For a PVP store I would love to see original PVP armor and weapons just as they were, (Zuriels, Statius, Vestas, Morrigans) and their corrupt versions as well.
Other items I'd love to see are:
-Zammy/Sara/Guthix arrows
-An upgraded version of Avas Accumulator
Maybe gloves with str/range bonus equal to or more than addy gloves since pures can't get addies.
Elite void? I know that's a longshot lol
-A buyable upgrade for occult neck to make it +15% mage damage bonus
-Ring imbues for everyone who can't do NMZ because of a low prayer build
-Ranging ammy
-(25) Rocktail packs
-Some of the cosmetic items from treasure trails
-Mind Body and Body Body
-An item that keeps track of Edgeville KD. (the system that records KD now isn't really effective because it only counts 20+ wildy and not everyone pks that far out.)
-The original Fist of Guthix Battle Robes and Berserker Shield
-Another longshot would be a cape similar to Kiln cape with +8 str bonus but a different design
These are all that I can think of. Even if you see this and decide against it, please consider adding some of the items mentioned sometime in the future.
Very excited for the BH update now that there are rewards, this is something that I will gladly grind depending on what rewards are added. This could easily be the next big thing in Oldschool RS if the rewards are right.
Also very glad to see Jmods that are open to having weapons that are considered OP by the majority of players come back. Gives a lot of hope for future account builds and PVP fun.
24-Aug-2014 23:26:41