
Abbey Road Studios Competition

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MH Chris
Apr Member 2012

MH Chris

Posts: 373 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I don't even need to log on to answer this one. I remember when RS2 first launched from RS Classic, I loaded into Falador. I listened to "Workshop" on East Fally when there were maybe 20 songs total. This is my number one favorite HANDS DOWN because it was such a monumental change from RSC to RS2, especially after what felt like an eternity for the first log in. My favorite song, and my favorite memories.

A close second is Stratosphere. I used to listen to this all the time when I was like a level 90 noob who couldn't make money and was trying to save up for a dragon medium when they were top tier. I would always do nature rune running and listen to this song on repeat forever. I even got a p-hat during this time when Jagex were doing beta-resets! Seriously some of my favorite memories. Thanks for making such awesome music Jagex!

17-Nov-2017 08:58:59

Oct Member 2015


Posts: 7,183 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Vision -- plays at the Wizard's Tower. The song is so mystical and has that old FF kind of feel to it. Always gets me in the mood for magical adventures.
Here, I'll give you this strawberry if you keep it a secret!

17-Nov-2017 09:05:05



Posts: 5 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My favorite has to be Angel of Death. The vocals are just fantastic, thanks to Runescape music disk i got at Runefest, i can listen to that song in my car in the mornings. Gives me a great feeling for a start of a new day. The boss is one of my favorites in the game, so i can't put it to words how much i like that song.

17-Nov-2017 09:32:40



Posts: 1 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
My favorite Runescape song of all time is "sea shanty 2"
it brings back so many fond memories from a time
WAAAAY back when, i found Runescape with a couple of friends!
whenever we wanted to play, we would hum that melody to get our "hype on"
and the melody just stuck with me ever since.

17-Nov-2017 09:41:52

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sea Shanty. I have fond memories fishing lobster on Karamja and selling it to the general store. I didn't even understand English back then and didn't know you could actually sell things to other people. Also on those docks I learned that you can type emoticons like this :) and also the meaning of "lol". Although "lol" always resembles me a person drowning.


17-Nov-2017 09:44:08

Apr Member 2023


Posts: 7 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Sea Shanty. I have fond memories fishing lobster on Karamja and selling it to the general store. I didn't even understand English back then and didn't know you could actually sell things to other people. Also on those docks I learned that you can type emoticons like this :) and also the meaning of "lol". Although "lol" always resembles me a person drowning.


17-Nov-2017 09:44:08

Dec Member 2014


Posts: 522 Steel Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Favorite RS music track: Born To Do This

Listened to: Since 2010

Reason to being the best RS music track: It's unique and sticks out from the rest, the beginning beat gives me chills and a reason to be alive and enjoy life

17-Nov-2017 10:02:06

Dec Member 2005


Posts: 10 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Been playing R S since 2008 and have done a lot of fishing. I figured if the music gods of R S can write a song to fish by I could write a song about fishing. So my favorite song so far is called "Fishing". My song about fishing is called "Haven't Caught A Thing" Maybe some day you will hear my RS inspired fishing song.

17-Nov-2017 10:15:04

Jul Member 2006


Posts: 27 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I have to go with "Wending through the Willows" since it came out, being the only track with vocals. I used to walk through the area daily, making the excuse to check my bush patch, just to trigger the track, so I could hear the singing again!

17-Nov-2017 10:36:20



Posts: 197 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Great question. For me, my favourite track has to be Harmony . It's a track that's been in the game since I started around 2006, and one that appeared very early on in my 'Scape career.

As a player who's always played with music on where I can, I ended up hearing a whole lot of Harmony. The way the track flows and plays on your ears means it's incredibly easy to listen to over and over again, noticing different nuances in the various layers of the track. This was the case especially in the very early days where I'd be spending hours mining south of Varrock with only 8 unlocked music tracks.

Moving up to secondary school in year 7, I vividly remember the class being tasked by the music teacher to find a piece of music to bring in to play on the keyboard. Being rather musically inept and without having the manual dexterity to brave Green Day, I instead decided to learn and play Harmony. Well, I say that, what I really mean is a heavily simplified melody of about 18 notes being looped over and over by a jolly young lad, with a huge sense of pride as one of my classmates recognises the tune.

The fact that I spent the time studying the track and attempting to work out the notes has left me with a permanent appreciation for it, humming the notes I learned as I hear it played even today. I'm sure more than half of them are wrong, and the timing would all be askew, but it's my Harmony and I love it so.

Since then, I've had a slight thing for occasionally checking YouTube for new videos of extremely talented folks playing their own piano renditions of the track, thinking back fondly of the time where impressing a teacher with a RuneScape tune made me feel like the coolest kid in class...

It's taken this prompt to actually make me think about how much influence this track, and others, have had over me. I think the fact that I still remember learning and playing it for school speaks dividends about the quality of our music. Thanks Ian T. , you rock.
Want a chat or got a question? Message me in game, or on Twitter @HughScape !

17-Nov-2017 10:47:34

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