To do with minimum risk, and based on the video I saw from Sparc Mac...
Should be a time you have to wait for a target like in bh worlds with the little circle (for example 15 or 30 minutes, not get them straight away). This will reduce chance of bounty hunter rewards being farmed, and keeping the activity enjoyable.
The risk to get a target should be more than normal, I'd like to say 100K minimum (high alchemy equivalent risk). To prevent one itemers and such collecting bounty hunter targets, and evading them/a form of ragging. Also should be taken into account that some people's risk will change depending whether or not protect item is on, so important that they only gain time whilst they are risking that 100K. If they go to the bank/leave wilderness there should be a 2 minute timer before they lose their target.
The risk is important because it means that everybody pking in the bh world (even if not fighting their target) will be risking enough to make pk'ing profitable again, which is why it is so inactive right now.
24-Aug-2014 18:10:12