
15-Feb-2018 00:48:02