There is no doubt that the most important song to me is the odd "Medieval". I wont lie to you, i started playing this game in 08, and a was only a child (i know its "wrong", but who never did it??).
We all know the things are always more fantastic when we was young, and this game called Runescape just made all my childhood because of it; i used to see a misterious and fabulous aura around Runescape. Every time that i play Medieval on youtube i feel the Aura again, i can see my odd friends playing with me, i remember when everyone used to be a noob, remember when i was just a free-to-play making a roleplay account (i wasnt a roleplayer, actually i didnt know the "strategies" to grow!), i remember the hours spent at the Lumb goblins, i remember when i used to pick potatoes to sell in GE, when my friends made a big saving to buy me a full runite, i can see Draynor full of timbermans, i can remember about me fishing in Musa Point!
You guys may not care about it, but this game made me the person who i am. I learned a bunch of thing playing Runescape: How to save money, how to make friends, teamwork etc.
And i will be grateful forever to you that make this incredible game, it doesnt matter the future, it already is the most important game of my life!
(i need to say, i "found" the odd Medieval on youtube two years ago. It was a hard time of my life, and when i heard it for the first time, i cried so much. That nostalgia couldnt be explained, cuze it was greater than everything! Then, a few days after it i decided to return to Runescape... and now, here i am.)
23-Nov-2017 15:11:28