I don't have the time at the moment to say much else, but if Dragon Claws return I can tell you four people who will be done with OSRS immediately.
The only issue I've seen with the wilderness from this "07" launch is the amount of people sitting in Edgeville, and the amount of people looking to spec-and-run.
One BH world sounds great, but if that's the only world people go to PvP in general, than gg to the rest of the worlds. Granted, as others have said, barely anyone goes past 20 wilderness anyway.
If there was one thing I'd like to see the BH do, it would be getting players away from their safe-havens and PJing friends, and get them out into the real wilderness where energy runs out and multi-combat areas appear out of the blue.
Lastly, as far as all of the weapons talk goes, perhaps considering re-stating the already implemented weapons could work nicely, as Rune Knifes and other weapons are in play as well - not just Dark Bows and Abyssal Whips.
Rune Javelins, maces, short swords, - In the end, I'd say make sure what you have already is worth having, before deciding to jump onto the bandwagon of new items for new problems.
I recall a wonderful new problem I read about where a bug occurred with old Corp and a clan farmed shields as a 100% drop for 1-2 hours - without a roll-back.
If you can muster a Beta-tasting phase, I'd recommend utilizing it.
Thanks, and have a nice day.
22-Aug-2014 17:10:47