
Bounty Hunter Rewards Dev Blog

Quick find code: 380-381-85-65461453

Mar Member 2024


Posts: 391 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mega W A N G said :
I don't have the time at the moment to say much else, but if Dragon Claws return I can tell you four people who will be done with OSRS immediately.

The only issue I've seen with the wilderness from this "07" launch is the amount of people sitting in Edgeville, and the amount of people looking to spec-and-run.

One BH world sounds great, but if that's the only world people go to PvP in general, than gg to the rest of the worlds. Granted, as others have said, barely anyone goes past 20 wilderness anyway.

If there was one thing I'd like to see the BH do, it would be getting players away from their safe-havens and PJing friends, and get them out into the real wilderness where energy runs out and multi-combat areas appear out of the blue.

Lastly, as far as all of the weapons talk goes, perhaps considering re-stating the already implemented weapons could work nicely, as Rune Knifes and other weapons are in play as well - not just Dark Bows and Abyssal Whips.
Rune Javelins, maces, short swords, - In the end, I'd say make sure what you have already is worth having, before deciding to jump onto the bandwagon of new items for new problems.

I recall a wonderful new problem I read about where a bug occurred with old Corp and a clan farmed shields as a 100% drop for 1-2 hours - without a roll-back.
If you can muster a Beta-tasting phase, I'd recommend utilizing it.

Thanks, and have a nice day.

very thoughtful post. d claws, as fun as they were to use, made a lot of people rush with them. and dbows are already so annoying

one bh world also sucks..hmm..

i was also thinking the same with rune javs. they're pretty bad but they're already there so why not do something about it? and other weps like them

22-Aug-2014 17:22:13

Fiery Aiden

Fiery Aiden

Posts: 132 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Will the emblems only be dropped from wilderness bosses in the BH world or any world in the game?

Here are my ideas for the pvp store:

1. Increased chances of receiving an elite while doing activities in the wilderness (ie new wilderness bosses, black dragons, chaos ele, etc.)

2. Ability to unlock elite clues as a very rare drop from demi-bosses. This would not only get elite clue hunters in on bh, but it would also increase activity for these bosses which are seldom killed.

3. "Brawler" like gloves that gives a slight bonus while training anywhere in the wilderness, however if a player uses them in the Resource Arena then they will get even more of a boost to their XP. These would degrade after a while.

4. Increased loots from the wilderness rogues' chests in the castle near the 50 port.

5. Maybe some type of degradable pvp armour, but this would have to cost a ton of emblem points.

6. Because it seems that a new quest isn't possible, with enough emblems you could buy the ability to kill tormented demons, whether they drop claws or not. These could even be put where there are currently (pointless) ankous in the forgotten cemetery in 30 wilderness. (or ability to enter a r*v caves?) I believe you should be able to buy access to a new area/kill a new monster in the wilderness with emblems to award successful PKers.

22-Aug-2014 17:23:35

i own u 4ev

i own u 4ev

Posts: 5,146 Rune Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Im Nate said :
Oblv XB said :
so, who here actually pks? like is in an actual multi or singles pk clan, im curious to how many of you people who are commenting and suggesting ideas belong to any specific clans that actually have a clue how pking is, works and how it should be done.

Because you're only a pker if you're in a clan? There's a lot of people who don't like multi pking and like to actually have a challenge in single, not fall in and spec swap on 1 person, i don't know how any legit pker can have fun with that.

There are many people who used to only play to pk but don't atm because of various reasons but would love to come back with the appropriate update.

Well said. I used to only pk, but they changed how things worked a while back, and I moved on to castle wars, because it was the closest thing to pvp activity I could do freely. Since then, I've become really involved in castle wars and haven't really gotten back into PKing because it just doesn't seem rewarding/honorable enough atm. With updates like this, that could change though.

22-Aug-2014 17:23:37



Posts: 116 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Reach said :
Traditionally, killing an assigned target rewarded you the appropriate drops from your target with the potential for a random statuette based on your time spent in the wilderness against your carried risk. This system, formally known as the EP (Earning potential) system introduced one of the most controversial crazes in PvP history; 76k’ing. To avoid reintroducing a system that has the potential to be farmed and carries the penalty of undermining various aspects of the wider game, we’ve considered alternative rewards that will not unjustly reward those not engaging in serious PvP.

How does 76k relate to targeting? 76king meant spending 40 mins+ in the wild or hotzones acquiring EP and then tricked with someone until you ran out of EP. That has nothing to do with the targeting system.

How can you use 76k as an argument against giving actual loot for target kills when the truth it had nothing to do with tricking? Did you guys not even play on those times, because from what you say it makes me feel like you don't even understand how it works.

