
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453



Posts: 174 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Ferocire said :

Rune Pouch:
Holds elemental runes and degrades after a time. This is needed because magic-especially standard, takes up a significant amount of inventory space making it less viable for PvP.

Toolbag/Utility Belt:
This would only work within the wilderness and has to be equipped as a leg item. It could store hatchets and picks up to rune, box traps, dark bait and fishing equipment. Its primary function would be to save inventory space-which would be of significant use, especially for the black chin area.

Ring of Cinders
Lowers max health and periodically damages the wielder , but has a chance of granting a random 5-15% damage increase to all combat styles. This added damage would appear in the form of a separate, delayed hit. This does not work with special attacks and it only works on a single hit. Lasts for 1-2 hrs of combat, with a high cost.

Prism Scroll
Can be used to block the opponent's next attack. 1 time use.

Rune Aura
Provides a 30% chance to cast combat spells for free when used in bh worlds in the wilderness. Lasts for a hr.

What I don't want to see is new weapons/armor being introduced from this, as that would not really be fair to those that are not interested in pvp. Wilderness only gear could also devalue certain it

This is more like it. None of this 'd claws 50% spec pl0x' or 'I need VLS' business.

However, I think the Prism scroll shouldn't block 100% damage. If you used it on low HP, while using Dharok's, you would be far too overpowered, seeing as you would be invincible temporarily, and you have a chance to hit insanely high. Also, the Rune Aura, I don't think it should only be exclusive to BH worlds. Also, the rune pouch seems a bit under-powered. Maybe save 1 inventory slot.. Unless you could equip it in your ammo slot.

Also all of @i own u 4ev's stuff.

25-Aug-2014 04:50:28 - Last edited on 25-Aug-2014 04:57:20 by O_o_ABYSS

Shiny Llama
Feb Member 2023

Shiny Llama

Posts: 2,989 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
How 'bout an item that allows you to direct an obelisk teleport to the desired location ONCE before crumbling to dust? Or perhaps this item could limit the possible destination to only 3 locations, to keep that "random nature" feel?

Mage Arena teleport scrolls?

Perhaps a "Muddy key ring" which could hold a few (let's say 5 max?) muddy keys?

Ancient teleport tablets? You'd have to spend a few points + hand over the required runes in order to get the tablet.

ALSO, NO TO DRAGON CLAWS! Unless they have a different special attack to what they did when first released, I would not like to see them added to the game. I am saddened that so many are asking for what would essentially be a carbon copy of the old system, which was largely ineffective.
I originally had the name Llama. It was stolen from me.

25-Aug-2014 06:09:31 - Last edited on 25-Aug-2014 06:11:25 by Shiny Llama

Shiny Llama
Feb Member 2023

Shiny Llama

Posts: 2,989 Adamant Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
O_o_ABYSS said :

However, I think the Prism scroll shouldn't block 100% damage. If you used it on low HP, while using Dharok's, you would be far too overpowered, seeing as you would be invincible temporarily, and you have a chance to hit insanely high. Also, the Rune Aura, I don't think it should only be exclusive to BH worlds. Also, the rune pouch seems a bit under-powered. Maybe save 1 inventory slot.. Unless you could equip it in your ammo slot.

How about a cooldown on the prism scroll? 30-45 seconds?
I originally had the name Llama. It was stolen from me.

25-Aug-2014 06:15:21

Rock Alt

Rock Alt

Posts: 445 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
No to d claws in the pvp store. Dragon claws are blatantly overpowered and should not be added to the game.

No to rigour and augury in the pvp store. Don't get me wrong here; I want these prayers added but not like this. Rigour and augury is not only useful for pkers, they are very useful for pvmers as well. If we add these as a reward from pking we are forcing pvmers to pk, basically.

No to pvp armour/weapons obviously, but those have already failed their poll so I won't continue to talk about that.'

25-Aug-2014 06:51:34 - Last edited on 25-Aug-2014 06:52:06 by Rock Alt

Risky Trade

Risky Trade

Posts: 51 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Meteor hammers - A one-use, two-handed Melee weapon which is consumed upon completing its single attack. For this attack, the user vertically crushes the enemy (alongside a falling meteoroid) for an unavoidable 25 damage and prevents the opponent from using any overhead Prayer for 5 seconds.

Moon-bound boomerang - A non-stackable, thrown Ranged item which binds and damages an opponent twice during it's attack. During this attack, moonlight will emit from the boomerang as it is thrown at the opponent (binds for 5 seconds), and then damage the opponent 5 seconds later (causing 20 damage) before disappearing to the moon. This attack prevents the opponent from using any Special Attack for 25 seconds.

Molten rune - A non-stackable Magic rune which, when dropped from the user's inventory onto the ground, melts/disrupts the surrounding ground and causes all nearby opponents (only those whom attacked the user within 5 seconds of the Molten rune being dropped) to rapidly lose Hitpoints for 25 seconds, with 5 damage being drained every 5 seconds.

*Note: all 3 of these items have a 25 second wait time before the player can use them again.*

Volcanic shard - A combative Herblore item with 3 uses:

1- Adding a Volcanic shard to a Prayer potion results in the creation of a Prayer renewal potion , which will restore the same amount of Prayer points as the Prayer potion, but will do so over a longer period of time (25 seconds; usable in PVP).

2- Adding a Volcanic shard to a Super restore potion results in the creation of a Special attack potion , which will restore Special Attack power by 5%, but can only be consumed every 25 seconds (usable in PVP).

3- Adding a Volcanic shard to a Super combat potion results in the creation of an Eruptive potion , which when consumed will immediately sacrifice 25 Hitpoints and Prayer points in exchange for a boost of 5 levels in a random combat skill (stacks with any current boost; usable in PVP).

25-Aug-2014 07:25:21 - Last edited on 25-Aug-2014 08:11:08 by Risky Trade

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