Device name: Google pixel 3 xl
Model Number: Pixel 3 xl
Location: US
Wifi: YES & NO
Cellular: YES & NO (3G, 4G)
Data Provider: Verizon
O*: Android
OS version: 11
Playtime (Approx): n/a
At the time of the crash I was: Not a crash but a graphics or technical error:
The Mobile for Android game isn't displaying correctly on my phone. In normal play the game is offset down the screen so the buff bar gets mixed in with the Combat HUD. After clicking the Home/Settings button in the top left I no longer see the menu on the right side, which makes it impossible to do a number of things (such as log out, switch worlds, etc).
Can it be reproduced?: Happens every time I log in for at least the past day
Edit: I have already tried clearing cache, restarting, and reinstalling and the issue persists.
25-Sep-2020 11:08:57
- Last edited on
25-Sep-2020 11:11:19