As for rewards, I completely disagree with the idea of an emblem system. I think the oldschool target system and statuette system felt way more natural and rewarding. I think something like that will make people more willing to fight to the teeth to reclaim their target kills, and use whatever dirty tricks at their disposal to win.

22-Aug-2014 17:30:31 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 17:37:51 by IlIlIllIlIlI

Dec Member 2020


Posts: 177 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Oh my god this looks really good! But I don't quite understand the purpose of accolades...

I see that some people want that BH emblems would be untradable but look at it this way - if smeone buys an emblem (they would most likely cost a fair amount of gold) and risks it in attempt to upgrade it then why not? The only downside of emblems would be if the store had a very expensive OP reward that woulb make people buy the emblems without participating in wildy activity - but hey thats profit for those who do, so keep the emblems tradable!

I also have this (small?) concern... So if targets are assigned but none of the individuals are skulled the fight may end up one of them risking a small amount. But since this won't be a +1 world (unless players want so...) theres going to be less rushing and if a clan rushes you when you're unskulled its not going to be a big loss.
(Sort of answering my questions)

22-Aug-2014 17:32:11 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 17:32:48 by CtrlKhaos



Posts: 17 Bronze Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I like the tool belt and rune pouches. Not so much the ring of cinders or prism scroll.

I know the tool belt would be a hit like it was pre-eoc. I think to make items from the shop more valuable is by resetting demand and making all the merchandise degradable. This will keep the tool belt in high demand infinitely as well as all other merchandise.

I believe items in the shop should add to current items in game.

Ring of recoil (a)
: attach a purchased ring of recoil to any shield (stackable up to 10 times). The ring of recoil and its effects would bind to a shield that you selected and have the ring of recoil effect for 100 hits (or x10 Rings of recoils (a) for 10000 hits) before degrading.

Brick Axe
: an attachment for any axe to make it heavier and rid trees of nests at 10% higher rate than an axe without brick for up to 10000 logs.

Tinderbox (i)
: Imbue a tinderbox and use it on one log and it will prompt you with a selection "Light ALL Logs?". This will simply reduce the unnecessary load of clicking every single log for up to 10000 logs.

Box Trap (e)
: Enchant a box trap and using it will render it 50% less likely to spring in absence of a successful catch.

Molten Attachment
: Add Molten attachment to any fishing equipment to give it a 10% chance to catch a fish already cooked/burnt. The appropriate cooking level would be needed and this would give fish xp every time and cook xp for every successful cook for up to 10000 fish caught.

----More to come?

22-Aug-2014 17:32:12 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 17:38:11 by kttyslyr4567

Clifton 7

Clifton 7

Posts: 266 Silver Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
Mod Reach said :
The shop should ideally provide handy shortcuts and resources that are applicable only within the realms of the Wilderness and provide benefits centered around the Wilderness Rejuvenation content and wider Wilderness

I would like to know exactly what this shop contains in full before making a decision.
When you say 'shortcuts' - I wouldn't want something that makes it easy to escape and effectively avoid PvP confrontations - this is already a problem at the wilderness GWD area and other places. Players spam the shortcuts/entrance/exit and are virtually unattackable in doing so.

Take the wilderness portals as an example of good wilderness shortcuts/transportation: they teleport a group of players in a 3x3 or so area all at once, they have a delay before teleporting and glow to inform players around them that they are activated. They were designed in a way that didn't avoid PvP confrontation and make it easy to escape.

The same goes with the rest of the 'rewards' - don't make these rewards something that makes it easier to avoid PvP confrontation.

I dislike that emblems are tradeable. Why should people who never pk be able to buy these 'benefits' in the wilderness? Make them untradeable - only able to receive them as a drop from a BH target.

I also don't really want players who farm the wilderness bosses in stuff like 4 item verac's and an inventory of lobster to be receiving emblems as well unless they are a lot less valuable than the ones which are received through PvP.

Accolades - I like the idea! The achievements could be collected by having a friend die in specific areas though, I don't know how that could be avoided.

Sounds nice though, if problems are avoided this would be nice incentive. Good job.

22-Aug-2014 17:33:18 - Last edited on 22-Aug-2014 17:41:33 by Clifton 7

Big Noob xD

Big Noob xD

Posts: 92 Iron Posts by user Forum Profile RuneMetrics Profile
I think statius,vesta,morrigans and others would be a great thing to be in the store.
They wont how do you say devalue the other items like bandos since they will degrade and should not be tradeble.
Is there no way that you could bring something extra's for the targets to be dropped?
Like its not rlly fun if not since back in the day the fun thing was thinking of w/e your* gonna get from a target.
Make like a random loot with which is rare and will have a loot of points for the shop.

22-Aug-2014 17:34:21

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