Device name: IPhone 6S
Model Number: A1688
Location: Netherlands
Wifi: Yes
Cellular: 4G
Data Provider: Vodafone
OS: Apple IOS
OS version: 11.2.6
Playtime (Approx): 5-10 minutes
What is the issue?: minimap acts weird.
Where is the issue?: start off full screen. Minimize the world map. Reset back to small screen (like the interface of normal screen) interface of xp, hp, special is still lined up as in full screen, and mini-map is gone. Have to click the xp bar to restore the interface, but mini-map is still gone. Results are that it’s completely black. I fixed it by restarting, and or going back to full screen, restore mini-map, and go back normal
Does restarting the client fix the issue?: yes
13-Apr-2018 15:18:47