Note: I deeply apologize to anyone who is not a critical reader and cannot pull the main ideas of a debate. This is taught in middle school and for those who are in 2-years, it is your English 101.
To keep on topic and briefly summarize my POV of the thread.
1.) Add corporeal beast, the players have demanded it from the stone age.
2.) All shields should be implemented into the game. I do not think sigil swords, or other ridiculous suggestions are appropriate replacements.
3.) Divine Spirit Shield kept as is, as well as the others. Mod Reach has expressed an interest in Elite PvM and Raids. When I say Elite, I do not mean Corporeal. Hell, even Nex would be the tip of the iceberg. Think of a boss that is grim to the bones and will hunt you down in its dungeon? Think of advanced AoE combat and minions, more advanced than Nex? Now reflect: Yes, we need higher tier gear to be ready for the future. If any item gets too strong, counter gear, consumables or other options can be added!
4.) Iron Man to me is a waste of dev time. As a heavily successful trophy account, I understand what it means to add restrictions to play style. Because of this, I take responsibility for my play style. Iron Man is a small niche that became a fad when popularized by streaming. I will vote yes only because of a "toggle off" option. I am sick of seeing players quit because the end goal is too much to chew for them.
My opinions. I am entitled to them.
12-Sep-2014 20:12:11