Meteor hammers
- A one-use, two-handed Melee weapon which is consumed upon completing its single attack. For this attack, the user vertically crushes the enemy (alongside a falling meteoroid) for an unavoidable 25 damage and prevents the opponent from using any overhead Prayer for 5 seconds.
Moon-bound boomerang
- A non-stackable, thrown Ranged item which binds and damages an opponent twice during it's attack. During this attack, moonlight will emit from the boomerang as it is thrown at the opponent (binds for 5 seconds), and then damage the opponent 5 seconds later (causing 20 damage) before disappearing to the moon. This attack prevents the opponent from using any Special Attack for 25 seconds.
Molten rune
- A non-stackable Magic rune which, when dropped from the user's inventory onto the ground, melts/disrupts the surrounding ground and causes all nearby opponents (only those whom attacked the user within 5 seconds of the Molten rune being dropped) to rapidly lose Hitpoints for 25 seconds, with 5 damage being drained every 5 seconds.
*Note: all 3 of these items have a 25 second wait time before the player can use them again.*
Volcanic shard
- A combative Herblore item with 3 uses:
1- Adding a Volcanic shard to a Prayer potion results in the creation of a
Prayer renewal potion
, which will restore the same amount of Prayer points as the Prayer potion, but will do so over a longer period of time (25 seconds; usable in PVP).
2- Adding a Volcanic shard to a Super restore potion results in the creation of a
Special attack potion
, which will restore Special Attack power by 5%, but can only be consumed every 25 seconds (usable in PVP).
3- Adding a Volcanic shard to a Super combat potion results in the creation of an
Eruptive potion
, which when consumed will immediately sacrifice 25 Hitpoints and Prayer points in exchange for a boost of 5 levels in a random combat skill (stacks with any current boost; usable in PVP).
25-Aug-2014 07:25:21
- Last edited on
25-Aug-2014 08:11:08
Risky Trade