Will the emblems only be dropped from wilderness bosses in the BH world or any world in the game?
Here are my ideas for the pvp store:
1. Increased chances of receiving an elite while doing activities in the wilderness (ie new wilderness bosses, black dragons, chaos ele, etc.)
2. Ability to unlock elite clues as a very rare drop from demi-bosses. This would not only get elite clue hunters in on bh, but it would also increase activity for these bosses which are seldom killed.
3. "Brawler" like gloves that gives a slight bonus while training anywhere in the wilderness, however if a player uses them in the Resource Arena then they will get even more of a boost to their XP. These would degrade after a while.
4. Increased loots from the wilderness rogues' chests in the castle near the 50 port.
5. Maybe some type of degradable pvp armour, but this would have to cost a ton of emblem points.
6. Because it seems that a new quest isn't possible, with enough emblems you could buy the ability to kill tormented demons, whether they drop claws or not. These could even be put where there are currently (pointless) ankous in the forgotten cemetery in 30 wilderness. (or ability to enter a r*v caves?) I believe you should be able to buy access to a new area/kill a new monster in the wilderness with emblems to award successful PKers.
22-Aug-2014 17:23:35