The Real
Thank you,
I do enjoy reading suggestions and facts from other peers. I am writing to let you know that I agree and am fighting this campaign (alone currently) religiously. I've been in contact with multiple Old School staff members this past month. I have had debate and many agreements with Ash, Dan and Mat. I've even had them address the situation live on Q&A, Mat K proposed a change to 70% (I will come back to this.)
During The Wilderness R*juv. The Wilderness Guardians (Gene) tipped me off. He mentioned that Jagex seems adamant in investing into advertisement. He then explained that this is step two. Step one would be to develop a game to advertise. It made sense and cliques with me. Reflecting upon his knowledge, it is my belief that addressing the polling system will become the most important debate we have had to date. If this is not done, or if it is done wrong, we will suffer long term consequences as a result.
Back to Mat K's topic. During a live Q&A he used a hastily put together number crunch to propose a 70% poll system. He did not factor in the bigger matters that effect the end result of the approval number, such as biases. Because of these I am proposing a 65% system. I am also proposing that it not be polled in the same manner as the other items have been. Keep in mind, the Old School community did not pick the number. The community as a whole does not know what it itself wants.
I will have a very informative thread up soon. It will be academically written and will discuss my proposal. If we do not preserve a future for the game now. We will continue to suffer damages.
13-Sep-2014 01:09:04