In case you're distracted by your hentai again and forget everything, I'm at floor Y, room 4, but I am heading for the mainframe pretty soon. Remember its hidden behind the last room of the last floor, that being floor Z, room 99, you need to crawl into the vent shaft at the wall to get there. Meet me there before I leave, im getting out of this place before the cops find me.
- Morgan
Scanning the private emails, X7A found some dating back several years. Included in these old emails were blueprints of the facility's construction, which allowed X7A to locate basically whatever she wanted. Her Nav Point updated. The hallway leading to the next elevator was to the south-east of here.
Other emails included messages from various personnel of the facility, all of whom had subscriptions for military-grade encryption internet surfing. Other names that popped up, which were relevant to Gabriel Perez, were Alestia Iallis, John Ventralis, Maal'Lok vas Azmodaeyya, Rafael Vargas, Carter J. Burke, Morinth, Arnold McNiece, Killira T'Nama, Han Chan, Yaroslev Tartakovsky, Al Simpson, Zev Cohen, John Jergens, Han Olar, and some doctor called Palon. If she wanted, X7A could continue scanning specific emails if she wished, or even send emails impersonating as Gabriel Perez.
Her array processing also picked up something unusual. There was some sort of network, but it was totally unknown. This network was rapidly increasing in bandwidth. It seemed to be what Michael was talking about earlier.
As for info about the mainframe itself, X7A made an unusual discovery. Emails occasionally mention the mainframe connected by a hyper-advanced AI. However, this AI was not limited to this mainframe, and was, in fact, an AI that, apparently, connected to various mainframes and supercomputers all around the world. This AI seemed to be some sort of hyper-optimized access network of unlimited data, the emails sometimes using the term Biofreak to address the AI.
21-Jan-2018 06:22:17