If I had to say one song that comes to mind, it would be book of a thousand songs or But we can fight. Book of a thousand songs for somewhat obvious reasons, as it was the thousandth song and actually had lyrics. But we can fight... It is just majestic and inspiring. I absolutely love it. Other songs that come to mind are Adorno X, Born to do this and Cabin fever. I am not sure why exactly Adorno X has risen above all other dungeoneering music in my opinions, but I just like it. Born to do this... I am not sure about this either. I am pretty sure it played in the log in once? Cabin fever is just a happy song and I like it for it. It fits into its enviroment well.
Out of all these, what is my favourite? Most likely But we can fight. I just love it.
I do not ship ZamorakxZaros.
I follow them. And Marimbo, the best t5 god.
20-Nov-2017 18:04:06