Device name: iPhone 8
Model Number: MQ6W2LL/A
Location: US
Wifi: Yes
Cellular: 4G/LTE
Data Provider: AT&T
OS version: 11.3.0
Playtime (Approx): 60-120Min
What is the issue?: Trap Wires are very difficult to see, and eventually disappeared all together. Holding down the tap to initiate a right-click menu was the only way to identify where they were after a certain period of time.
Where is the issue?: Lleyta all over
Does restarting the client fix the issue?: Yes - Issue only occurred once.
As a side note, I'd like to add my frustrations for the chat stones at the top of the screen being very difficult to tap without misstaps, as well as the difficulty of viewing XP tooltips. The bottom 2 rows of stats actually perform nicely, because the tooltip appears above your finger. If this functionality could be made standard, I think we'd be OK. I would prefer them to be just a bit higher than the bottom row currently is, though.
15-Apr-2018 18:22:17
- Last edited on
15-Apr-2018 18:24:36